\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Plotlogs/Uranium Coffin Sr Iris 241214

Uranium Coffin Sr Iris 241214

On a dreary day outside the IFA in Bucharest, a group consisting of Eric, Sam, Yuno, and Toro gathered, each drawn by a mysterious set of coordinates that promised a significant investigation. Their initial meeting was awkward, as expectations clashed with the grim reality of their surroundings. The institute loomed ominously, setting the stage for the unsettling discoveries to come.

As they ventured inside, they were drawn into the intrigue surrounding the recent death of Adrian, an employee of the institute. Initial conversations and observations hinted at an accident marred by foul play, leading them to investigate deeper into the facility. Mihai, a surviving victim of the incident, became a person of interest, his injuries and demeanor raising more questions than answers.

Their investigation took a darker turn upon discovering equipment marked with the symbol of the Golden Shadow, a notorious faction known for its nefarious activities. This discovery led them to Laura, a suspect with ties to the Golden Shadow, poised to exploit the institute's secrets for her own gain.

In a shocking turn of events, Gabriel, the institute's head lab assistant, revealed a deeper knowledge of the situation, confronting Laura directly. Under his influence, Laura turned her weapon on herself, a tragic end that unveiled the lengths to which Gabriel would go to protect the institute's—and the world's—secrets.

The group learned of a relic, Pavel's corpse, with the potential to wreak havoc on the fabric of reality itself. Encased in a reaction chamber and sealed away for eternity, the preservation of this seal was paramount, overshadowing any notion of justice for Adrian's death or the regulation of the institute's dangerous experiments.

The investigation concluded with the group advised to forget the horrors they'd witnessed, a request that underscored the immense power and dangerous knowledge that lay within the institute's walls. Each member of the group, affected in their own way, left the scene with more questions than answers, pondering the true cost of knowledge and the shadows that lie in the pursuit of science.

As they departed the scene, the weight of their discoveries hung heavy in the air, a somber reminder of the complexities and moral ambiguities that define our quest for understanding in a world filled with unseen perils.
(Uranium Coffin(SRIris):SRIris)

[Fri Dec 13 2024]

On Parking Lot in front of the IFA
The sky above is a monotone blanket of thick, gray clouds that threaten rain at any moment. The air is damp and heavy, as if weighed down by the lack of sunlight.

The parking lot itself is a desolate expanse of cracked asphalt, with faded, almost indistinguishable parking lines. Puddles of murky water collect in the uneven surface, reflecting the dreary sky above. Sparse, lifeless trees stand like skeletal sentinels, their bare branches twisted and forlorn.

A few cars are scattered haphazardly across the lot, their dull, grimy surfaces blending into the overall grayness. Rust patches and dents mar their exteriors, telling tales of neglect and wear. Nearby, a lone bicycle leans precariously against a rusting rack, its tires flat and frame covered in a thin layer of grime.

The institute looms to the east, its concrete facade a stark and imposing structure. The windows are dark and uninviting, giving the building an aura of cold detachment. The light from the street lamps is feeble, casting long, ominous shadows.

It is afternoon, about 25F(-3C) degrees,

There it was, the IFA: The Physics and Atomic Research Institute in Bucharest. It was an imposing building of steel, concrete and glass shaped by the brutalist mind of some soviet architect in a bygone age. A lone flagpole sits in the middle of the parking lot, holding aloft a faded, sad little Romanian flag that fluttered limply in the little wind that reached this dreary place. Whether they arrived here by bus, uber, taxi, teleportation or who knows what, a group of four individuals now found themselves among the few old cars parked here.

Although the parking lot had plenty of cars, benches and curbs, it did lack a queen-sized bed with a wooden headboard and green linens as well as a comfortable black leather couch. Such objects did not exist in that location and were simply the figments of a mind hoping for a more comfortable spot.

stands with pocketed hands, much preferring the warmth of his coat to the cold air for his poor, freezing hands. "Never been abroad. I was expecting fancy old castles, not.. This." Eric might be a little disappointed. Detroit and the rust belt have nothing on this place, and it shows in how his expression downturns just looking the dreary, Godforgotten place on over from outside.

Stepping off of a Path, Sam nods in agreement to Eric. "Yeh, I should have fucking bought a coat." The jock tucks his hands in the jacket of his suit, a ceramic plated vest hidden beneath. He scratches behind his head, muttering aside to Eric. "It already don't feel good, here."

