Penthouse Poltergeist Sr Dahlia 250111
In an upscale New York apartment building, an eerie tranquility concealed a sinister presence on its uppermost floor. Lilian, a master arcanist, assembled a eclectic team — Benjamin, a green apprentice and unwitting blood donor; William, an outsider with an intimate knowledge of spirits; and Lark, who struggled with the darker side of arcana.
Their client, Ginger Montgomery, was plagued by an unshakeable terror, born from a naive dalliance with a Ouija board that invited not just a poltergeist but a multitude of spirits into her home. Desperate for reprieve, she enlisted Lilian's expertise, hoping for a solution to reclaim her apartment from the clutches of the unseen.
The plan was simple yet fraught with peril. Benjamin, designated as a blood donor, was to contribute to the ritual that Lilian would perform. Meanwhile, William's task was to protect the group from immediate spiritual threats, and Lark was tasked with disposing of the cursed Ouija board.
The ritual unfolded with a palpable tension, the air thick with the presence of malicious spirits eager to defy their banishment. Lilian's arcane prowess was on full display as she orchestrated a spell that harnessed Benjamin's blood, creating a binding circle that would extract and expel the spirits from the penthouse. The atmosphere was fraught with danger, spirits reacting violently, reaching from beyond to thwart their expulsion.
William intervened with his own magic to redirect the poltergeist's aggression away from Benjamin, proving his capability despite his disassociation from the school. Lark, though fighting her own discomfort, managed to hold onto the Ouija board, a symbol of the night's strife.
The culmination of Lilian's ritual was a silent explosion of power, a visual spectacle that none would soon forget. The poltergeist, along with the lesser spirits, were inescapably drawn into the spell's vortex, vanishing into the ether and leaving behind a marked but peaceful silence.
In the aftermath, Lilian lightly chastised her team for their inexperience but offered an invitation to her place for a more relaxed gathering, a sharp contrast to the night's earlier events.
Benjamin's bruise, a physical reminder of the ordeal, served as a conversation starter among the group, highlighting their diverse backgrounds and hinting at future collaborations. As they prepared to leave, Lilian suggested disposing of the Ouija board in a manner befitting its trouble — by throwing it over the balcony.
The story concludes with a mix of relief and camaraderie among the team, having faced the unknown together and emerging victorious. Their victory, though celebrated, carried the weight of Ginger Montgomery's warning — the spirits were bound to the land, not the apartment, suggesting their presence could haunt the neighbors next.
(Penthouse Poltergeist (SRDahlia):SRDahlia)
[Fri Jan 10 2025]
In Upscale NY Apartment Building - Lobby
Walking into the well-lit and expensive looking lobby of this apartment building, one would never guess anything sinster is going on in the uppermost floor. It's moderately busy at any given time of day and staffed twenty-four/seven though the later hours see a skeleton crew. The floors appear to be made of marble and there's even a chandelier as part of the lighting, like they're trying to give off the vibe of an elegant hotel, save for the wall dedicated to post office boxes and a manager's office instead of a check-in desk.
A bank of three elevators is toward the back of the lobby along with the fire exit stairs.
It is about 50F(10C) degrees.
Everyone paths through from from town, following Lilian as she makes her way heels clicking through that forest path until they arrive in the lobby of what must be a building in new york. There's no reception, there's static on the phone and the red head known as Lark runs off to the bathroom to presumably throw up from the first time she's ever pathed.
Looking around, unimpressed, Lilian crosses her arms over her chest. "Benji this is Bill. I forgot I met you the other night when the auction happened and me and Yana had to abandon you. Bill ... " She rolls her eyes slightly, "One of the teachers at the school gave Benji the honor of being my blood donor for tonight so you're good for that at least."
Benjamin looks a little green around the gills the nauseated expression more obvious on his pallid features. There's a strangled, "Hey." and then he's off after Lark to hurl in the bathroom... Which is obviously occupied so there's just a retch sound and then he's walking back using his sleeve to try and wipe off his face. "Bill, right. Hey."
Sapphire eyes stare at Benjamin and Lilian speechlessly points towards another bathroom. The expectation is clear.
William watches as everyone runs off to the bathrooms, giving a glance at Benjamin and saying a single "Hey" not wanting to take much time from the nearly puking man. He instead seems rather used to the sensation, sighing slightly and glancing over at Lilian for a moment, asking "And you thought bringing some blood donor to this was- I mean, I know spirits aren't a big deal most of the time, but it could be dangerous, one tried to stop my heart with dark magic not too long ago"
Benjamin looks from Lilian to someone and then to the other bathroom that obviously a penthouse would have. Off he goes... to clean himself up. It's only a minute or two before he's walking back with some water splashed on his face and the smell of handsoap covering up any sickly sweet aromas.
The Opalescent Apartments is a relatively new high-rise apartment building in the heart of Manhattan, having only been open for about a year. The apartments quickly filled with a range of residents, from hungry would-be Wall Streeters to the elite upper class. There's been nothing but positive reviews about management, reasonable rent for what you get, and all the modern amenities. It is here that the group is scheduled to meet the current Penthouse resident for access to the apartment.
There are a handful of people in the lobby coming and going from the apartment complex even at this hour and with the harsher winter weather when the group arrives, but their client is easy to spot. Ginger Montgomery is pacing a small seating area of comfortable armchairs that are just off the side of the lobby. She looks to be in her mid to late 30s. Her brown hair looks dull, her brown eyes are tired and her pants suit is in desperate need of dry cleaning. She's exhausted, to put it mildly. A woman who has experienced true fear and helplessness and doesn't know how she's ever going to try and find normal again. Maybe they can get some additional information from her while some people are recovering.
"I didn't think so. But apparently Rob of faculty who I let slip that I was a master arcanist decided to send some green angel who didn't know he's an angel to experience the arcane." Lilian tells William with exaggerated patience. "Make sure he doesn't smell like puke. I'm going to go greet our client." Her hands smooth out her skirts and the woman looks like she belongs every fit to this relatively fancy establishment. Sharp heels clinic against the stone floor as she makes her way across to their target and she smiles as she takes a seat. "Mrs Montgomery was it?" The purple haired woman asks softly as she crosses her knees. "I'm Lily. The person you hired for the night."
Benjamin is off cleaning himself off and using a copious amount of hand wash to make sure he doesn't smell to offensive given the swanky building they're about to enter. A few minutes later he is walking back towards William and says yet again, "Hey." this time it's a bit more confident.
Unlike Lilian, William seems a bit out of place here, maybe he could pass with the looks, but his attitude couldn't be further away from this display of fanciness. He lets out a sigh and a roll of his eyes towards Lilian as she starts bossing around and heads off towards the client - At least he didn't have to talk much. And instead he turns towards the coming back Benjamin, giving him another nod and glancing around, lowering his voice so that anyone around couldn't hear much unaware talk.
"Hey. While the other two discuss, let's do a quick review so that we aren't surprised later at what we see... Have you ever seen any ghosts? Or well... Are you even able to see them?" He asks of the other man, reaching to scratch the back of his head with some doubt in his voice "Because if you can't, things are going to be even more trippy than they would be normally..."
Ginger pauses as Lilian approaches her, almost looking surprised that there is someone -here- and she didn't get stood up. There's a brief glance past Lily to William and Benjamin before her focus returns to the woman. "Thank you, Lily. Thank you." She quickly sits herself down now, wringing her hands together. "I truly didn't think anyone would show up, it's all so...unbelievable." She looks upward and then back to the woman. "I haven't been inside in nearly two weeks, I haven't even been able to bring myself to step on the elevator." Her shoulders sag. "We just thought it would be a fun game. We didn't think..." Her voice lowers, fear flickering in her expression. "We didn't think it would be like those horror movies."
With a heap of undeserved confident Benjamin replies, "Sure I've seen a lot of horror movies. But -I've- never seen like a ghost personally." he tucks his hands into his jacket pockets and looks towards the receptionist area and then back to William "I mean it can't be spookier than people with CGI trying to be spooky, right?" he asks far more rhetorically than a sane person might hope. He even offers an encouraging smile!
