\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Plotlogs/Metsu No Hana Sr Ritsuka 250211

Metsu No Hana Sr Ritsuka 250211

On a cold and stormy evening, with winter's chill in the air, a tranquil scene set within a traditional bedroom was contrasted sharply by the violence that unfolded outside. Hikari, concealed in a treetop perch, initiated the confrontation with a precise, if hurried, shot from her rifle at a figure clad in a blue hoodie. The bullet grazed the assailant’s arm, sending them tumbling to the ground amidst an uncanny and unsettling noise of something forcibly being repaired in the fabric of reality itself. Despite the assailant's attempt to recover and fight back, Hikari's relentless gunfire eventually subdued them, with most bullets finding their mark and rendering the opponent unconscious but alive, lying in a pool of crimson snow, the wounds slowly clotting but not in a manner typical to the supernatural.

Bea, on the other hand, found herself an unwitting participant in this surreal encounter. Having received a cryptic and compelling message, she ventured into the cold, only to realize her limitations against the forces she faced. It was Hikari's timely intervention that saved her from a grave situation. Hidden and silent, Bea could do nothing but quietly urge Hikari on, her breath held in tension with every shot fired. Even as Bea's phone, left on possibly for a desperate call for help, signified a shift from urgent to resolved, it was clear that the confrontation had drawn to a close, the prophecy was fulfilled for now, and the immediate danger had passed.

Once the ordeal was over, Hikari descended from her vantage point, the weaponry and resolve that had served her in the confrontation giving way to a surprisingly jovial and relaxed demeanor as she approached Bea. They shared a moment of levity, acknowledging the absurdity and danger of the situation with a mix of humor and relief. Bea, still processing the events, recognized her own unpreparedness and expressed a newfound openness to actively participating in future encounters, given the proper means to defend herself. Introductions were exchanged, marking the beginning of what could be a newfound alliance in the face of unknown threats.

As the tension dissipated, replaced by the cold, pressing in around them, Hikari and Bea faced each other amidst the backdrop of the darkening sky and encroaching cold. The encounter, though fraught with danger, seemed to catalyze a potential partnership. With the immediate threat neutralized, the two women stood at the threshold of a future fraught with uncertainty but also the possibility of camaraderie and shared purpose against the supernatural elements that loomed in the shadows of their world.
(Metsu no Hana(SRRitsuka):SRRitsuka)

[Mon Feb 10 2025]

In A tranquil bedroom
The soft glow of paper lanterns casts a gentle, warm light across the room, illuminating the delicate shoji screens that line the walls. The floor is covered in smooth tatami mats, their subtle scent blending with the faint aroma of incense. In the corner of the room, a futon is carefully laid out, its simple cotton sheets neatly folded, inviting restful sleep. Above the futon hangs a small kamidana, a household Shinto altar, where offerings of rice and salt have been placed in delicate porcelain bowls.

A katana on a katana stand has been placed down besides the tatami mats, quickly in reach for anyone sleeping and suddenly woken up.

It is dusk, about 38F(3C) degrees, and there are a few dark grey stormclouds in the sky.

The rifle's muzzle flashes and a loud BANG sends the bullet flying and flying, until, eventually, it hits the blue hoodied figure on the arm, grazing it and sending her tumbling out of the way and down to their side with the force of the impact, down to the ground. They weren't dead, their aura is not read, but blood begins to flow and taints the snow crimson. There is the faint groan of a figure, as the cracks in the air begin to slowly pull themselves together. In reality, it is an ugly sight and an even more ugly, unpleasant and discomforting noise, as if flesh and bone itself was molded, forced, pushed into a certain state it no longer wants to be at. Soon, the blue glowing eye between the rift... disappears as the rift closes. It does not disappear entirely, not yet as Hikari can see the ritualist sit up, and glance around, once around, until they settle on Hikari. Bea can barely see the outline of those glowing eyes, just to what resides above the nose when the figure rises to their feet. Their posture is firm, now as if held up by strings, but they remain still- and then turn away...

