Takeshis Ghost Banishing 250216
In the eerie and frostbitten morning at Arkwright Cemetery, Takeshi finds himself unexpectedly facing not merely a couple of spirits but two full ghostly armies emerging to resume their ancient and spectral war, much to his and his companions' surprise. Despite his initial hesitation, considering the overwhelming odds, Takeshi's resolve solidifies, especially in front of Siofra and Liesl. He dives into the chaotic fray with a heroic charge, weapon at the ready. Meanwhile, Siofra, showing discontent with merely spectating, invokes an enchantment that transforms her into a formidable Giant Panda. Liesl, unexpectedly thrown into this havoc, abandons her milkshake to scramble for cover, clutching onto a protective shield amidst the falling ice shards and arcane disturbances, becoming an unintended yet vital moral support.
The battle intensifies as Siofra, now in her panda form, engages directly with the ghostly soldiers, exhibiting both ferocity and supernatural prowess. Takeshi, despite being knocked back multiple times by the spectral forces, repeatedly leaps back into the battle with unyielding determination. Utilizing a unique blend of physical courage and mystical technique, he manages to slice through his adversaries with his blade, even as both he and Siofra face the brunt of powerful elemental attacks from the spectral generals. Amidst this chaotic struggle, Liesl, though primarily trying to keep herself safe behind the largest gravestones, inadvertently draws some attention away from her friends, aiding them in their perilous fight. The climax reveals itself as a cataclysmic clash between the spectral generals, their magic crashing together to create a staggering shockwave, further testing the resolve and endurance of the living among the restless dead.
In the aftermath, as the tumult subsides and the spectral armies dissipate back into the earth, leaving behind a graveyard marked by the scars of their battle, the companions find themselves surviving the ordeal. Takeshi, Siofra, and Liesl, through a combination of valor, supernatural intervention, and a bit of luck, manage to stand their ground against the ancient and otherworldly forces. The battle's end sees Siofra returning to her human form, discussing the ordeal humorously with Takeshi, who is both awed and amused by the day's events. Despite the harrowing experience, the group can find a moment of camaraderie amidst the chaos, having faced down the spectral armies and emerged victoriously.
(Takeshi's ghost banishing)
[Sat Feb 15 2025]
On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery
It is morning, about 25F(-3C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky.
An eerie stillness settles over the graveyard, the fog thickening like an otherworldly veil. The ground trembles, and two ghostly armies surge forth, locked in a battle that defies time. One side, draped in ethereal armor, charges with spectral weapons, while the other hurls crackling bolts of elemental magic. The air is alight with haunting energy as the spirits, long dead, resume their eternal battle, heedless of the living who are caught in their spectral warpath.
Takeshi looks on in surprise as not just a couple spirits but two entire armies flood into the cemetery "EHHH?!" He complains, looking between them and regripping his weapon as if not sure he could fight two whole armies. He looks over his shoulder at Siofra and Liesl for a moment before deciding he couldn't run away in front of those two and charges in weapon held high in the air!
A towering, spectral knight swings his sword at a ghostly conjurer, cutting the arcanist in half and continuing onwards to collide against a gravestone. The collision smashes the gravestone apart, sending shards flying all around dangerously.
"Oh, that's cute." Siofra remarks to the grave yard.
She throws a napkin out in challenge- which is whipped and taken out behind her from the ocean wind. "By the oath of twisted sinew-" She postures, hands layered over one another nobly, chin up, "and the decree of chitinous fate-let fur bristle, bone writhe, and a little pandemonium unrest!"
Liesl stiffens when a spectral battle materializes around them. Squinting, she sidesteps right behind the tallest gravestone. Concern is very evident on her features, eyes growing real wide as she comes to terms with what she's seeing. For probably the first time, Takeshi actually earns some cool points with her when he charges in recklessly. "I thought you said a spirit," she says to someone.
Liesl stiffens when a spectral battle materializes around them. Squinting, she sidesteps right behind the tallest gravestone. Concern is very evident on her features, eyes growing real wide as she comes to terms with what she's seeing. For probably the first time, Takeshi actually earns some cool points with her when he charges in recklessly. "I thought you said a spirit," she says to Domino, who ends up turning into a panda bear. A hushed gasp hitches in her throat.