"Oh that's perfectly alright Mrs Montgomery." Lilian assures the other lady, "I assure you I am very well versed in these um... complex matters. It is truely unfortunate such a new building could have such a haunting going on inside of it. We'll have to use the Ouija board to see what they want and then give it to them so they will leave your place and rest in peace somewhere else hopefully." Lilian gives the nonaware another bright smile. "Now David mentioned you are well off. There is ...significant costs associated when someone of my prestiege gets involved in a case." Lilian dips her head and lifts her eyebrows at the woman. "I just want to make sure everything goes smoothly."
William stares at Benjamin for a couple seconds with a bit of a flat and stiff expression, closing his eyes for a moment and rubbing his face with both hands while letting out a little noise of complain, but then he takes a deep breath and shakes his head, trying to calm down "Spirits... Most of the times they aren't spooky... They are dangerous"
There's a moment of pause as he thinks of how to frame it for Benjamin, before simply saying "Getting jumpscared or simply seeing a scary thing isn't the worst of your worries... They can possess you- They can physically harm you... They can psychically harm you... Some of the stronger ones are even able to use certain kinds of magic- They aren't scary because they are spooky, they are scary because they can actually kill you or mess up your life..."
Benjamin nods along with William's explanation. Despite the encouraging smile at the start he soon grows far more stoic with a couple of uh-huh's and a pensive sounding *mmm* thrown in. At the end of the explanation he says in a confident new yorker accent, "I totally get that, but the teacher said -master- arcanist so I'll be totally fine." and then he reaches up to try and give William a pat on the shoulder, "And you look like you can handle yourself, you wouldn't let anything terrible happen to me right big guy? Big Bill."
"I am so grateful for your help, truly." Ginger nods readily to Lilian, drawing in a shallow breath. "I just don't know why me. Why us." She tries to keep herself calm, focusing on Lily's words. "Yes, yes. I'm willing to pay a premium to be able to go home again. Would...$2,000 dollars be enough? What's your price?" She asks with a glance back toward William and Benjamin briefly. "And please take that Ouija board with you too. Burn it, destroy it.Put it in a museum for all I care. I just don't want it."
"Right... Lily is good... But-" William says shaking his head a couple times, not sounding too convinced by Benjamin's attempts at lowering the importance of the subject "If what's in there is truly a nest of them... Everyone stepping in there is in danger- As you might understand spirits aren't quite fond of being banished..." He tells the other guy
"You see, in simpler terms- This is like hunting. Maybe a master hunter can face lots of animals, but they end up surrounded by three bears. Do you think they'll have the ability to hunt while taking care of the apprentice?" William is probably adding more gravity to the situation than it actually has any right being, the client was still alive after all, and there weren't any big issue that he knew of, but it's better to have people on their guard than going all goofy straight into danger "You should be good sticking by her- But... Just be warned..."
Benjamin nods along again with William's explanation and then out of the blue he adds, "And I could get hurt... Scars limit so many casting options even though good makeup sorts that out." clearly the threat of limiting his range has truly shaken this young college kid. "Is there like... Ghost armor, should I run down the street and buy a cross or a pentagram or something?" with a pause only to add, "Like in Constantine he has that trinity symbol that is supposed to protect you from demons, like that?"
Listening to Ginger with that polite smile on her face, Lilian nods her head. "Yes that price is acceptable." Lilian tells someone with a soft smile, "However from what I understand this is... quite a difficult tasking. So any bonuses at the end of the day when you are satisfied with our services would be ... appreciated." With that, Lilian gives Ginger another professional smile and holds out a single hand. "The keycard please. And as discussed we take the amount upfront. Hunting ghosts is no easy matter and there's... significant risks involved." Her sapphire eyes flick momentary to the conversation she had apparently been paying attention to in the background with her acute hearing but that professional smile lingers.
Listening to Ginger with that polite smile on her face, Lilian nods her head. "Yes that price is acceptable." Lilian tells the other woman with a soft smile, "However from what I understand this is... quite a difficult tasking. So any bonuses at the end of the day when you are satisfied with our services would be ... appreciated." With that, Lilian gives Ginger another professional smile and holds out a single hand. "The keycard please. And as discussed we take the amount upfront. Hunting ghosts is no easy matter and there's... significant risks involved." Her sapphire eyes flick momentary to the conversation she had apparently been paying attention to in the background with her acute hearing but that professional smile lingers.
William blinks a couple times at Benjamin, almost like he didn't believe what he was hearing, or like the other man was stupid "I- What?" He blinks a couple times and shakes his head "Not even in usual folklo-" Then he shakes his head and glances over his shoulder towards Lilian, rising his voice for a little bit to ask "Are you sure you brought him from White Oak?" Then turning back around towards the man and lowering his voice once more, shaking his head "No- There's no ghost armor, and trinities don't protect you from demons- Ghosts can hurt more than just your future casting possibilities, they could freeze you to death..."
Benjamin reaches up and scratches at the side of his neck before moving to button up his suede coat, "Okay so... What's the break glass in case of emergency thing. Do I start praying, do I run out of the room?" it seems at last the minimum amount of survival instinct is kicking in here. "Do I let it possess me and then just hope someone fixes me later?"
Ginger starts digging in her purse as Lilian agrees to the price point. "Yes, yes of course." She produces the keycard first and then a checkbook. Then she realizes she lacks a pen. There's more digging and a nod. "Absolutely. Yes. If you manage to get me my penthouse back I'll definitely pay you a bonus." She finds her pen and scrawls out a check for $2000 dollars, tearing it out and handing it over to Lilian along with the Keycard. "I believe you have my phone number from David. I'm going back to the hotel but, I'll be anxiously awaiting your call." She says, starting to get back up to her feet. "Please, please be careful. I wish you the best of luck. I'll pray for you."
"Praying won't likely work, I don't think any of us is a demigod..." William sighs out at Benjamin, shaking his head a couple times "Running probably will work, they tend to be fixated to places or ideas... They are kind of like... Just fractions of their former selves, so maybe these in particular only stick to that apartment"
Then he thinks for a moment and adds "Under no circumstances let them possess you- Not only they will be able to mess with your body and thoughts, but who knows what will it take to get them out of you, or what might it do to your body" Then he reaches to rub the bridge of his nose and sighs out "But then again, if you can't see them- You likely can't do much unless they are visible for some other reason- Just, stick to Lily- And if she says run, you run..."
Accepting the keycard, Lilian gives the woman a nod as she tucks the check away into her designer bag that opens with a soft click and shuts with the same click. "I will get David to give you a call once we have banished the ghosts. Oh one thing Mrs Montgomery. We will be able to get them away from your apartment but I can sense these are... vengeful ghosts bound to the land. So they likely not go far. Maybe your neighbours? Just so you know." There is a small smile on Lilian's lips as she gives the client a nod, waiting til someone leaves before heading back to William and Benjamin. "You are not filling me with confidence assistant." She tells Benjamin before taking out a giant bag of salt from under her cloak. The salt is shoved in Benjamin's arms. "Lets go." Expecting the boys to follow and apparently forgetting about Lark in the bathroom, Lilian presses the button for the elevator.
Accepting the keycard, Lilian gives the woman a nod as she tucks the check away into her designer bag that opens with a soft click and shuts with the same click. "I will get David to give you a call once we have banished the ghosts. Oh one thing Mrs Montgomery. We will be able to get them away from your apartment but I can sense these are... vengeful ghosts bound to the land. So they likely not go far. Maybe your neighbours? Just so you know." There is a small smile on Lilian's lips as she gives the client a nod, waiting til Ginger leaves before heading back to William and Benjamin. "You are not filling me with confidence assistant." She tells Benjamin before taking out a giant bag of salt from under her cloak. The salt is shoved in Benjamin's arms. "Lets go." Expecting the boys to follow and apparently forgetting about Lark in the bathroom, Lilian presses the button for the elevator.
"We'll just be doing a simple banishing ritual today. And sealing the apartment so they can't get back. Benji will donate blood... And then the two of you can distract the ghosts while I cast the ritual." Lilian adds with a flick of a look down at Benjamin's wrists.
Lark says "tell lily I was worried this would happen!"
Lark says "reply Whoops"
Lark says "l "
Finally moving away from Benjamin, or well, the spot they were standing on before, to follow along Lilian, William lets out a sigh, and comments to the girl seemingly on the lead "Ah, you casting is better- I've gotten complaints that my banishing rituals look voidy- Might be more scary than the ghost themselves..."
