The Junkyard Of Flesh Sr Korina 240831
The story unfolds in a desolate, abandoned Wildling outpost, set against a backdrop of daunting tundra and remnants of a forgotten civilization. Here, nestled among weather-beaten structures swathed in snow, Nikolai and SRKorina engage in a unique endeavor—a test of strength, strategy, and survival against the wilderness's most unsuspected adversary: squirrels.
The air of the outpost vibrates with anticipation as Nikolai, armed with his unusual yet formidably named "mighty buns of steel," prepares to confront these tiny but ferocious creatures. The narrative quickly veers from the mundane to the absurd as he dispatches an angry squirrel with nothing but the power of a well-timed twerk, setting the tone for an outlandish but captivating series of encounters.
As the testing progresses, the focus shifts from the battlefield's whimsy to the mechanics of combat. Nikolai and SRKorina meticulously analyze the effects of their attacks, gauging the efficiency of their strategies against the squirrels' resilience. They experiment with various settings, toggling the 'subdue' option and adjusting armor values, seeking the perfect balance that would make for a challenging but not insurmountable opponent.
With each iteration, they delve deeper into the mechanics of their simulated environment, their dialogues peppered with terms like "mild wound," "damage overflow," and "HP tally," echoing the lexicon of seasoned gamers. This meticulous attention to detail highlights their determination to refine their combat tactics, transforming a simple pest control task into an intricately crafted trial of skill and resilience.
In their quest for the ideal opponent, Nikolai and SRKorina navigate the complex interplay between offense and defense, drawing parallels to the real-world complexities of trial and error, strategy, and adaptation. The squirrels, though seemingly insignificant foes, become symbols of the unpredictable challenges that lie in the wild, demanding respect and strategic ingenuity.
As the story draws to a close, the duo's experimentation yields valuable insights, albeit with lingering uncertainties about the perfect equilibrium between challenge and manageability. Despite the unresolved questions, there's a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie, a shared understanding that the journey—the meticulous planning, testing, and momentary setbacks—was as meaningful as the outcome.
In the end, SRKorina decides against further trials, their quest for minor adversaries reaching a natural conclusion. Their parting dialogue, marked by gratitude and the potential for future collaborations, underscores the essence of their adventure: a testament to human curiosity, the joy of discovery, and the unrelenting pursuit of mastery, set against the unforgiving, yet strangely accommodating, backdrop of the tundra outpost.
(The Junkyard of Flesh(SRKorina):SRKorina)
[Fri Aug 30 2024]
On an abandoned Wildling outpost bordering the tundra
Nestled against the backdrop of wide-open plains and icy expanses, this outpost is a cluster of weather-beaten structures, half-buried in snow and overgrown with hardy tundra flora. The main building to the north, once a sturdy log cabin, now leans precariously to one side, its roof partially caved in and the windows long shattered into broken pieces on the ground, allowing the cold wind to whistle through the empty space.
A dilapidated wooden watchtower rises to the east, its rickety stairs barely clinging to the frame, offering a perilous view of the surrounding barren landscape. The outpost's perimeter is marked by a crumbling stone wall, barely discernible under a thick layer of frost and creeping moss. Scattered around the grounds are remnants of old campfires, surrounded by weathered stones and charred wood.
An eerie silence pervades the outpost, broken only by the occasional howl of the wind and the distant call of a snow owl, and the oppressive cold seeps into every corner, sinking harshly into bones and making joints ache.
It is morning, about 84F(28C) degrees,
Nikolai says "Interesting, I wounded it but it didn't go down."
Nikolai says "Mild wound again."
Nikolai tests.
Nikolai says "It looks like it's still paused"
Nikolai wields his mighty buns of steel as blunt weapons and twerks an angry squirrel to death.
Nikolai says "Subdue is off, if the next one doesn't kill it then we have unkillable foes..."
The squirrels are very ferocious indeed.
Nikolai says "Okay, severe does it."
Nikolai says "But you do need to not subdue."
SRKorina says "That was too easy, yes? I want to find a good sweet spot of strong but not too strong, I think."
Nikolai says "Yeah that was doing 5 damage to me"
Nikolai says "Let me tally how much damage it did and see if it tracks to the armour you gave it..."
Nikolai says "39, 163, 31, then the last hit was 106 which could have overflowed."
Nikolai says "That's 233 fir the first three hits."
Nikolai says "What was the armour disc on it?"
SRKorina says "20 natural armor."
Nikolai says "Hmmm. "
SRKorina says "I think the armor is fine; needs the damage up."
SRKorina says "Ready to try again?"
Nikolai says "Try making one with a human armour discipline and see if that tracks too."