'Oooww ahh hwwwaahh uh-haahh maaauhh.' Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) says with grandmother wisdom to Liesl, nods, and then lowers down on all fours to crawl beside a gravestone.
Takeshi looks over his shoulder as Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) starts to transform, his eyebrows raising up and a grin spreading over his face "EH?! SUGOI!" He laughs happily in her direction before his attention is quickly captured by an ethereal knight twice his size backhanding a gauntleted fist into the side of his head, sending the boy crashing to the ground!
It looks like he should be down and out from a blow to the head like that, but as he hits the ground Takeshi growls up at the knight and still on his back, brings his hand to the handle of his sheathed nodachi. To normal eyes it would look only like he'd unsheathed the first inch of the blade before pushing it back inside of the sheath, but despite that a sweeping arc of silver crashes through the center of the spectral knight! Cutting it cleanly in half at the waist!
Liesl flattens her back against the cold, uncompromising stone of a headstone, sidling close to Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda), her partner in crime, and now probably de facto guardian. She only has a milkshake in hand, having expected they were going to confront a benign spirit with a oujia board. She exhales a frosty breath and peeks over off to one side, trying to keep tabs on the progress of the battle. Between the spectral mages and armoured warriors, she doesn't know who she should be rooting for.
The air thickens with an unnatural fog as ghostly archers let loose a volley of arrows. The projectiles are swept away by a whirlwind conjured by spectral windcallers, and the gust of wind sends everyone alive flying against tombstones with bone-jarring force.
Magical girl fleshwarped cheshire panda-! ....Peeks over the gravestone, The black patch of white over one eye, the white of black over the other- the contrast for the old western squint and cocked brow she gives to the battleground. From Liesl's point of view, Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) 's looking over the gravestone, slowly gusted off by the wake of some force, and then promptly flung backward- legs stiff like a thrown dog before she crashes easily into a tree trunk.
Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) stands right back up. Falling off of tall trees is a hobby for Pandas.
The tombstone Liesl would be hiding behind would be shattered to rubble as the back of Takeshi crashes into it! The boy landing on the ground besides her with a pained groan. He arcs his back, wincing for the pain as he slowly starts rolling about trying to manage it. Only for a few seconds though before he slaps himself twice on his cheeks and kicks up back to his feet with surprising dexterity! "Don't worry!" He grins over at Liesl "I'm going to cut them all down!" He promises, despite the fact that he was clearly not confident in his ability to actually deliver on that promise.
Liesl was shrewd enough to take cover behind the largest gravestone within their vicinity, huddling behind it and keeping her milkshake close to her face. From a far enough distance, she could have been mistaken as someone with a brightly coloured walkie-talkie. She makes a noise of alarm as Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) is sent flying into a tree, grimacing on impact. "Go on, chivalry," she reminds Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) encouragingly, in a tone that would be more appropriate if she offered a 'Gan-batte' instead. She points back behind her where the battle rages on, Takeshi struggling to contain the forces, only for the guy to come and destroy her cover. She commences with plan B, which is scrambling for the next tombstone nearby. "I need my Excalibur," she complains lamely.
The air thickens with an unnatural fog as ghostly archers let loose a volley of arrows. The projectiles are swept away by a whirlwind conjured by spectral windcallers, and the gust of wind sends everyone alive flying against tombstones with bone-jarring force.
Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) rises lazily, lumbering back with a walk rather than a charge. She chuffs, throws a paw towards the fight and opening her mouth in a complaining, 'AUUUUUUuuUUhhh!' to Liesl before she digs her claws into the ground to keep from being completely smacked against the tree.
Then lazy is gone. A black heartbeat quickens behind the thin fur, the dull glow of her spine a torchlight in the fog as she sprints out on two legs before falling on all fours and lumbering into the thick of the fight!
Takeshi had been charging forwards, trying to get back into the fray, but before he can reach the front lines once again he's hurled back by another volley of wind! "HEY!" He barks, in annoyance, at the wind mages "I WANNA FIGHT TOO!" He complains, managing to twist about in the air enough to land in a crouch this time, scrambling up out of the crouch as he starts sprinting back towards the front lines, falling in line with Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) as he joins her in her roar, waving his sword about in the air as he lets out a "SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" of his own!