And then glancing at Lark pressumably exiting the bathrooms, he motions towards the group, before asking in her direction "Do we need to brief you too about spirits, or...?"
Lark stumbles out of the bathroom, still pale. She looks at the group and murmurs a quick sorry. "Y-yeah, what's the situation?" She takes a deep breath.
Benjamin spies someone coming out of the bathroom and says, "Oh hey... You bought that cat the weirdo was torturing... After this I need to remember to ask you how they're doing." because carrying a bag of salt and going to banish ghosts is the right time for asides.
Benjamin spies Lark coming out of the bathroom and says, "Oh hey... You bought that cat the weirdo was torturing... After this I need to remember to ask you how they're doing." because carrying a bag of salt and going to banish ghosts is the right time for asides.
There is a sigh from Lilian as she leans her back against the side of the lobby wall, "Lots of ghosts. I'm going to use Benji .. This is Benji." Lilian points to Benjamin, " 's blood and then the three of you are going to distract the ghosts while I complete the ritual. When we go in Benji is going to sprinkle some salt across the threshold behind us so that more ghosts can't come in."
Lark blinks at Benjamin and then nods to Lilian and Bill, rubbing the back of her neck. "Okay got it."
William casts a side glance at Lilian for a moment, considering before asking "Do you have enough blood in you anyways? I know you intend to use the newbie's over here, but still..." He says a bit uncertain, shaking his head from a side to another, seemingly thinking something else before commenting to the girl "And if there's anything strong enough... I kind of want to bind it and take it"
As William and Lilian are conversing Benjamin says in an aside to Lark , "Big Bill here says the ghosts might freeze us to death. You might want to keep the coat on." he says with a check of his own suede coat to make sure all those buttons are buttoned all the way up.
"Eh I'll be fine for this." Lilian tells William, "Have a bag of blood in the bag as back up but you know. I'm sure Benji is full of ... life." There's a snort at the name "Big Bill" But by then the elevator is arriving and Lilian is taking everyone up inside of it. Elevator music plays as the four of them look around awkwarldy in the mirror.
Lark turns her gaze to Benjamin, and then starts putting the peacoat back on, after all. She nods and tells him as an aside. "The cat is doing just fine... Thriving, really."
"If they try to freeze you... Or stop your heart... No coat is going to save you" William adds to Benjamin, shaking his head as he looks at him and Lark, shaking his head "You need someone else to-" But then he stops what he's saying to cover both of his ears letting out a bit of a pained groan as he flinches and shrinks a little bit, more acute senses also meaning more sensitive senses
Lark looks to Bill, but pretty quickly there after flinches with a jolt, and stops in her tracks. Her hands fly to her ears to cover them, defensively, and her face pales once more.
Once the group is ready to board the elevator, the keycard swipe for the Penthouse is an obvious sight. The ride up is only a few minutes but as they ascend UP the air seems to feel a bit more oppressive and ominous, especially to those who aren't accustomed to the presence of malevolent spirits.
The elevator doors slide open to reveal a tiny entryway with a wide-open apartment door. The door gives the impression of having been flung open but the air is stale with old alcohol and sweat and, the activity is near immediate as they step into the apartment, even though there is nothing immdiately visible.
"Oh fuck me!" Benjamin shouts loudly as both his hands fly to his ears and he stumbles into the wall by the door. "God I can hear it in my neckbones." he hollers loud enough to sound hoarse... if anyone could hear him.
There is a wince from the other woman also with acute hearing as they head up the elevator to the penthouse and from her bag she pulls out a curved cememonial knife. With a smooth movement of her hand outwards towards Benjamin, she stabs the bag of salt making it start to run. "Right. Benji. Line across the elevator. Then give me your palm so I can bleed you. Then go salt all the windows and doors and balconies. Lark.. Burn the ouija board." Lilian says in disgust, "This is an expensive penthouse apartment I'm sure they have a fireplace under their TV or something."
Somehow, Lark manages to hear Lilian through the din. The redhead surveys the room and trots over to the coffee table to pick up the ouija board. There's a moment of hesitation before she grimaces and uncovers her ears to snatch up the board and stuff it into her tote bag for now, if possible.
After Lilian stabs the salt bag and it begins to pour out Benjamin winces and lowers his hands from his ears. There's some fumbling but eventually he gets the bag to pour a sloppy but complete line against the threshold they crossed into the apartment. After that he shifts the bag so it isn't spilling all the salt out and offers up his right hand to Lilian. Could he hear her, maybe but the instructions before were certainly very simple to remember. He even makes a fist and squeeeeezes so his veins are visible... Guess he didn't hear palm.
"The fireplace is likely fake. This is an expensive penthouse apartment" William tells Lilian with a shake of his head as he glances around the area, trying to spot whatever was making those shrieking sounds, hands slowly coming off from his ears before, letting out a little sigh "We should probably look for a room without much furniture- The less weapons they have against us, the better"
A glance is given from Lilian to William as if what kindof consideration is that but then she supposes that both Lark and Benjamin are rather new to this whole thing. So she takes Benjamin's wrist but doesn't cut it yet, simply holding it in a vice grip as she heads towards deeper into the apartment to find a room full of pillows that the ghosts can use to chuck at William instead of the kitchen knives.
Finding a bedroom with fluffy pillows and all - probably already stabbed with alot of feathers coming out, Lilian declare, "Perfect!" Taking Benjamin's wrist, she shakes the man's hand until he opens it then makes a clean cut across his palm with the curved blade. Drop by drop his blood starts to fall to the floor and she holds him there until there is a puddle about the size of a dinner plate.
The ouija board is with Lark for destroying, the salt has been sprinkled as directed by Benjamin. The fireplace is definitely fake in a building like this - but maybe the oven is an option? Something to consider later. It seemed like the screams were coming from -THIS- room but they seem to die down as they group enters in. Instead, the unsettling, oppressive energy seems to stifle things.
The blood on the floor pools in a steady drip and those with acute sense might hear a faint sizzle, not from Benjamin's blood, but from the interaction of the blood hitting the floor. There's definitely something wrong with this room which means it actually may just be the best place to start.
Hearing the sizzling, Lilian shakes Benjamin's hand out for some more blood.
Benjamin is dragged along into the bedroom and with a few shakes his hand finally opens for Lilian to slice him. The blood wells up quick and it seems he is something of a natural bleeder... It also seems like his palm wound is actually healing rather quickly too, not enough to stop the dinner plate size pool from forming. When Lilian keeps shaking it he says loudly, "Do you want me to salt the windows or bleed?!"
"Do not drink or eat anything in the apartment... Even if you feel dizzy" William tells the now bleeding Benjamin, watching as the blood leaks from him with a shake of his head "Just- Treat everything in here as if it was dangerous..." He says before looking down at the spot the blood is meeting the ground, huhing a little bit upon listening to the sizzling, and looking around the place a couple more times, trying to spot anything out of the usual "Don't shout too much either..."
Lilian says "color 147"
Lilian advises to ignore that
Lark follows along, that ouijia board safely esconsed in her tote bag. She nods resolutely at William at his advice, searching the room for anything that seems like it could be used to burn her stolen cargo. She steps away from the group to inspect the perimeter of the room.
"Bleed first. Salt later." Once the dinner plate sized pool of blood has gotten large enough, Lilian gives Benjamin a bandage as if expecting him to wrap his hand up in it. "Avoid that corner for now." She points to the corner with the energy, "Go salt the windows."
The purple haired woman smiles as she kneels down on the floor next to the pool of blood. The curved blade - which is strangely blood free is tucked away as she brings her finger up to her own fangs to piece them. Her finger reaches out to add a single drop of blood into Benjamin's pool. The dark glistening drop falls and the entire pool of blood gives a shudder before slowly starting to run across the floor, drawing a intricate spell circle for Lilian as it slowly flows away from her.
With the bandage in hand Benjamin bandages his hand, his other hand. The salt bag is retrieved and he makes his way to the windows of this room first trying to pour salt across each threshold or as one big line if the windows are some kind of swanky ceiling to floor thing for the whole outward facing wall.
The blood continues to flow across the floor, etching arcane runes in the salt boy's blood as a double rimmed circle slowly starts to be drawn. Lilian sighs as she watches Benjamin, "Once you're done with the windows draw a line around the enter room."
