\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Playerlogs/Battle With Amara 240604

Battle With Amara 240604

The night battle on the Windtorn Bluffs above Haven saw a group of formidable warriors face off against Amara, an Ascended Primordial. With the temperature high and under a waning crescent moon, tensions flared as Magnus, in his bear form, charged at Amara with a roar, setting the tone for the skirmish. Harriet, armed with her rifle, and Peyton, wielding fiery magic, joined the fray, showcasing their determination to protect their world from what they perceived as a significant threat. Despite Amara's pleas for a more honorable conflict, stating her purpose was not to harm but to prepare them for an impending challenge, the battle intensified. Miscommunication among the allies led to Autumn's pet, Ifrit, being accidentally shot down, adding to the chaos.

As the fight progressed, Amara seemed more resigned than aggressive, emphasizing the importance of unity against future adversities. Her calm demeanor in combat, coupled with acknowledgments of the group's potential, hinted at her underlying intentions. Nonetheless, the warriors, fueled by determination and a sense of duty, worked together to overpower her. Autumn, wielding a blade glowing with rage, was specifically commended by Amara, who offered her own blade in recognition of Autumn's prowess. Towards the climax, Amara's acceptance of their strength and her ominious warning about her "second coming" being worse reflected a test rather than an outright invasion. The battle ended with the group's tacit understanding that more significant challenges lay ahead, emphasizing unity and strength in the face of unknown threats.
(Battle with Amara)

[Mon Jun 3 2024]

Climbing the Windtorn Bluffs High above Haven

It is night, about 90F(32C) degrees, There is a waning crescent moon.

Magnus(Bear) roars out a challenge as he charges forward and attempts to maul Amara.

Amara sighs wearily. "I am here to prepare you all, can we not fight honorably? Or must I remove limbs first?"

Harriet declares, "There is no need for limb losing," to Amara.

Magnus(Bear) huffs as he wipes with his lang, sharp limbs.

"Then, retreat and return with respect." Amara explains

Harriet says "We can see you."
Harriet says "Two to three hours, Iakres."
Ryan says "Aaaugh! "
"I've seen you before," Autumn tells Amara while A glowing salamander with fiery wings appears from the black smoke. "We have no choice but to deal with you, as we see you as threat to our world. If we let you go, someone else will use you if you wake up."

Harriet says "We are fighting her currently, yes, on the bluffs to the west before the bridge."
Amara's blade cuts down harsh against the staff. "I am not here to harm this world. I am here to assess and prepare. But if you stop my noble duty, I shall take matters into my own hand."

Magnus(Bear) roars into Amara's face, mauling her with his large paws.

Harriet keeps her rifle up, shooting at Amara from where she keeps a safe enough distance while Magnus(Bear) seems to want to be butt up against her.

Peyton circles with flame dripping from her manicured fingertips, flinging balls of hellfire as she ducks back.

Harriet peers through the scope of her rifle, readying her next shot at Amara.

Harriet calls to Martin, "You are shooting at our ally!"

Martin says "Well- fuck me."
Autumn says "Ifrit, noooo!"
Amara(Ascended Primordial) lets out a howl. "Very well! Let's see if your power is enough!" She bellows.

Harriet says "West of Franklin Bridge on the southside."
Harriet says "So far!"
Martin says "Whoever I shot earlier, sound off. If I didn't put you under I'll try and patch you up."
Ryan says "It was Ifrit, Autumn's pet."
Martin says "Ah. We'll manage. Sorry, Autumn."
Pursing her lips upon her familiar being shot down, Autumn grips the handle of her blade as she turns to charge. "Things happen," she mutters.

Ryan says "I'm hurting!"
Martin says "We are wearing it down, doing great, team."
Harriet asks, "Can you get to me, Ryan?"

Magnus(Bear) bellows out a challenge to Amara(Ascended Primordial) as it rumbles up on it's hind legs, coming down as it thunders towards the abomination.

Ryan says "I can try!"
Martin says "No need to be sorry, you made a common mistake and learned a valuable lesson, better it happens now than a more critical time."
Viktorin grunts, "Well. This is certainly something to return to."