Liesl abandons her milkshake after making it halfway to the next tombstone to hide behind. If anything, she is at least making herself a potential target for some of the ghostly contendors, drawing their attention from Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) or Takeshi. A few of the archers sent arrows after her, each fletching narrowly missing her by a hair before she made it to the next base of cover. She leaves all of the fighting for the odd combatants, the familiar chime of MyHaven notifying her that someone just matched her ringing out across the battlefield. She ignores it in favour of preserving her existence.
The air thickens with an unnatural fog as ghostly archers let loose a volley of arrows. The projectiles are swept away by a whirlwind conjured by spectral windcallers, and the gust of wind sends everyone alive flying against tombstones with bone-jarring force.
Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) is prepared this time. There are only so many buffets of wind one can take before they come wise. She races ahead of the archers, between the windcallers, and then pivots back as the surf comes to throw her ahead at them. Ribbons whipping- they latch onto a tombstone and sling shot her to skid along the ground and pounce at the ghostly bowmen.
Takeshi seeing the wind spirits start to summon up their wind again, Takeshi is determined to not get blown back a third time in a row! Glowering he dashes over to Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda), reaching her just before the wind hits them as he launches himself onto her back, taking full fistfulls of fur as he flattens himself on the much larger creature's back, figuring she had a better chance of not getting hurled through the air than he did!
He holds on tight as Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) maneuvers through the formations like an action hero, Takeshi cackling loud as his (perhaps unwilling) steed carries him to the front lines, sitting up on her back now as he brings his sword over his shoulder like a baseball bat, swinging it hard into the bowmen as Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) crashes into them!
A group of ethereal berserkers charge, only to be met by a rain of icy shards summoned by frost mancers. The temperature plummets, and living breath freezes in the air, while ice forms treacherous patches beneath the feet, threatening to send everyone sprawling upon the ground.
Liesl exhales a cold, misty breath, slumping into the base of the headstone she's taking cover from behind, a few ethereal arrows whistling over her head, the wails of the forgotten and misbegotten echoing around them. The sound of metal clatters nearby, and her sights train on the source: one of the warrior's shields has landed near her. Like any proper kleptomaniac, she scoots closer and closer towards it, with the intent of claiming it for her own. Extending an arm for it, she manages to drag it towards her, gripping it between her arms. She could not have picked a better time to find something to defend herself with, as the icy shards plummet all across the cemetery, aimed right above her head. Raising her newly acquired shield, she holds it right over her head, managing to keep herself safe from the worst of the ice that shatters around her.
Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) cackles.
A disturbingly human noise, unwarranted to communicate through the animal kingdom- one built on body language and calls. And so, to any other Panda, this animal call is one of savage flippancy- screamed in delight.
Paws with claws scramble only a little as she grabs a berserker by the back- helps him up, to the man's raging confusion, and then chivalrously dispatches him with a bite and a violent, laughing shake of her neck and twin spines pouncing into his shoulders, ripping through his insides.
Takeshi starts sweeping his blade through the air as shards start to rain down onto them, rolling out a long "Yahhhhh!" As each of the shards explodes into sparkling dust with his repeated sweeping moments, covering for the both of them! As the shards stop he hops to his feet, pressing both to the back of Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) as he launches off her into a front flip that crashes him into the lines of bowmen, turning into a flailing, flurrying cyclone of those same silver arcs as they blast out in every direction from him, his blade moving too fast to be seen!
"Hey! Lady!" He calls over to Liesl as he slices through the ranks "You okay?!"
Two spectral generals lock eyes from across the battlefield as their armies collide in a chaotic whirlwind of steel and spell. One of them has a blade wreathed in fire; the other conjures a vertex of ice-cold magic around him - their collision sends a shockwave rippling through the graveyard that knocks everyone off their feet and cracks all nearby gravestones right in half.
Liesl emerges from behind the gravestone, lugging a big old shield of indecipherable make -- it's hard to tell what it was once made of, as it's glowing an ethereal blue, but it was probably a viking's wooden round shield once upon a time. She clutches the thing in both of her hands, bracing it against her chest while she stares into the distance, just barely making out Takeshi and someone throughout the ensuing chaos. She doesn't hear Takeshi calling out to her, but her silhouette peeking over one of the gravestones is enough assurance that for now, she's a-okay, playing the part as morale support for the two doing the heavy lifting.