The blood continues to flow across the floor, etching arcane runes in the salt boy's blood as a double rimmed circle slowly starts to be drawn. Lilian sighs as she watches Benjamin, "Once you're done with the windows draw a line around the enter room."
Lark avoids a particular corner of the room upon her inspection, backing up to join William and Lilian with a shiver. She clutches the tote bag closely to her person, glancing hesitatingly towards that particular part of the room, leaving salt boy to his own devices.
Lilian meant entire.
Taking a couple steps away from the blood, to avoid messing up anything that should disrupt the ritual, William glances at the ominous corner of the room, thoughtful, at least it wasn't doing anything he supposes with a little shrug. But then he casts a glance towards the window, and then the door, and he asks of Lilian "Is this for this particular room? Or are you trying to cleanse this whole place from here? I don't really know much about the way you do these things"
"This will Banish everything within this apartment outwards from me." Lilian tells William with a lifted eyebrow as if she expected to know. Given this is Haven logic, apartments are their own self contained things apparently. "Look after Lark won't you? She missed your explaination about how they can freeze you to death and kill you and everything."
had a fun visual monster for this but apparently it decided to disappear! As Lilian starts performing her dark ritual with Benjamin's blood, the poltergeist starts to stir, like it senses it's end might be near. It starts to fly toward Benjamin and that bag of salt. Lilian and William will also start to see more activity with their keener eyes, dozens of hands starting to reach from under the bed, like they're trying to claw their way out of something, or somewhere, rather desperately.
Lark's mouth opens at hearing Lilian's words, but no words actually tumble out. She promptly shuts it, looking like a blubbing fish for a moment before she scoots closer to William, choosing instead to keep her attention on the unfolding ritual before them.
"Right." Benjamin says as he finishes the windows. Unfortunately he missed the whole doom corner bit so as he begins to use the bag of salt (how much is even left?) to line the room there is a fairly good chance he is going to approach that dangerous corner at some point. Luckily he started with the door they came in through first, thresholds first. Unluckily since he thinks he can't see ghosts he's not looking for the poltergeist as it hurtles towards him on his route around the room.
The circle finishes drawing itself, the pool of blood now a completely enclosed circle that glows faintly with blood red light. The glow is reflected in the pendant on Lilian's neck hanging between her breasts. "It's coming. Benji go run behind Bill." Lilian calls out in a voice that.. doesn't sound like she's particularly hurried, or rushed or anything like that. As the pendant on her neck blazes filling the room with red light, she places her hand into the edge of the circle, watching as the blood covers her hand. A ring of smaller runes start to slowly draw around the inside edge of the circle, presumably when they are done, her ritual will be too.
William answers Lilian's lifted eyebrow with a roll of his eyes, shaking his head "That's why I said I don't know how *you* do these things..." But the banter is soon cut short as the spirits start moving and acting up, much like he had explained Benjamin before, likely not taking kindly the fact that they were going to be kicked out of their favorite living spot.
But being quick to react, the pale man tries to use his own magic on the moving poltergeist, to at least have it change its target, shaking his head at what Lilian says and commenting "No, keep going, this thing is going to come for me in a moment-" And then the magic fills the air, going after the attacking spirit to have it confuse Benjamin and William
Lark watches the ritual unfold, her gaze unblinking with clear fascination. Her hand clutches tighter around that tote bag, though her gaze flits back towards William and Lilian for a moment, guaging their demeanors.
One by one the ring of smaller runes forms within that inside edge of Lilian's ritual circle. The red light casts that eerie glow across the room. To Lark and Benjamin it might truly seem like something out of the scene in a movie.
The poltergeist is hit by William's magic and swivels in the direction of the man instead of Benjamin. Another few runes find their way to completion within the circle. Lark starts to feel hands grabbing at her legs, if she looks down, she'll see them coming up from the floorboards. The poltergeist is close enough to William that might start having flashbacks to the last time he dealt with a spirit.
The final few runes within the circle complete. Red light turns to pitch black as a different sort of energy fills the air. The poltergeist starts to get sucked backwards into the circle. The other ghosts in the room start to get sucked into too - the ones that have been under the bed. Some seem like they retreat but otherwise that ritual circle is currently acting like a ghost hoover.
It's akin to a candle being blown out, but instead of a flame, it's like a scream dying in someone's throat. There and gone and left in its wake in an uneasy hush falling over the room. Does it feel lighter? Absolutely, but it doesn't feel entirely -right-. The Penthouse may be quiet for now, but like Lilian warned Ginger earlier in the evening, the problem may not be completely resolved.
Benjamin perks up at the shout to go to William and tries to stop his forward momentum with a stumble and trip. Head over heels he goes, spilling an undue amount of salt in the proccess. At first he scrambles to get up in the direction of William and abandon the salt but with Lilian's additional instruction he picks it up with his bandaged hand and goes back to trying to cover the perimeter. All the while the ritual circle has become something out of a movie and spirits are being pulled into it left and right. It would be awe inspiring if he was able to look at it, but the time he finishes running from corner to corner he catches the tail end of the scream snuffing out like a flame from a candle and goes, "Wait, did I miss the -thing-?" he has a large bruise on his forehead.
Lark hops from foot to foot at feeling the strange sensation of hands grabbing at her legs. It makes for a strange sight, as if the redhead were doing some off-beat dance. There's a palpable sense of relief upon her pale features as that uneasy hush falls in the room. Relief but wariness. Her gaze travels towards Benjamin upon his return and she narrows her eyes at that large bruise on his forehead. "Did you fall?" she asks, glancing around the room again for good measure.
Stiffening a bit on his spot as the poltergeist comes closer, William lets out a bit of a gasp, last time he dealt with spirits being as earlier as the previous day, not quite the pleasant experience really- Not even noticing the hands coming out of the bed to crawl towards Lark, who supposedly was by him to avoid any kind of danger, tunnel visioning into the memories he's shown.
But luckily, soon enough the spirits start to get sucked into the ritual that Lilian had been preparing, letting out a soft gasp of relief and shaking his head a couple times, looking around the room to asses if everyone was still alright, and rubbing his forehead slightly, maybe looking relieved to be back into the room
As the runes start to glow more, a wind picks up blowing Lilian's hair back, from her shoulders. That might've also been why the arcanist kept short hair before given the way the strands blow into her face but too late now, she already lengthened her hair! When the suck reverses, her hair is drawn towards the circle instead, strands fluttering as the ghosts slowly get sucked by one by one into spell circle. There is a soundless explosion as everything in the room returns back to this plane and Lilian tilts her head as she sits up, withdrawing her hand. The spell circle, now that it's been used is a dark circle of dried blood as if an explosion pushed all the droplets outwards and then froze it in time. "Sorry.. When you're a master arcanist spells take about.. five minutes instead of two hours." Lilian comments anticlimatically.
Benjamin reaches up to lightly touch the bruise on his forehead with a since. "Uh... Yes." he says in a confused sounding new yorker's accent. "But it's not that bad." he says more to himself than Lark.
glances over at the bruise on Benjamin's head, "Eh it'll heal in a day. You might get a bigger bruise playing volleyball." Dusting her hands, Lilian gets to her feet, smoothing her skirts out. "You're all invited to come play onsen volleyball now at my place. I'll walk us back."
Lilian's phone is taken out for a second to send a quick message to David and thus Ginger to let her know her apartment is ghost free.. and then Lilian looks at the others. "Do NOT vomit in the onsen." She directs Lark and Benjamin sternly.
Lark tells Lilian dryly. "You're in luck. I don't think I could. I'm tapped out on the vom-o-meter."
"I think I'm good." Benjamin says with his fingers rubbing the bruise which seems to be growing a darker shade already. "So wait, you're both students at White Oak... and you are?" he looks towards William and clarifies, "Big Bill the friendly janitor from the school that helps out or like... completely unrelated to the school?"
"Yes we're both students at white Oak. And Bill could probably lecture at white oak but doesn't." Lilian tells Benjamin dryly as she looks around. "Everyone ready to go home? Lark... chuck the board over the balcony if you didn't manage to burn it..."
