\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Victorias Decursing Attempt 250221

Victorias Decursing Attempt 250221

(Victoria's decursing attempt)

[Thu Feb 20 2025]

On Warden's Way Piercing the Wood to Reveal the White Oak Institute
Smooth asphalt roads continue through this part of town, bordered on either side by well maintained concrete sidewalks. Where the street is widest small median islands appear with old twisted trees planted in them. The buildings that line the street seem quaint, but well maintained.
It is afternoon, about 20F(-6C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey clouds in the sky.

Novel stares at someone for a long moment, leaning back against his car. "See the what? Toni's expedition isn't until later. And Ben's stuff is all over, isn't it?" His brow furrows. And then there's a SNAP around his wrist. He sighs.

Novel stares at Siofra for a long moment, leaning back against his car. "See the what? Toni's expedition isn't until later. And Ben's stuff is all over, isn't it?" His brow furrows. And then there's a SNAP around his wrist. He sighs.

Novel says "I JUST woke up."
Siofra slips into her car and makes a few more messages. "That's a dread shame, there. I've got g'wan and get the Lisa fer pizza."

"Sid's had his phone privileges revoked for a little while," Colton says, reaching up to run his fingers through his hair. "Lot of students don't realise what they're signing over to the college when they enrol. It is what it is."

Novel knocks it back and then immediately spits it all out, splattering it all over the grass. "Fuck off, who made this? How long has this shit been sitting? It's like someone jizzed in a glass and mixed it with carbonated water."

"Since yesterday. New bartender," Victoria smirks wryly to Novel.

Siofra says "Is that LISA?"
Novel says "Well, the next time they try and make a drink break their fingers."
Siofra tries to make her face sour for Colton 's approach, but she's not great at prolonged frowning.

Novel snorts a laugh at Colton's words.

Victoria stucks her tongue out at Colton. "My drinks are lovely, thank you very much."

Victoria sticks, too.

Victoria says "I'm off to do...something somewhere."
Colton says "I also am off."
"Well, so am I," Carla remarks to nobody in particular and continues along.

Novel waves at someone

Novel saunters on over towards the bar, his booted feet thumping along.

Siofra bounces in on arching ankles, "Alright- she's comin'. I think that Giovanni's is the place?"

"Right, maybe I'll catch Sam when he wakes," Victoria muses. "Drink?" she asks Castiel, wiggling fingers at Novel and Siofra's arrival.

Siofra scoffs lovingly at her phone. "The dear wants to celebrate Christmas with the pizza party."

Siofra says "Feck eht, why not?"
"I'll pass, thank you." Castiel tells Victoria quietly as he too slides onto a stool - with his arms down on the bartop, half-folded. "Feel free to drink as you like, however."

"If I drink, who's going to drive?" Victoria grins to Castiel. "If I drink how I'd like, I mean." There's a distinct look of amusement to her features, and she promptly tips a glass to her lips.

Jodie makes her way over to the bar where people seem to have gathered. She pauses before taking a seat, lifts an arm and cranes her neck to sniff as if she detects something undesirable to the nose. Its not her because a moment later she looks aside to Novel and teases him, "Oh hey Novel."

"I'll figure something out." Castiel answers rather flatly, while his eyes are directed down upon the counter. A flick of his finger scratches at the wood in some quiet measure of idleness.

Jodie eyes the bracelet briefly but shows no recognition for its significance. Instead she looks over to give Victoria an upnod and then look past her to Siofra and finally Castiel, the latter gets a little furrow of her brow but she doesn't mention anything.

Victoria waves her fingertips at Jodie, returning the gesture. "What is that, anyway?" she wrinkles her nose at Novel.

"It locked onto his wrist in the clinic parking lot." Siofra remarks to her phone.

Siofra says "Now I've got to text Hand to come in and hypno-feck everyone that's in the arcade to forgetting what's going on."
For several seconds the room grows painfully cold.
It takes a moment for the temperature to seep into Siofra 's skin. She blinks down at the puff of white air released from her nose, cocking her head. Then hitches her shoulders with a hiss like a steam engine as the cold begins to bite.

"God Novel, did you get me into magic?" Victoria sighs out, looking momentarily sick. "Where do you even get these things?"

"Well," Novel mentions as the temperature suddenly drops, the windows frosting over. "It's a bone necklace," He provides un-helpfully to Victoria with a faint smile, gradually dancing it across his fingers. "Usually I just fucking scream at them loudly but we're kind of-" He gestures vaguely, to indicate the crowd as a whole and the fact his normal practice might attract undue attention. "See? Castiel's got it." He flashes a grin at Castiel. "I dunno, Victoria. I see shiny shit and pick it up. Sometimes it just appears on me."

Jodie rubs her face tiredly and groans, "All I wanted was a drink, not something from Novel's bag of goodies." she slouches with terrible posture and makes no move to order a drink, instead she glances over her shoulder to the door as if to contemplate going back the way she came.

The cold that spreads, it shows itself in the breath Castiel expels. A slight descent of misting air that roils with so much heat that there might as well be a furnace within Castiel. All the reply to it, once Siofra has at least decreed she'll handle the fallout of handling the mundanes, is a lift of his hand. Castiel's fingers snap, and heat grows from the tips of each digit that culminate in a lick of fire. A silent explosion that erupts above, and rains across the whole place in a slow descent of flickering embers like a miniature firework, instilling warmth with it, albeit of an infernal, deeply-seated sort.