Liesl emerges from behind the gravestone, lugging a big old shield of indecipherable make -- it's hard to tell what it was once made of, as it's glowing an ethereal blue, but it was probably a viking's wooden round shield once upon a time. She clutches the thing in both of her hands, bracing it against her chest while she stares into the distance, just barely making out Takeshi and Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) throughout the ensuing chaos. She doesn't hear Takeshi calling out to her, but her silhouette peeking over one of the gravestones is enough assurance that for now, she's a-okay, playing the part as morale support for the two doing the heavy lifting.
The impact of the shockwave metes out upon Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) 's loose skin. A rip as it cuts open a red line along her stomach- one quickly sealed by the two ribbons shunting into each split side and then sewing them like a vacuum seal together.
'Uuaaahh maaaah!' She catches at Liesl in one eye, barks, and then lumbers back to dive behind the shortened gravestone.
Takeshi 's head snaps to the side as he hears the impact of the two general's attacks, turning to face them as he tracks the shockwave blitzing across the battefield towards him! He growls under his breath almost as if he saw the shockwave as a challenge! He takes a grounded stance and lifts his blade high up into the air before slamming it back down into the shockwave with a loud shout!
Of course, this ends about as well as you might expect, and Takeshi is hurled through the air yet again before slamming back down into the ground next to Siofra and Liesl with a pained 'OOF'
Siofra's fur recedes, as does the rest of her body, shrink rapping and shedding shape as the old skin comes back from the new. A face with wide lips, expressively centering, and two eyes twice that of normal, blink to the side at Liesl. "Howya? Hand's ritual's about t'be done. Feck that- I'm liable t'die out there."
"Since when you become panda?!" Takeshi demands Siofra with a smile full of boyish excitement on his face!
Siofra's ribbons strap over her breasts to 'cover' her nudity like suspenders. It remains to be seen if it is more lurid that her breasts are squished yet black-tips covered, or if it's moreso when she tests the glowing suspenders tensile strength.
"Since two- t-ree days ago when I was waking up in Memoria chowin' on Toni's edibles with that Beth lady!"
A sudden gust of wind sweeps through the graveyard, scattering the remnants of battle - ashes, shattered stones, and burned foliage - until all that's left is an unsettling calm. The ghostly combatants begin to falter, their spectral forms flickering like dying embers. One by one, they retreat into the earth, their energy spent, until the graveyard is once again quiet.
The battle intensifies as Siofra, now in her panda form, engages directly with the ghostly soldiers, exhibiting both ferocity and supernatural prowess. Takeshi, despite being knocked back multiple times by the spectral forces, repeatedly leaps back into the battle with unyielding determination. Utilizing a unique blend of physical courage and mystical technique, he manages to slice through his adversaries with his blade, even as both he and Siofra face the brunt of powerful elemental attacks from the spectral generals. Amidst this chaotic struggle, Liesl, though primarily trying to keep herself safe behind the largest gravestones, inadvertently draws some attention away from her friends, aiding them in their perilous fight. The climax reveals itself as a cataclysmic clash between the spectral generals, their magic crashing together to create a staggering shockwave, further testing the resolve and endurance of the living among the restless dead.
In the aftermath, as the tumult subsides and the spectral armies dissipate back into the earth, leaving behind a graveyard marked by the scars of their battle, the companions find themselves surviving the ordeal. Takeshi, Siofra, and Liesl, through a combination of valor, supernatural intervention, and a bit of luck, manage to stand their ground against the ancient and otherworldly forces. The battle's end sees Siofra returning to her human form, discussing the ordeal humorously with Takeshi, who is both awed and amused by the day's events. Despite the harrowing experience, the group can find a moment of camaraderie amidst the chaos, having faced down the spectral armies and emerged victoriously.
(Takeshi's ghost banishing)
[Sat Feb 15 2025]
On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery
It is morning, about 25F(-3C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky.
An eerie stillness settles over the graveyard, the fog thickening like an otherworldly veil. The ground trembles, and two ghostly armies surge forth, locked in a battle that defies time. One side, draped in ethereal armor, charges with spectral weapons, while the other hurls crackling bolts of elemental magic. The air is alight with haunting energy as the spirits, long dead, resume their eternal battle, heedless of the living who are caught in their spectral warpath.