Hikari clicks her tongue and mutters some explicative under her breath as she quickly snaps the lever on her rifle back and forth, loading another round into the chamber and quickly following up with another thunderosue crack. Over and over she begins to loose the shots, not quite waiting to get the perfect bead to make use of whatever element of surprise she still had from her treetop perch.

Finally, Bea allowed herself to breathe. It wasn't quite a gasp, still careful to be quiet, but it was a deep and deliberate inhale that stretched her stiff and shivering body. She wanted to badly to encourage the figure in the trees, to thank them, to demand their focus.She kept quiet, however, knowing that their concentration was imperative. Despite her own silence, her phone begged for her attention, left on in case it could be used to call for help. She cursed that decision, focus planted entirely on the rhythmic shots that rang through her ears. "C'mon, you got this" she whispered, barely audible to herself.

Bullets fly with a muzzleflash from Hikari's rifle, and most of them end up hitting. The first makes them stumble, the second grazes them at the side of their neck, creating a hole in the hood. Sanctuary is very evidently covering them, the third misses, and with the fourth the figure slumps to the ground. It is also then that the cracks in the air begin to disappear, the clouds grow white, spin around... and then begin to float away. The mist lowers... crimson seeps around the figure lying in the snow. Those aware enough of sanctuary know, the wounds are not lethal, and the figure is most likely unconscious, though death would be an almost certainty in the frost and the cold of Winter if left behind. The smoke of gunfire does trail to Bea, carried in the air - and beyond Bea's own words, the forest falls to its wintry silence, only interrupted by a wintry breeze.

Hikari draws a long breath once the figure collapses into the snow, giving her time to sling the rifle back over her shoulder and clamber her way down the piny branches. With a flumph into the snow at the bottom of the trunk. Once the mist from the gunpowder has cleared, she makes her way over to Bea, trudging through the snow with a raised hand, mouthing something which wasn't really coherent from the distance.

The relief that explodes over Bea is visible, her eyes brightening as the figure in the trees made their way down the tree and towards her. She surveys Hikari with a bit of surprise, standing slowly from her crouched position, her knees cracking in the silent woods. She tilted her head a bit when Hikari spoke, unable to fully comprehend what she was being told, moving slowly towards her. "I don't know what I was thinking..." she whispered when close enough. "I got this text and for some fucking reason I thought I could do something about it, so thank you, for saving my ass and actually being prepared" she was very quiet as she spoke, but was close enough now where the breeze alone was nearly at the same volume. She turned her gaze over to the figure that lay in the crimson colored snow, whispering again. "What is it that you said? What...what do we do about that?"

In the distance, a crow makes their way over and lands on one of the branches. Both Bea's phone and the one Hikari might have brought give off a bing - the URGENT message disappears, wiping itself from the phone's memory and is replaced with a brief RESOLVED message, before that, too disappears. If any pays attention to their phones right now. The air is cold, the weather moving to frigid, but spring lies in the near-future horizon, too. One of twelve more, if the prophecy is believed. Wounds begin to slowly clot, in the person surrounded by crimson snow, certainly not in the way it happens with Yokai, or those more properly identified to be supernatural.

Hikari glances down to her a phone for a moment before shrugging, then, once she was finally in proper hearing distance of Bea, "Oh! I was just gonna say it's a little dangerous." She giggles, shaking her head and settling her hands into the warmth of her pockets, "It seems that counts as it being dealt with, and there's no way I'm staying in this cold, I'll freeze my tits off." The woman sighs, shivering slightly, "But hey, maybe next time you can help out? This just happened to be a good situation for me."

Bea is shocked by the surprisingly warm personality and uncaring attitude of Hikari, allowing herself a relieved laugh at her remarks. "Just a little, holy shit..." she exhaled, rubbing her hands together at the mention of the cold. She had almost forgotten how crisp the weather was right now, her focus directed at other, more pressing things. "I wouldn't be opposed, if every time goes as good as this one, where I can just sit in the snow and cheer you on?" she chuckled "Jokes aside, yeah, I think if I can get my hands on a proper weapon I could be of some help" she concluded, peering again over at where everything had gone down. "I'm Bea, by the way"