William takes a moment or two to fully speak after the whole memory barrage, even if relieved when everything is gone, he remains silent for a couple seconds, but he soon enough is back to normal "I- Yeah, I have nothing to do with the college... I sometimes sneak into their lectures when they interest me- And use their library a lot... But otherwise? No relation between me and the college"
Benjamin says "Wait there is a library... WHERE?!"
Their client, Ginger Montgomery, was plagued by an unshakeable terror, born from a naive dalliance with a Ouija board that invited not just a poltergeist but a multitude of spirits into her home. Desperate for reprieve, she enlisted Lilian's expertise, hoping for a solution to reclaim her apartment from the clutches of the unseen.
The plan was simple yet fraught with peril. Benjamin, designated as a blood donor, was to contribute to the ritual that Lilian would perform. Meanwhile, William's task was to protect the group from immediate spiritual threats, and Lark was tasked with disposing of the cursed Ouija board.
The ritual unfolded with a palpable tension, the air thick with the presence of malicious spirits eager to defy their banishment. Lilian's arcane prowess was on full display as she orchestrated a spell that harnessed Benjamin's blood, creating a binding circle that would extract and expel the spirits from the penthouse. The atmosphere was fraught with danger, spirits reacting violently, reaching from beyond to thwart their expulsion.
William intervened with his own magic to redirect the poltergeist's aggression away from Benjamin, proving his capability despite his disassociation from the school. Lark, though fighting her own discomfort, managed to hold onto the Ouija board, a symbol of the night's strife.
The culmination of Lilian's ritual was a silent explosion of power, a visual spectacle that none would soon forget. The poltergeist, along with the lesser spirits, were inescapably drawn into the spell's vortex, vanishing into the ether and leaving behind a marked but peaceful silence.
In the aftermath, Lilian lightly chastised her team for their inexperience but offered an invitation to her place for a more relaxed gathering, a sharp contrast to the night's earlier events.
Benjamin's bruise, a physical reminder of the ordeal, served as a conversation starter among the group, highlighting their diverse backgrounds and hinting at future collaborations. As they prepared to leave, Lilian suggested disposing of the Ouija board in a manner befitting its trouble — by throwing it over the balcony.
The story concludes with a mix of relief and camaraderie among the team, having faced the unknown together and emerging victorious. Their victory, though celebrated, carried the weight of Ginger Montgomery's warning — the spirits were bound to the land, not the apartment, suggesting their presence could haunt the neighbors next.
(Penthouse Poltergeist (SRDahlia):SRDahlia)
[Fri Jan 10 2025]
In Upscale NY Apartment Building - Lobby
Walking into the well-lit and expensive looking lobby of this apartment building, one would never guess anything sinster is going on in the uppermost floor. It's moderately busy at any given time of day and staffed twenty-four/seven though the later hours see a skeleton crew. The floors appear to be made of marble and there's even a chandelier as part of the lighting, like they're trying to give off the vibe of an elegant hotel, save for the wall dedicated to post office boxes and a manager's office instead of a check-in desk.
A bank of three elevators is toward the back of the lobby along with the fire exit stairs.
It is about 50F(10C) degrees.
Everyone paths through from from town, following Lilian as she makes her way heels clicking through that forest path until they arrive in the lobby of what must be a building in new york. There's no reception, there's static on the phone and the red head known as Lark runs off to the bathroom to presumably throw up from the first time she's ever pathed.
Looking around, unimpressed, Lilian crosses her arms over her chest. "Benji this is Bill. I forgot I met you the other night when the auction happened and me and Yana had to abandon you. Bill ... " She rolls her eyes slightly, "One of the teachers at the school gave Benji the honor of being my blood donor for tonight so you're good for that at least."
Benjamin looks a little green around the gills the nauseated expression more obvious on his pallid features. There's a strangled, "Hey." and then he's off after Lark to hurl in the bathroom... Which is obviously occupied so there's just a retch sound and then he's walking back using his sleeve to try and wipe off his face. "Bill, right. Hey."
Sapphire eyes stare at Benjamin and Lilian speechlessly points towards another bathroom. The expectation is clear.
William watches as everyone runs off to the bathrooms, giving a glance at Benjamin and saying a single "Hey" not wanting to take much time from the nearly puking man. He instead seems rather used to the sensation, sighing slightly and glancing over at Lilian for a moment, asking "And you thought bringing some blood donor to this was- I mean, I know spirits aren't a big deal most of the time, but it could be dangerous, one tried to stop my heart with dark magic not too long ago"
Benjamin looks from Lilian to someone and then to the other bathroom that obviously a penthouse would have. Off he goes... to clean himself up. It's only a minute or two before he's walking back with some water splashed on his face and the smell of handsoap covering up any sickly sweet aromas.
The Opalescent Apartments is a relatively new high-rise apartment building in the heart of Manhattan, having only been open for about a year. The apartments quickly filled with a range of residents, from hungry would-be Wall Streeters to the elite upper class. There's been nothing but positive reviews about management, reasonable rent for what you get, and all the modern amenities. It is here that the group is scheduled to meet the current Penthouse resident for access to the apartment.
There are a handful of people in the lobby coming and going from the apartment complex even at this hour and with the harsher winter weather when the group arrives, but their client is easy to spot. Ginger Montgomery is pacing a small seating area of comfortable armchairs that are just off the side of the lobby. She looks to be in her mid to late 30s. Her brown hair looks dull, her brown eyes are tired and her pants suit is in desperate need of dry cleaning. She's exhausted, to put it mildly. A woman who has experienced true fear and helplessness and doesn't know how she's ever going to try and find normal again. Maybe they can get some additional information from her while some people are recovering.
"I didn't think so. But apparently Rob of faculty who I let slip that I was a master arcanist decided to send some green angel who didn't know he's an angel to experience the arcane." Lilian tells William with exaggerated patience. "Make sure he doesn't smell like puke. I'm going to go greet our client." Her hands smooth out her skirts and the woman looks like she belongs every fit to this relatively fancy establishment. Sharp heels clinic against the stone floor as she makes her way across to their target and she smiles as she takes a seat. "Mrs Montgomery was it?" The purple haired woman asks softly as she crosses her knees. "I'm Lily. The person you hired for the night."
Benjamin is off cleaning himself off and using a copious amount of hand wash to make sure he doesn't smell to offensive given the swanky building they're about to enter. A few minutes later he is walking back towards William and says yet again, "Hey." this time it's a bit more confident.
Unlike Lilian, William seems a bit out of place here, maybe he could pass with the looks, but his attitude couldn't be further away from this display of fanciness. He lets out a sigh and a roll of his eyes towards Lilian as she starts bossing around and heads off towards the client - At least he didn't have to talk much. And instead he turns towards the coming back Benjamin, giving him another nod and glancing around, lowering his voice so that anyone around couldn't hear much unaware talk.
"Hey. While the other two discuss, let's do a quick review so that we aren't surprised later at what we see... Have you ever seen any ghosts? Or well... Are you even able to see them?" He asks of the other man, reaching to scratch the back of his head with some doubt in his voice "Because if you can't, things are going to be even more trippy than they would be normally..."
Ginger pauses as Lilian approaches her, almost looking surprised that there is someone -here- and she didn't get stood up. There's a brief glance past Lily to William and Benjamin before her focus returns to the woman. "Thank you, Lily. Thank you." She quickly sits herself down now, wringing her hands together. "I truly didn't think anyone would show up, it's all so...unbelievable." She looks upward and then back to the woman. "I haven't been inside in nearly two weeks, I haven't even been able to bring myself to step on the elevator." Her shoulders sag. "We just thought it would be a fun game. We didn't think..." Her voice lowers, fear flickering in her expression. "We didn't think it would be like those horror movies."
With a heap of undeserved confident Benjamin replies, "Sure I've seen a lot of horror movies. But -I've- never seen like a ghost personally." he tucks his hands into his jacket pockets and looks towards the receptionist area and then back to William "I mean it can't be spookier than people with CGI trying to be spooky, right?" he asks far more rhetorically than a sane person might hope. He even offers an encouraging smile!
"Oh that's perfectly alright Mrs Montgomery." Lilian assures the other lady, "I assure you I am very well versed in these um... complex matters. It is truely unfortunate such a new building could have such a haunting going on inside of it. We'll have to use the Ouija board to see what they want and then give it to them so they will leave your place and rest in peace somewhere else hopefully." Lilian gives the nonaware another bright smile. "Now David mentioned you are well off. There is ...significant costs associated when someone of my prestiege gets involved in a case." Lilian dips her head and lifts her eyebrows at the woman. "I just want to make sure everything goes smoothly."