Takeshi looks on in surprise as not just a couple spirits but two entire armies flood into the cemetery "EHHH?!" He complains, looking between them and regripping his weapon as if not sure he could fight two whole armies. He looks over his shoulder at Siofra and Liesl for a moment before deciding he couldn't run away in front of those two and charges in weapon held high in the air!
A towering, spectral knight swings his sword at a ghostly conjurer, cutting the arcanist in half and continuing onwards to collide against a gravestone. The collision smashes the gravestone apart, sending shards flying all around dangerously.
"Oh, that's cute." Siofra remarks to the grave yard.
She throws a napkin out in challenge- which is whipped and taken out behind her from the ocean wind. "By the oath of twisted sinew-" She postures, hands layered over one another nobly, chin up, "and the decree of chitinous fate-let fur bristle, bone writhe, and a little pandemonium unrest!"
Liesl stiffens when a spectral battle materializes around them. Squinting, she sidesteps right behind the tallest gravestone. Concern is very evident on her features, eyes growing real wide as she comes to terms with what she's seeing. For probably the first time, Takeshi actually earns some cool points with her when he charges in recklessly. "I thought you said a spirit," she says to someone.
Liesl stiffens when a spectral battle materializes around them. Squinting, she sidesteps right behind the tallest gravestone. Concern is very evident on her features, eyes growing real wide as she comes to terms with what she's seeing. For probably the first time, Takeshi actually earns some cool points with her when he charges in recklessly. "I thought you said a spirit," she says to Domino, who ends up turning into a panda bear. A hushed gasp hitches in her throat.
'Oooww ahh hwwwaahh uh-haahh maaauhh.' Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) says with grandmother wisdom to Liesl, nods, and then lowers down on all fours to crawl beside a gravestone.
Takeshi looks over his shoulder as Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) starts to transform, his eyebrows raising up and a grin spreading over his face "EH?! SUGOI!" He laughs happily in her direction before his attention is quickly captured by an ethereal knight twice his size backhanding a gauntleted fist into the side of his head, sending the boy crashing to the ground!
It looks like he should be down and out from a blow to the head like that, but as he hits the ground Takeshi growls up at the knight and still on his back, brings his hand to the handle of his sheathed nodachi. To normal eyes it would look only like he'd unsheathed the first inch of the blade before pushing it back inside of the sheath, but despite that a sweeping arc of silver crashes through the center of the spectral knight! Cutting it cleanly in half at the waist!
Liesl flattens her back against the cold, uncompromising stone of a headstone, sidling close to Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda), her partner in crime, and now probably de facto guardian. She only has a milkshake in hand, having expected they were going to confront a benign spirit with a oujia board. She exhales a frosty breath and peeks over off to one side, trying to keep tabs on the progress of the battle. Between the spectral mages and armoured warriors, she doesn't know who she should be rooting for.
The air thickens with an unnatural fog as ghostly archers let loose a volley of arrows. The projectiles are swept away by a whirlwind conjured by spectral windcallers, and the gust of wind sends everyone alive flying against tombstones with bone-jarring force.
Magical girl fleshwarped cheshire panda-! ....Peeks over the gravestone, The black patch of white over one eye, the white of black over the other- the contrast for the old western squint and cocked brow she gives to the battleground. From Liesl's point of view, Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) 's looking over the gravestone, slowly gusted off by the wake of some force, and then promptly flung backward- legs stiff like a thrown dog before she crashes easily into a tree trunk.
Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) stands right back up. Falling off of tall trees is a hobby for Pandas.
The tombstone Liesl would be hiding behind would be shattered to rubble as the back of Takeshi crashes into it! The boy landing on the ground besides her with a pained groan. He arcs his back, wincing for the pain as he slowly starts rolling about trying to manage it. Only for a few seconds though before he slaps himself twice on his cheeks and kicks up back to his feet with surprising dexterity! "Don't worry!" He grins over at Liesl "I'm going to cut them all down!" He promises, despite the fact that he was clearly not confident in his ability to actually deliver on that promise.