Nikolai says "Otherwise maybe they have a base HP"
SRKorina says "Ready? "
Nikolai says "What stats do we have this time?"
SRKorina says "Twenty medieval armor, twenty spears, ten striking."
Nikolai says "I don't mind if you accidentally wound me or whatever, I can heal from milds np and i have bandaids if we accidentally fuck me up super bad"
Nikolai says "This did 15 damage to me"
Nikolai says "38 damage, 155 damage"
Nikolai says "14 "
Nikolai says "This is what I'm doing, sorry, not it"
SRKorina says "I assumed so."
Nikolai says "161 and it's mildly wounded."
SRKorina says "That was double mild wounds."
Nikolai says "I turned subdue back on "
SRKorina says "I'll pause."
Nikolai says "Oops "
SRKorina says "Oh. "
Nikolai says "you're all good"
SRKorina says "Can you turn it off mid-fight or should I pause it?"
Nikolai says "I can, I think the "mild wound" i was giving it with subdue on is just a placeholder message of the KO not being able to work"
Nikolai says "And it's just at 0 hp with no wounds"
nods her head slowly.
SRKorina says "One last try. Ready?"
Nikolai says "Let me tally up that hp"
SRKorina says "I think it was around 200 again for the KO."
Nikolai says "38, 155, 14"
Nikolai says "got them to mild wound"
SRKorina says "Yeah. 200."
Nikolai says "Okay, so either they get 10* armour or 100 + defensive value"
SRKorina says "Let me switch up the armor value some."
Nikolai says "Rather than 5* armour"
SRKorina says "Okay. Ready?"
Nikolai says "17 damage"
Nikolai says "dealt to me"
Nikolai says "42, 60, 169 damage dealt to it..."
Nikolai says "16 took it to mild wound."
SRKorina says "That's with 40 tooth and claw."
SRKorina says "And 30 toughness."
Nikolai says "That still doesn't perfectly scale, annoying. That would be 150 hp on a normal person, 250 if it was 100 + defensive value."
Nikolai says "I dealt 271 before the finishing hit."
Nikolai says "Wounding hit, I mean."
Nikolai says "I guess we can roughly guesstimate it as 100+ armour value * 5, but still wild."
SRKorina says "It's okay, not too big of a deal. Good to know that's doable. Thank you."
Nikolai says "and yeah it was dealing 16-19 damage to me per hit"
SRKorina says "Ready to be summoned back to the real world?"
Nikolai says "If you're done! I don't mind if you want to try and find a sweet spot for a boss monster"
SRKorina says "Nah, that's okay. I'm just looking for little chumps, not bosses."
The air of the outpost vibrates with anticipation as Nikolai, armed with his unusual yet formidably named "mighty buns of steel," prepares to confront these tiny but ferocious creatures. The narrative quickly veers from the mundane to the absurd as he dispatches an angry squirrel with nothing but the power of a well-timed twerk, setting the tone for an outlandish but captivating series of encounters.
As the testing progresses, the focus shifts from the battlefield's whimsy to the mechanics of combat. Nikolai and SRKorina meticulously analyze the effects of their attacks, gauging the efficiency of their strategies against the squirrels' resilience. They experiment with various settings, toggling the 'subdue' option and adjusting armor values, seeking the perfect balance that would make for a challenging but not insurmountable opponent.
With each iteration, they delve deeper into the mechanics of their simulated environment, their dialogues peppered with terms like "mild wound," "damage overflow," and "HP tally," echoing the lexicon of seasoned gamers. This meticulous attention to detail highlights their determination to refine their combat tactics, transforming a simple pest control task into an intricately crafted trial of skill and resilience.
In their quest for the ideal opponent, Nikolai and SRKorina navigate the complex interplay between offense and defense, drawing parallels to the real-world complexities of trial and error, strategy, and adaptation. The squirrels, though seemingly insignificant foes, become symbols of the unpredictable challenges that lie in the wild, demanding respect and strategic ingenuity.
As the story draws to a close, the duo's experimentation yields valuable insights, albeit with lingering uncertainties about the perfect equilibrium between challenge and manageability. Despite the unresolved questions, there's a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie, a shared understanding that the journey—the meticulous planning, testing, and momentary setbacks—was as meaningful as the outcome.
In the end, SRKorina decides against further trials, their quest for minor adversaries reaching a natural conclusion. Their parting dialogue, marked by gratitude and the potential for future collaborations, underscores the essence of their adventure: a testament to human curiosity, the joy of discovery, and the unrelenting pursuit of mastery, set against the unforgiving, yet strangely accommodating, backdrop of the tundra outpost.