William stares at Benjamin for a couple seconds with a bit of a flat and stiff expression, closing his eyes for a moment and rubbing his face with both hands while letting out a little noise of complain, but then he takes a deep breath and shakes his head, trying to calm down "Spirits... Most of the times they aren't spooky... They are dangerous"
There's a moment of pause as he thinks of how to frame it for Benjamin, before simply saying "Getting jumpscared or simply seeing a scary thing isn't the worst of your worries... They can possess you- They can physically harm you... They can psychically harm you... Some of the stronger ones are even able to use certain kinds of magic- They aren't scary because they are spooky, they are scary because they can actually kill you or mess up your life..."
Benjamin nods along with William's explanation. Despite the encouraging smile at the start he soon grows far more stoic with a couple of uh-huh's and a pensive sounding *mmm* thrown in. At the end of the explanation he says in a confident new yorker accent, "I totally get that, but the teacher said -master- arcanist so I'll be totally fine." and then he reaches up to try and give William a pat on the shoulder, "And you look like you can handle yourself, you wouldn't let anything terrible happen to me right big guy? Big Bill."
"I am so grateful for your help, truly." Ginger nods readily to Lilian, drawing in a shallow breath. "I just don't know why me. Why us." She tries to keep herself calm, focusing on Lily's words. "Yes, yes. I'm willing to pay a premium to be able to go home again. Would...$2,000 dollars be enough? What's your price?" She asks with a glance back toward William and Benjamin briefly. "And please take that Ouija board with you too. Burn it, destroy it.Put it in a museum for all I care. I just don't want it."
"Right... Lily is good... But-" William says shaking his head a couple times, not sounding too convinced by Benjamin's attempts at lowering the importance of the subject "If what's in there is truly a nest of them... Everyone stepping in there is in danger- As you might understand spirits aren't quite fond of being banished..." He tells the other guy
"You see, in simpler terms- This is like hunting. Maybe a master hunter can face lots of animals, but they end up surrounded by three bears. Do you think they'll have the ability to hunt while taking care of the apprentice?" William is probably adding more gravity to the situation than it actually has any right being, the client was still alive after all, and there weren't any big issue that he knew of, but it's better to have people on their guard than going all goofy straight into danger "You should be good sticking by her- But... Just be warned..."
Benjamin nods along again with William's explanation and then out of the blue he adds, "And I could get hurt... Scars limit so many casting options even though good makeup sorts that out." clearly the threat of limiting his range has truly shaken this young college kid. "Is there like... Ghost armor, should I run down the street and buy a cross or a pentagram or something?" with a pause only to add, "Like in Constantine he has that trinity symbol that is supposed to protect you from demons, like that?"
Listening to Ginger with that polite smile on her face, Lilian nods her head. "Yes that price is acceptable." Lilian tells someone with a soft smile, "However from what I understand this is... quite a difficult tasking. So any bonuses at the end of the day when you are satisfied with our services would be ... appreciated." With that, Lilian gives Ginger another professional smile and holds out a single hand. "The keycard please. And as discussed we take the amount upfront. Hunting ghosts is no easy matter and there's... significant risks involved." Her sapphire eyes flick momentary to the conversation she had apparently been paying attention to in the background with her acute hearing but that professional smile lingers.
Listening to Ginger with that polite smile on her face, Lilian nods her head. "Yes that price is acceptable." Lilian tells the other woman with a soft smile, "However from what I understand this is... quite a difficult tasking. So any bonuses at the end of the day when you are satisfied with our services would be ... appreciated." With that, Lilian gives Ginger another professional smile and holds out a single hand. "The keycard please. And as discussed we take the amount upfront. Hunting ghosts is no easy matter and there's... significant risks involved." Her sapphire eyes flick momentary to the conversation she had apparently been paying attention to in the background with her acute hearing but that professional smile lingers.
William blinks a couple times at Benjamin, almost like he didn't believe what he was hearing, or like the other man was stupid "I- What?" He blinks a couple times and shakes his head "Not even in usual folklo-" Then he shakes his head and glances over his shoulder towards Lilian, rising his voice for a little bit to ask "Are you sure you brought him from White Oak?" Then turning back around towards the man and lowering his voice once more, shaking his head "No- There's no ghost armor, and trinities don't protect you from demons- Ghosts can hurt more than just your future casting possibilities, they could freeze you to death..."
Benjamin reaches up and scratches at the side of his neck before moving to button up his suede coat, "Okay so... What's the break glass in case of emergency thing. Do I start praying, do I run out of the room?" it seems at last the minimum amount of survival instinct is kicking in here. "Do I let it possess me and then just hope someone fixes me later?"
Ginger starts digging in her purse as Lilian agrees to the price point. "Yes, yes of course." She produces the keycard first and then a checkbook. Then she realizes she lacks a pen. There's more digging and a nod. "Absolutely. Yes. If you manage to get me my penthouse back I'll definitely pay you a bonus." She finds her pen and scrawls out a check for $2000 dollars, tearing it out and handing it over to Lilian along with the Keycard. "I believe you have my phone number from David. I'm going back to the hotel but, I'll be anxiously awaiting your call." She says, starting to get back up to her feet. "Please, please be careful. I wish you the best of luck. I'll pray for you."
"Praying won't likely work, I don't think any of us is a demigod..." William sighs out at Benjamin, shaking his head a couple times "Running probably will work, they tend to be fixated to places or ideas... They are kind of like... Just fractions of their former selves, so maybe these in particular only stick to that apartment"
Then he thinks for a moment and adds "Under no circumstances let them possess you- Not only they will be able to mess with your body and thoughts, but who knows what will it take to get them out of you, or what might it do to your body" Then he reaches to rub the bridge of his nose and sighs out "But then again, if you can't see them- You likely can't do much unless they are visible for some other reason- Just, stick to Lily- And if she says run, you run..."
Accepting the keycard, Lilian gives the woman a nod as she tucks the check away into her designer bag that opens with a soft click and shuts with the same click. "I will get David to give you a call once we have banished the ghosts. Oh one thing Mrs Montgomery. We will be able to get them away from your apartment but I can sense these are... vengeful ghosts bound to the land. So they likely not go far. Maybe your neighbours? Just so you know." There is a small smile on Lilian's lips as she gives the client a nod, waiting til someone leaves before heading back to William and Benjamin. "You are not filling me with confidence assistant." She tells Benjamin before taking out a giant bag of salt from under her cloak. The salt is shoved in Benjamin's arms. "Lets go." Expecting the boys to follow and apparently forgetting about Lark in the bathroom, Lilian presses the button for the elevator.
Accepting the keycard, Lilian gives the woman a nod as she tucks the check away into her designer bag that opens with a soft click and shuts with the same click. "I will get David to give you a call once we have banished the ghosts. Oh one thing Mrs Montgomery. We will be able to get them away from your apartment but I can sense these are... vengeful ghosts bound to the land. So they likely not go far. Maybe your neighbours? Just so you know." There is a small smile on Lilian's lips as she gives the client a nod, waiting til Ginger leaves before heading back to William and Benjamin. "You are not filling me with confidence assistant." She tells Benjamin before taking out a giant bag of salt from under her cloak. The salt is shoved in Benjamin's arms. "Lets go." Expecting the boys to follow and apparently forgetting about Lark in the bathroom, Lilian presses the button for the elevator.
"We'll just be doing a simple banishing ritual today. And sealing the apartment so they can't get back. Benji will donate blood... And then the two of you can distract the ghosts while I cast the ritual." Lilian adds with a flick of a look down at Benjamin's wrists.
Lark says "tell lily I was worried this would happen!"
Lark says "reply Whoops"
Lark says "l "
Finally moving away from Benjamin, or well, the spot they were standing on before, to follow along Lilian, William lets out a sigh, and comments to the girl seemingly on the lead "Ah, you casting is better- I've gotten complaints that my banishing rituals look voidy- Might be more scary than the ghost themselves..."
And then glancing at Lark pressumably exiting the bathrooms, he motions towards the group, before asking in her direction "Do we need to brief you too about spirits, or...?"