Liesl was shrewd enough to take cover behind the largest gravestone within their vicinity, huddling behind it and keeping her milkshake close to her face. From a far enough distance, she could have been mistaken as someone with a brightly coloured walkie-talkie. She makes a noise of alarm as Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) is sent flying into a tree, grimacing on impact. "Go on, chivalry," she reminds Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) encouragingly, in a tone that would be more appropriate if she offered a 'Gan-batte' instead. She points back behind her where the battle rages on, Takeshi struggling to contain the forces, only for the guy to come and destroy her cover. She commences with plan B, which is scrambling for the next tombstone nearby. "I need my Excalibur," she complains lamely.
The air thickens with an unnatural fog as ghostly archers let loose a volley of arrows. The projectiles are swept away by a whirlwind conjured by spectral windcallers, and the gust of wind sends everyone alive flying against tombstones with bone-jarring force.
Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) rises lazily, lumbering back with a walk rather than a charge. She chuffs, throws a paw towards the fight and opening her mouth in a complaining, 'AUUUUUUuuUUhhh!' to Liesl before she digs her claws into the ground to keep from being completely smacked against the tree.
Then lazy is gone. A black heartbeat quickens behind the thin fur, the dull glow of her spine a torchlight in the fog as she sprints out on two legs before falling on all fours and lumbering into the thick of the fight!
Takeshi had been charging forwards, trying to get back into the fray, but before he can reach the front lines once again he's hurled back by another volley of wind! "HEY!" He barks, in annoyance, at the wind mages "I WANNA FIGHT TOO!" He complains, managing to twist about in the air enough to land in a crouch this time, scrambling up out of the crouch as he starts sprinting back towards the front lines, falling in line with Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) as he joins her in her roar, waving his sword about in the air as he lets out a "SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" of his own!
Liesl abandons her milkshake after making it halfway to the next tombstone to hide behind. If anything, she is at least making herself a potential target for some of the ghostly contendors, drawing their attention from Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) or Takeshi. A few of the archers sent arrows after her, each fletching narrowly missing her by a hair before she made it to the next base of cover. She leaves all of the fighting for the odd combatants, the familiar chime of MyHaven notifying her that someone just matched her ringing out across the battlefield. She ignores it in favour of preserving her existence.
The air thickens with an unnatural fog as ghostly archers let loose a volley of arrows. The projectiles are swept away by a whirlwind conjured by spectral windcallers, and the gust of wind sends everyone alive flying against tombstones with bone-jarring force.
Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) is prepared this time. There are only so many buffets of wind one can take before they come wise. She races ahead of the archers, between the windcallers, and then pivots back as the surf comes to throw her ahead at them. Ribbons whipping- they latch onto a tombstone and sling shot her to skid along the ground and pounce at the ghostly bowmen.
Takeshi seeing the wind spirits start to summon up their wind again, Takeshi is determined to not get blown back a third time in a row! Glowering he dashes over to Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda), reaching her just before the wind hits them as he launches himself onto her back, taking full fistfulls of fur as he flattens himself on the much larger creature's back, figuring she had a better chance of not getting hurled through the air than he did!
He holds on tight as Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) maneuvers through the formations like an action hero, Takeshi cackling loud as his (perhaps unwilling) steed carries him to the front lines, sitting up on her back now as he brings his sword over his shoulder like a baseball bat, swinging it hard into the bowmen as Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) crashes into them!
A group of ethereal berserkers charge, only to be met by a rain of icy shards summoned by frost mancers. The temperature plummets, and living breath freezes in the air, while ice forms treacherous patches beneath the feet, threatening to send everyone sprawling upon the ground.
Liesl exhales a cold, misty breath, slumping into the base of the headstone she's taking cover from behind, a few ethereal arrows whistling over her head, the wails of the forgotten and misbegotten echoing around them. The sound of metal clatters nearby, and her sights train on the source: one of the warrior's shields has landed near her. Like any proper kleptomaniac, she scoots closer and closer towards it, with the intent of claiming it for her own. Extending an arm for it, she manages to drag it towards her, gripping it between her arms. She could not have picked a better time to find something to defend herself with, as the icy shards plummet all across the cemetery, aimed right above her head. Raising her newly acquired shield, she holds it right over her head, managing to keep herself safe from the worst of the ice that shatters around her.
Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) cackles.