"Such is the issue," Victoria mutters toward Novel, running her hand through her hair. "Drawn to ...shiny shit."

"It's a state of mind." Siofra pokes her noggin' quickly before her arms return to her side. She stands out of her seat to find the comfort zone of hell's hot and the cursed cold.

By this point, it's a little more of the former, however.

The whole room shakes.
Siofra sets on her tip-toes to look into the arcade like kidnapper. "Just two weens and an older man. Mmhm. Grand, bye-bye."

Jodie is seated so when the room shakes, she just holds onto the bar and stays on her stool. "For fucks sake." she grumbles, giving Novel a look. "Strap that bracelet to your dick and go fuck yourself yeah?"

"Too bad, Jodie. You've just gotten onto Novel's Wild Ride. Though you can-" Novel is interrupted by watching Castiel do the thing with his flames, looking up and admiring it. "Neat." And much like other wild rides, this one has some shakes, his free left hand slapping down to grasp onto his barstool and hold himself there firmly in place as people inside start to look around nervously while all the arcade machines nearby flash TILT angrily, simultaneously, flashing reds and blacks and yellows. He produces a low laugh at Victoria.

Novel suddenly looks deeply, deeply contemplative at Jodie's words. Whatever he's thinking is probably depraved and deeply concerning.

"Novel.." Victoria sighs out, with a grip on the bar that leaves her knuckles white. "As fun as this is..." She narrows her eyes at him, managing to tilt back another swallow of whiskey. "Bone isn't even shiny," she complains.

There isn't a single ounce of lost balance upon Castiel even as the whole room shakes. He sits still as he is, like an immovable force, or something as light as a feather. However, a pair that seems just about ready to get knocked asunder by one of those angrily flashing arcade machines and smushed into the wall like a fine paste is given a helping hand. Castiel's uplifted hand, elbow down, flicks a few digits aside, and the machine propels as if swatted by an unseen force back whence it came. Only then he lays his hand back down, half-folded over the counter, watching both Novel and his trinket with half-lidded and completely fixated eyes.

An arc of lightning blasts out of the artifact to strike Jodie, sending her flying.

Siofra yelps, holding her hand over her head as Jodie is turned into a projectile by a crack of energy.

Jodie didn't deserve it. She wasn't helping. She isn't an arcanist and she didn't have any funny ideas about that bracelet but still a bolt of lightning arcs out, blasting her off her stool and halfway across the room on her ass. She comes to stop on her back, staring at the ceiling. Conscious. Not seriously wounded but still in a state of 'what the fuck just happened.'

"You're right, Victoria. It's ugly. The necklace is hideous and terrible." Novel agrees with Victoria as a terribly gleeful smile spreads across his features at the sudden CRACK radiating out from the necklace, flat in presentation upon his palms. He laughs. "It'd look better with some chrome over it, don't you think? Or maybe nailed to something. Or someone. And hey, I can't help it I always find the cool stuff."

Novel keeps it fully on display for Castiel's attention, flattening his hand on the bar.

"Something or someone better be you," Victoria sniffs, recoiling slightly before turning to offer Jodie a hand. "You good?"

Liesl offers a customary knock to the door of a public venue before showing herself in, and then immediately gravitates over towards the bar to join the gang, favouring someone' proximity.

Liesl offers a customary knock to the door of a public venue before showing herself in, and then immediately gravitates over towards the bar to join the gang, favouring Siofra's proximity, likely to get appraised of the situation.

Jodie takes Victoria's hand and heafs herself up to her feet, there is a smoking section of her leather jacket that she pats down, the clothing is already worn out so it doesn't look that much different,, "God damn, I think I just experienced what its like to fuck Novel. A half second of excitement followed by me staring at the ceiling not knowing why I even showed up."

A man in a suit, tossing pink putty idly between his hands comes over to squint at Liesl, then notes the broader response of the group to her presence and decides she is not a target for forgetfulness. He makes an exit, holding down the entrance to flip the sign 'CLOSED'.

Siofra pulls herself on a stool to her feet, both palms pressed down and panting on a hard-day's work of phone calling. "Howya, Lisa?"

Unlike with a lot of other things, the lightning spewing arcs are not what Castiel spends his energy on helping. He's as pleased as a cat, one that sits still to watch the chaos - bearing a near cheshire smile. One that is entirely perfect, yet so very perfectly cruel beneath the look of his eyes.

Blinking as he enters, Phoenix looks over at the large group of individuals situated at the bar and begins to head over, slipping around and offering a wave.

"I mean, I could. Imagine me spewing lighting everywhere for fun," Novel lazily drawls back to Victoria and giving Jodie a lazy smile. "Yeah, I usually lose interest pretty fast if the girl doesn't start screaming. It is what it is. Tend to only fuck skinny chicks if they give me a bunch of drugs too." There's an idle twisting of his fingers around the necklace, the click-clack of bone as he makes it sing.

"I thought we were going to have a pizza party," Liesl remarks, gravely disappointed. She slides over a stool and twists around, back to the bar for a better view of the action, though she hardly pays much attention to the task at hand, too much for her to keep track of. Instead she lends a slow sweep of her gaze to pick out the familiar and unfamiliar faces swimming about her field of vision.

With a final burst of power the curse on a bone necklace is broken.