Lark stumbles out of the bathroom, still pale. She looks at the group and murmurs a quick sorry. "Y-yeah, what's the situation?" She takes a deep breath.
Benjamin spies someone coming out of the bathroom and says, "Oh hey... You bought that cat the weirdo was torturing... After this I need to remember to ask you how they're doing." because carrying a bag of salt and going to banish ghosts is the right time for asides.
Benjamin spies Lark coming out of the bathroom and says, "Oh hey... You bought that cat the weirdo was torturing... After this I need to remember to ask you how they're doing." because carrying a bag of salt and going to banish ghosts is the right time for asides.
There is a sigh from Lilian as she leans her back against the side of the lobby wall, "Lots of ghosts. I'm going to use Benji .. This is Benji." Lilian points to Benjamin, " 's blood and then the three of you are going to distract the ghosts while I complete the ritual. When we go in Benji is going to sprinkle some salt across the threshold behind us so that more ghosts can't come in."
Lark blinks at Benjamin and then nods to Lilian and Bill, rubbing the back of her neck. "Okay got it."
William casts a side glance at Lilian for a moment, considering before asking "Do you have enough blood in you anyways? I know you intend to use the newbie's over here, but still..." He says a bit uncertain, shaking his head from a side to another, seemingly thinking something else before commenting to the girl "And if there's anything strong enough... I kind of want to bind it and take it"
As William and Lilian are conversing Benjamin says in an aside to Lark , "Big Bill here says the ghosts might freeze us to death. You might want to keep the coat on." he says with a check of his own suede coat to make sure all those buttons are buttoned all the way up.
"Eh I'll be fine for this." Lilian tells William, "Have a bag of blood in the bag as back up but you know. I'm sure Benji is full of ... life." There's a snort at the name "Big Bill" But by then the elevator is arriving and Lilian is taking everyone up inside of it. Elevator music plays as the four of them look around awkwarldy in the mirror.
Lark turns her gaze to Benjamin, and then starts putting the peacoat back on, after all. She nods and tells him as an aside. "The cat is doing just fine... Thriving, really."
"If they try to freeze you... Or stop your heart... No coat is going to save you" William adds to Benjamin, shaking his head as he looks at him and Lark, shaking his head "You need someone else to-" But then he stops what he's saying to cover both of his ears letting out a bit of a pained groan as he flinches and shrinks a little bit, more acute senses also meaning more sensitive senses
Lark looks to Bill, but pretty quickly there after flinches with a jolt, and stops in her tracks. Her hands fly to her ears to cover them, defensively, and her face pales once more.
Once the group is ready to board the elevator, the keycard swipe for the Penthouse is an obvious sight. The ride up is only a few minutes but as they ascend UP the air seems to feel a bit more oppressive and ominous, especially to those who aren't accustomed to the presence of malevolent spirits.
The elevator doors slide open to reveal a tiny entryway with a wide-open apartment door. The door gives the impression of having been flung open but the air is stale with old alcohol and sweat and, the activity is near immediate as they step into the apartment, even though there is nothing immdiately visible.
"Oh fuck me!" Benjamin shouts loudly as both his hands fly to his ears and he stumbles into the wall by the door. "God I can hear it in my neckbones." he hollers loud enough to sound hoarse... if anyone could hear him.
There is a wince from the other woman also with acute hearing as they head up the elevator to the penthouse and from her bag she pulls out a curved cememonial knife. With a smooth movement of her hand outwards towards Benjamin, she stabs the bag of salt making it start to run. "Right. Benji. Line across the elevator. Then give me your palm so I can bleed you. Then go salt all the windows and doors and balconies. Lark.. Burn the ouija board." Lilian says in disgust, "This is an expensive penthouse apartment I'm sure they have a fireplace under their TV or something."
Somehow, Lark manages to hear Lilian through the din. The redhead surveys the room and trots over to the coffee table to pick up the ouija board. There's a moment of hesitation before she grimaces and uncovers her ears to snatch up the board and stuff it into her tote bag for now, if possible.
After Lilian stabs the salt bag and it begins to pour out Benjamin winces and lowers his hands from his ears. There's some fumbling but eventually he gets the bag to pour a sloppy but complete line against the threshold they crossed into the apartment. After that he shifts the bag so it isn't spilling all the salt out and offers up his right hand to Lilian. Could he hear her, maybe but the instructions before were certainly very simple to remember. He even makes a fist and squeeeeezes so his veins are visible... Guess he didn't hear palm.
"The fireplace is likely fake. This is an expensive penthouse apartment" William tells Lilian with a shake of his head as he glances around the area, trying to spot whatever was making those shrieking sounds, hands slowly coming off from his ears before, letting out a little sigh "We should probably look for a room without much furniture- The less weapons they have against us, the better"
A glance is given from Lilian to William as if what kindof consideration is that but then she supposes that both Lark and Benjamin are rather new to this whole thing. So she takes Benjamin's wrist but doesn't cut it yet, simply holding it in a vice grip as she heads towards deeper into the apartment to find a room full of pillows that the ghosts can use to chuck at William instead of the kitchen knives.
Finding a bedroom with fluffy pillows and all - probably already stabbed with alot of feathers coming out, Lilian declare, "Perfect!" Taking Benjamin's wrist, she shakes the man's hand until he opens it then makes a clean cut across his palm with the curved blade. Drop by drop his blood starts to fall to the floor and she holds him there until there is a puddle about the size of a dinner plate.
The ouija board is with Lark for destroying, the salt has been sprinkled as directed by Benjamin. The fireplace is definitely fake in a building like this - but maybe the oven is an option? Something to consider later. It seemed like the screams were coming from -THIS- room but they seem to die down as they group enters in. Instead, the unsettling, oppressive energy seems to stifle things.
The blood on the floor pools in a steady drip and those with acute sense might hear a faint sizzle, not from Benjamin's blood, but from the interaction of the blood hitting the floor. There's definitely something wrong with this room which means it actually may just be the best place to start.
Hearing the sizzling, Lilian shakes Benjamin's hand out for some more blood.
Benjamin is dragged along into the bedroom and with a few shakes his hand finally opens for Lilian to slice him. The blood wells up quick and it seems he is something of a natural bleeder... It also seems like his palm wound is actually healing rather quickly too, not enough to stop the dinner plate size pool from forming. When Lilian keeps shaking it he says loudly, "Do you want me to salt the windows or bleed?!"
"Do not drink or eat anything in the apartment... Even if you feel dizzy" William tells the now bleeding Benjamin, watching as the blood leaks from him with a shake of his head "Just- Treat everything in here as if it was dangerous..." He says before looking down at the spot the blood is meeting the ground, huhing a little bit upon listening to the sizzling, and looking around the place a couple more times, trying to spot anything out of the usual "Don't shout too much either..."
Lilian says "color 147"
Lilian advises to ignore that
Lark follows along, that ouijia board safely esconsed in her tote bag. She nods resolutely at William at his advice, searching the room for anything that seems like it could be used to burn her stolen cargo. She steps away from the group to inspect the perimeter of the room.
"Bleed first. Salt later." Once the dinner plate sized pool of blood has gotten large enough, Lilian gives Benjamin a bandage as if expecting him to wrap his hand up in it. "Avoid that corner for now." She points to the corner with the energy, "Go salt the windows."
The purple haired woman smiles as she kneels down on the floor next to the pool of blood. The curved blade - which is strangely blood free is tucked away as she brings her finger up to her own fangs to piece them. Her finger reaches out to add a single drop of blood into Benjamin's pool. The dark glistening drop falls and the entire pool of blood gives a shudder before slowly starting to run across the floor, drawing a intricate spell circle for Lilian as it slowly flows away from her.
With the bandage in hand Benjamin bandages his hand, his other hand. The salt bag is retrieved and he makes his way to the windows of this room first trying to pour salt across each threshold or as one big line if the windows are some kind of swanky ceiling to floor thing for the whole outward facing wall.
The blood continues to flow across the floor, etching arcane runes in the salt boy's blood as a double rimmed circle slowly starts to be drawn. Lilian sighs as she watches Benjamin, "Once you're done with the windows draw a line around the enter room."
The blood continues to flow across the floor, etching arcane runes in the salt boy's blood as a double rimmed circle slowly starts to be drawn. Lilian sighs as she watches Benjamin, "Once you're done with the windows draw a line around the enter room."