A disturbingly human noise, unwarranted to communicate through the animal kingdom- one built on body language and calls. And so, to any other Panda, this animal call is one of savage flippancy- screamed in delight.
Paws with claws scramble only a little as she grabs a berserker by the back- helps him up, to the man's raging confusion, and then chivalrously dispatches him with a bite and a violent, laughing shake of her neck and twin spines pouncing into his shoulders, ripping through his insides.
Takeshi starts sweeping his blade through the air as shards start to rain down onto them, rolling out a long "Yahhhhh!" As each of the shards explodes into sparkling dust with his repeated sweeping moments, covering for the both of them! As the shards stop he hops to his feet, pressing both to the back of Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) as he launches off her into a front flip that crashes him into the lines of bowmen, turning into a flailing, flurrying cyclone of those same silver arcs as they blast out in every direction from him, his blade moving too fast to be seen!
"Hey! Lady!" He calls over to Liesl as he slices through the ranks "You okay?!"
Two spectral generals lock eyes from across the battlefield as their armies collide in a chaotic whirlwind of steel and spell. One of them has a blade wreathed in fire; the other conjures a vertex of ice-cold magic around him - their collision sends a shockwave rippling through the graveyard that knocks everyone off their feet and cracks all nearby gravestones right in half.
Liesl emerges from behind the gravestone, lugging a big old shield of indecipherable make -- it's hard to tell what it was once made of, as it's glowing an ethereal blue, but it was probably a viking's wooden round shield once upon a time. She clutches the thing in both of her hands, bracing it against her chest while she stares into the distance, just barely making out Takeshi and someone throughout the ensuing chaos. She doesn't hear Takeshi calling out to her, but her silhouette peeking over one of the gravestones is enough assurance that for now, she's a-okay, playing the part as morale support for the two doing the heavy lifting.
Liesl emerges from behind the gravestone, lugging a big old shield of indecipherable make -- it's hard to tell what it was once made of, as it's glowing an ethereal blue, but it was probably a viking's wooden round shield once upon a time. She clutches the thing in both of her hands, bracing it against her chest while she stares into the distance, just barely making out Takeshi and Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) throughout the ensuing chaos. She doesn't hear Takeshi calling out to her, but her silhouette peeking over one of the gravestones is enough assurance that for now, she's a-okay, playing the part as morale support for the two doing the heavy lifting.
The impact of the shockwave metes out upon Siofra(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, or Giant Panda) 's loose skin. A rip as it cuts open a red line along her stomach- one quickly sealed by the two ribbons shunting into each split side and then sewing them like a vacuum seal together.
'Uuaaahh maaaah!' She catches at Liesl in one eye, barks, and then lumbers back to dive behind the shortened gravestone.
Takeshi 's head snaps to the side as he hears the impact of the two general's attacks, turning to face them as he tracks the shockwave blitzing across the battefield towards him! He growls under his breath almost as if he saw the shockwave as a challenge! He takes a grounded stance and lifts his blade high up into the air before slamming it back down into the shockwave with a loud shout!
Of course, this ends about as well as you might expect, and Takeshi is hurled through the air yet again before slamming back down into the ground next to Siofra and Liesl with a pained 'OOF'
Siofra's fur recedes, as does the rest of her body, shrink rapping and shedding shape as the old skin comes back from the new. A face with wide lips, expressively centering, and two eyes twice that of normal, blink to the side at Liesl. "Howya? Hand's ritual's about t'be done. Feck that- I'm liable t'die out there."
"Since when you become panda?!" Takeshi demands Siofra with a smile full of boyish excitement on his face!
Siofra's ribbons strap over her breasts to 'cover' her nudity like suspenders. It remains to be seen if it is more lurid that her breasts are squished yet black-tips covered, or if it's moreso when she tests the glowing suspenders tensile strength.
"Since two- t-ree days ago when I was waking up in Memoria chowin' on Toni's edibles with that Beth lady!"
A sudden gust of wind sweeps through the graveyard, scattering the remnants of battle - ashes, shattered stones, and burned foliage - until all that's left is an unsettling calm. The ghostly combatants begin to falter, their spectral forms flickering like dying embers. One by one, they retreat into the earth, their energy spent, until the graveyard is once again quiet.