Martin says "Does anyone need patching up?"
Ryan says "I do, a little."
Martin says "I am on it."
All four powerful legs of Magnus(Bear) are kicking up gravel as the beast is in hot pursuit of Amara(Ascended Primordial).

Harriet tends to Ryan quickly.

Amara(Ascended Primordial) flails out, but there's no rage, or anger. A talented fighter, but a sense of calm, and relaxation. She pursues her query, but tilts, striking out at Autumn. She turns and pushes back the bear with a show of force, but nods.

Amara nods gently to the assembled. "Perhaps if you can join together like this, there is hope for you yet to survive what is coming."

Martin says "It took quite the effort but, hey, thanks."
A mouthful of spittle comes out of Magnus(Bear) as his large paws slash and batter Amara, his mouth open in a rumbling roar right in her face.

Amara chuckles. "My second coming...will be worse," she admits. "Please, show no hesitation."

Martin says "Bring it on."
Viktorin confusedly asks, "What's she talking about?"

Amara says "The end, surely you have felt its coming?"
Autumn glances at the large sword that is left on the ground before she charges at Amara. "Perhaps," she replies while she strikes. "We have defeated strong enemies before."

Martin says "She's trying to hit our morale, Vik, just keep shooting."
Ryan says "I'm married, bitch. I got a whole lift ahead of me, my dude! You can like...beat it or something."
"Not really the time to listen to this tripe," Jayanth comments drily, readjusting the rifle and taking aim again. "fucking kill it."

Ryan says "Bro, we've been trying, my man."
Martin says "Not like that is what we have been trying to do for the past ten minutes, hah."
Swiping and bashing, Magnus(Bear) is has harried Amara back as he continues to maul her.

Viktorin says "My morale? How? I'm pissed right now. "
Martin says "Anger clouds your judgment and strategical abilities but, honestly? You can not really fuck up in this situation. It is just us, our guns, and one tango."
Peyton lifts her iPhone up to snap a quick selfie, #monsterhunting, before she tucks her phone into the waistband of her shorts and goes back to flinging fireballs, skipping a few steps to the left to get a better angle as she keeps her peppy barrage up.

With her khopesh, Autumn swings and strikes against Amara with no rest.

"The safeword is 'police brutality'!" Martin quotes enthusiastically, failing to contain a grin as the sound of static crackling starts to emanate from him, along with the most subtle of white flashes. He grips his baton and raises it, wildly lowering it onto Amara afterwards.

Ryan says "We should attack to wound if we can?"
Amara is carved up slowly but surely, nodding to their efforts.

Viktorin lifts and stabs with his gauntlet sword, not crudely hacking, but testing Amara's guard. "Honestly, I'm not drunk enough to know exactly what's going on, but... uh. Whatever, you know?"

Amara's guard is a calm glance.

Ryan says "Try this, Vik!"
Martin says "It is really, really simple! Just kill the thing!"
Martin says "That is all that is going on here."
Viktorin says "It tastes like a sewer!"
Martin says "How do you know what a sewer tastes like?"
Harriet blinks a bit as she listens to the group, but she's focusing on fighting Amara.

Magnus(Bear) rumbles a huffing laugh as it slashes and mauls Amara.

"Just drink... ask later," Jayanth says, downing the shot and tossing the cup, at the monster. Then follows up with another attack.

Her bracelet begins to glow as Autumn's blade turns red hot. Narrowing her eyes, Autumn channels her rage and lets out a howling war cry.

Martin says "My condolences."
Viktorin says "Jesus fucking Christ, this is like fighting thw Lorax."
Amara nods in approval to Autumn. "You are a keen warrior. Please. Take my blade with you."

Viktorin says "Time? We have plenty of time, this thing is basically a boulder."
Amara says "This fight won't end that way my friend."
Harriet reminds the group, "Do not try to subdue her!" as Ryan tries to punch her.

Amara says "Do not try to SUBDUE, you must finish me."
"I will," Autumn nods through her slashing against Amara.

Amara says "We could have spoken, but the time has past."
Martin did not just do the very thing that he has been told not to do.

Amara literally cannot speak.