Lark avoids a particular corner of the room upon her inspection, backing up to join William and Lilian with a shiver. She clutches the tote bag closely to her person, glancing hesitatingly towards that particular part of the room, leaving salt boy to his own devices.
Lilian meant entire.
Taking a couple steps away from the blood, to avoid messing up anything that should disrupt the ritual, William glances at the ominous corner of the room, thoughtful, at least it wasn't doing anything he supposes with a little shrug. But then he casts a glance towards the window, and then the door, and he asks of Lilian "Is this for this particular room? Or are you trying to cleanse this whole place from here? I don't really know much about the way you do these things"
"This will Banish everything within this apartment outwards from me." Lilian tells William with a lifted eyebrow as if she expected to know. Given this is Haven logic, apartments are their own self contained things apparently. "Look after Lark won't you? She missed your explaination about how they can freeze you to death and kill you and everything."
had a fun visual monster for this but apparently it decided to disappear! As Lilian starts performing her dark ritual with Benjamin's blood, the poltergeist starts to stir, like it senses it's end might be near. It starts to fly toward Benjamin and that bag of salt. Lilian and William will also start to see more activity with their keener eyes, dozens of hands starting to reach from under the bed, like they're trying to claw their way out of something, or somewhere, rather desperately.
Lark's mouth opens at hearing Lilian's words, but no words actually tumble out. She promptly shuts it, looking like a blubbing fish for a moment before she scoots closer to William, choosing instead to keep her attention on the unfolding ritual before them.
"Right." Benjamin says as he finishes the windows. Unfortunately he missed the whole doom corner bit so as he begins to use the bag of salt (how much is even left?) to line the room there is a fairly good chance he is going to approach that dangerous corner at some point. Luckily he started with the door they came in through first, thresholds first. Unluckily since he thinks he can't see ghosts he's not looking for the poltergeist as it hurtles towards him on his route around the room.
The circle finishes drawing itself, the pool of blood now a completely enclosed circle that glows faintly with blood red light. The glow is reflected in the pendant on Lilian's neck hanging between her breasts. "It's coming. Benji go run behind Bill." Lilian calls out in a voice that.. doesn't sound like she's particularly hurried, or rushed or anything like that. As the pendant on her neck blazes filling the room with red light, she places her hand into the edge of the circle, watching as the blood covers her hand. A ring of smaller runes start to slowly draw around the inside edge of the circle, presumably when they are done, her ritual will be too.
William answers Lilian's lifted eyebrow with a roll of his eyes, shaking his head "That's why I said I don't know how *you* do these things..." But the banter is soon cut short as the spirits start moving and acting up, much like he had explained Benjamin before, likely not taking kindly the fact that they were going to be kicked out of their favorite living spot.
But being quick to react, the pale man tries to use his own magic on the moving poltergeist, to at least have it change its target, shaking his head at what Lilian says and commenting "No, keep going, this thing is going to come for me in a moment-" And then the magic fills the air, going after the attacking spirit to have it confuse Benjamin and William
Lark watches the ritual unfold, her gaze unblinking with clear fascination. Her hand clutches tighter around that tote bag, though her gaze flits back towards William and Lilian for a moment, guaging their demeanors.
One by one the ring of smaller runes forms within that inside edge of Lilian's ritual circle. The red light casts that eerie glow across the room. To Lark and Benjamin it might truly seem like something out of the scene in a movie.
The poltergeist is hit by William's magic and swivels in the direction of the man instead of Benjamin. Another few runes find their way to completion within the circle. Lark starts to feel hands grabbing at her legs, if she looks down, she'll see them coming up from the floorboards. The poltergeist is close enough to William that might start having flashbacks to the last time he dealt with a spirit.
The final few runes within the circle complete. Red light turns to pitch black as a different sort of energy fills the air. The poltergeist starts to get sucked backwards into the circle. The other ghosts in the room start to get sucked into too - the ones that have been under the bed. Some seem like they retreat but otherwise that ritual circle is currently acting like a ghost hoover.
It's akin to a candle being blown out, but instead of a flame, it's like a scream dying in someone's throat. There and gone and left in its wake in an uneasy hush falling over the room. Does it feel lighter? Absolutely, but it doesn't feel entirely -right-. The Penthouse may be quiet for now, but like Lilian warned Ginger earlier in the evening, the problem may not be completely resolved.
Benjamin perks up at the shout to go to William and tries to stop his forward momentum with a stumble and trip. Head over heels he goes, spilling an undue amount of salt in the proccess. At first he scrambles to get up in the direction of William and abandon the salt but with Lilian's additional instruction he picks it up with his bandaged hand and goes back to trying to cover the perimeter. All the while the ritual circle has become something out of a movie and spirits are being pulled into it left and right. It would be awe inspiring if he was able to look at it, but the time he finishes running from corner to corner he catches the tail end of the scream snuffing out like a flame from a candle and goes, "Wait, did I miss the -thing-?" he has a large bruise on his forehead.
Lark hops from foot to foot at feeling the strange sensation of hands grabbing at her legs. It makes for a strange sight, as if the redhead were doing some off-beat dance. There's a palpable sense of relief upon her pale features as that uneasy hush falls in the room. Relief but wariness. Her gaze travels towards Benjamin upon his return and she narrows her eyes at that large bruise on his forehead. "Did you fall?" she asks, glancing around the room again for good measure.
Stiffening a bit on his spot as the poltergeist comes closer, William lets out a bit of a gasp, last time he dealt with spirits being as earlier as the previous day, not quite the pleasant experience really- Not even noticing the hands coming out of the bed to crawl towards Lark, who supposedly was by him to avoid any kind of danger, tunnel visioning into the memories he's shown.
But luckily, soon enough the spirits start to get sucked into the ritual that Lilian had been preparing, letting out a soft gasp of relief and shaking his head a couple times, looking around the room to asses if everyone was still alright, and rubbing his forehead slightly, maybe looking relieved to be back into the room
As the runes start to glow more, a wind picks up blowing Lilian's hair back, from her shoulders. That might've also been why the arcanist kept short hair before given the way the strands blow into her face but too late now, she already lengthened her hair! When the suck reverses, her hair is drawn towards the circle instead, strands fluttering as the ghosts slowly get sucked by one by one into spell circle. There is a soundless explosion as everything in the room returns back to this plane and Lilian tilts her head as she sits up, withdrawing her hand. The spell circle, now that it's been used is a dark circle of dried blood as if an explosion pushed all the droplets outwards and then froze it in time. "Sorry.. When you're a master arcanist spells take about.. five minutes instead of two hours." Lilian comments anticlimatically.
Benjamin reaches up to lightly touch the bruise on his forehead with a since. "Uh... Yes." he says in a confused sounding new yorker's accent. "But it's not that bad." he says more to himself than Lark.
glances over at the bruise on Benjamin's head, "Eh it'll heal in a day. You might get a bigger bruise playing volleyball." Dusting her hands, Lilian gets to her feet, smoothing her skirts out. "You're all invited to come play onsen volleyball now at my place. I'll walk us back."
Lilian's phone is taken out for a second to send a quick message to David and thus Ginger to let her know her apartment is ghost free.. and then Lilian looks at the others. "Do NOT vomit in the onsen." She directs Lark and Benjamin sternly.
Lark tells Lilian dryly. "You're in luck. I don't think I could. I'm tapped out on the vom-o-meter."
"I think I'm good." Benjamin says with his fingers rubbing the bruise which seems to be growing a darker shade already. "So wait, you're both students at White Oak... and you are?" he looks towards William and clarifies, "Big Bill the friendly janitor from the school that helps out or like... completely unrelated to the school?"
"Yes we're both students at white Oak. And Bill could probably lecture at white oak but doesn't." Lilian tells Benjamin dryly as she looks around. "Everyone ready to go home? Lark... chuck the board over the balcony if you didn't manage to burn it..."
William takes a moment or two to fully speak after the whole memory barrage, even if relieved when everything is gone, he remains silent for a couple seconds, but he soon enough is back to normal "I- Yeah, I have nothing to do with the college... I sometimes sneak into their lectures when they interest me- And use their library a lot... But otherwise? No relation between me and the college"
Benjamin says "Wait there is a library... WHERE?!"