(The Junkyard of Flesh(SRKorina):SRKorina)
[Fri Aug 30 2024]
On an abandoned Wildling outpost bordering the tundra
Nestled against the backdrop of wide-open plains and icy expanses, this outpost is a cluster of weather-beaten structures, half-buried in snow and overgrown with hardy tundra flora. The main building to the north, once a sturdy log cabin, now leans precariously to one side, its roof partially caved in and the windows long shattered into broken pieces on the ground, allowing the cold wind to whistle through the empty space.
A dilapidated wooden watchtower rises to the east, its rickety stairs barely clinging to the frame, offering a perilous view of the surrounding barren landscape. The outpost's perimeter is marked by a crumbling stone wall, barely discernible under a thick layer of frost and creeping moss. Scattered around the grounds are remnants of old campfires, surrounded by weathered stones and charred wood.
An eerie silence pervades the outpost, broken only by the occasional howl of the wind and the distant call of a snow owl, and the oppressive cold seeps into every corner, sinking harshly into bones and making joints ache.
It is morning, about 84F(28C) degrees,
Nikolai says "Interesting, I wounded it but it didn't go down."
Nikolai says "Mild wound again."
Nikolai tests.
Nikolai says "It looks like it's still paused"
Nikolai wields his mighty buns of steel as blunt weapons and twerks an angry squirrel to death.
Nikolai says "Subdue is off, if the next one doesn't kill it then we have unkillable foes..."
The squirrels are very ferocious indeed.
Nikolai says "Okay, severe does it."
Nikolai says "But you do need to not subdue."
SRKorina says "That was too easy, yes? I want to find a good sweet spot of strong but not too strong, I think."
Nikolai says "Yeah that was doing 5 damage to me"
Nikolai says "Let me tally how much damage it did and see if it tracks to the armour you gave it..."
Nikolai says "39, 163, 31, then the last hit was 106 which could have overflowed."
Nikolai says "That's 233 fir the first three hits."
Nikolai says "What was the armour disc on it?"
SRKorina says "20 natural armor."
Nikolai says "Hmmm. "
SRKorina says "I think the armor is fine; needs the damage up."
SRKorina says "Ready to try again?"
Nikolai says "Try making one with a human armour discipline and see if that tracks too."
Nikolai says "Otherwise maybe they have a base HP"
SRKorina says "Ready? "
Nikolai says "What stats do we have this time?"
SRKorina says "Twenty medieval armor, twenty spears, ten striking."
Nikolai says "I don't mind if you accidentally wound me or whatever, I can heal from milds np and i have bandaids if we accidentally fuck me up super bad"
Nikolai says "This did 15 damage to me"
Nikolai says "38 damage, 155 damage"
Nikolai says "14 "
Nikolai says "This is what I'm doing, sorry, not it"
SRKorina says "I assumed so."
Nikolai says "161 and it's mildly wounded."
SRKorina says "That was double mild wounds."
Nikolai says "I turned subdue back on "
SRKorina says "I'll pause."
Nikolai says "Oops "
SRKorina says "Oh. "
Nikolai says "you're all good"
SRKorina says "Can you turn it off mid-fight or should I pause it?"
Nikolai says "I can, I think the "mild wound" i was giving it with subdue on is just a placeholder message of the KO not being able to work"
Nikolai says "And it's just at 0 hp with no wounds"
nods her head slowly.
SRKorina says "One last try. Ready?"
Nikolai says "Let me tally up that hp"
SRKorina says "I think it was around 200 again for the KO."
Nikolai says "38, 155, 14"
Nikolai says "got them to mild wound"
SRKorina says "Yeah. 200."
Nikolai says "Okay, so either they get 10* armour or 100 + defensive value"
SRKorina says "Let me switch up the armor value some."
Nikolai says "Rather than 5* armour"
SRKorina says "Okay. Ready?"
Nikolai says "17 damage"
Nikolai says "dealt to me"
Nikolai says "42, 60, 169 damage dealt to it..."
Nikolai says "16 took it to mild wound."
SRKorina says "That's with 40 tooth and claw."
SRKorina says "And 30 toughness."
Nikolai says "That still doesn't perfectly scale, annoying. That would be 150 hp on a normal person, 250 if it was 100 + defensive value."
Nikolai says "I dealt 271 before the finishing hit."
Nikolai says "Wounding hit, I mean."
Nikolai says "I guess we can roughly guesstimate it as 100+ armour value * 5, but still wild."
SRKorina says "It's okay, not too big of a deal. Good to know that's doable. Thank you."
Nikolai says "and yeah it was dealing 16-19 damage to me per hit"
SRKorina says "Ready to be summoned back to the real world?"
Nikolai says "If you're done! I don't mind if you want to try and find a sweet spot for a boss monster"
SRKorina says "Nah, that's okay. I'm just looking for little chumps, not bosses."