Yuno waits patiently- She's had some hand in this type of work before, especially currently of late- trying to find something that fell into her lap, a coordinance sent to her by mail with a fat paycheck to it. Whatever, Investigators are investigators, and despite the distance traveled, the details on this one poked at her like a soft butter knife in her ribs. Something seemed off at this point. As the others begin to arrive in place, she'd make herself known. "I didn't realise other people would be on this case." she'd say, stepping out from a slightly larger than average european car. It must have been a staking point for her. "Did you get these coordinates in your mailbox as well, Eric, Sam?" she'd have her hands in her duster- Damn, she looked the part. though strangely enough, she does look a bit beat up. Maybe an incident on the way here? Who knows.

Unlike usual in Haven, Yuno 's holster isn't visible- She seems completely unarmed.

One moment nothing, the next he's in a damp alleyway. Unsurprised but less-than prepared for the biting cold, Toro sneezes, it's all that'd alert anyone to his presence. He undershot or overshot his mark - at least it's quiet. Stuffing a stick of chalk into its pack and the pack into his case, Toro walks his way toward the meeting place at the IFA, having lacked the foresight to make an exchange for the local currency.

"Good--" Toro pauses and glares up at the sky like he's never seen it before, "Evening," he completes with a raised hand to Sam, Eric, and Yuno. He's half-frozen by this point.

Menacing stormy clouds started to gather in the east, slowly encroaching on the sky with their lead-heavy cloaks, cracking whips of thunder between them in some form of ritualistic flogging, threatening the group with a good, hard shower if they wait around for a long time. The push doors at the entrance of the institute were uninviting to say the least, a pair of half-steel-half-glass push-doors that awaited them to finish their introductions.

"Yeh, chasing a lead from network666." Sam ticks a nod to Yuno, ambling along with Eric. When Toro enters, then, he smiles. "Hey. So." He licks his lips, and gestures forward. "So does anyone have a legitimate way to get in, or are we just hoping they'll just let us in?"

itches her cheek. Was she the only one dressed for the European winter? "I didn't realise this was a coordinated case. I assume you all got the same package I got. I'm Yuno for..." She'd look at Toro. "I've been out here for a while, the coordinates told me to wait until I saw a reference drop, but I think they're speaking about you all." She'd flip open her keitai- what was she doing with it? The chirping of the Japanese audio tones really was a pleasant melody, almost making a ringtone- that is, until the sounds are slowly drowned by the woman's evil hand on the audio button. "I spent the flight in trying to get my phone flipped over to this network. Keitai's typically can just connect to any Cellular network- It's why I have one." She'd wiggle the rabbit phone, other hand in the duster. "Let's see..." The clicking of the touch tones, now silent under deadly duress by Yuno, would chitter only to themselves as she worked on....something.

The group would probably have much better luck electing to choose someone and follow them throughout this little investigative encounter, rather than scattering about. Who would lead the Scooby Doo gang today was up to their democratic vote.

"Legitimate?" Eric archs his brow, drawing nearer to the building with a frown showing on his face. "We can just.. Knock." He goes to approach the concrete brick that doubles for an institute of learning. "Which- is what I'll try. Yeah, fam." What can go wrong? The man approaches from the sidewalk, and just heads up to that dreary, ominous place's front doors. Maybe they're even unlocked- or have people inside.

Yuno looks up from her phone briefly at Eric. "before you go in, do you know how to speak Romanian?" A lazy motion to the romanian flag.

"These guys are physicists. There's gonna be someone who speaks American." Eric doesn't even bother naming the language properly.

"Aki," he simply answers Yuno's introduction. With his nose red and leaking and his patience for the cold undone in the short time he's had to endure it, Toro follows Eric but doesn't wait aside, pairing Eric's knock with a shove against the door of his own. "Eric. It's a facility, not a home. I doubt knocking will accomplish much."

Sam seems to defer to Toro and Eric's superior knowledge of public spaces. "Well, let's just go, yeh? I'll let uh... y'all handle the people. Just tell me if I need to make someone a little less of a pain in the ass, yadig?" He taps his shades, the cocky wink hidden behind them.

"I like to think I'm deeeecently diplomatic." Eric exhales, and looks between those other people. "But you get to disagree, 'course. Something tells me - something like a strange voice, a spirit? - that it'll help if someone takes a bit of the lead. I think I'd do decent-like. Agree, and I'll try and get us to talk to the right guys. If not.. Well." He glances for the others. "Tell me who's going ahead instead- 'cause so far I've got Sam on my side it seems."

Yuno continues to pluck at her Keitai. She follows behind in silence, but moves lightly. Her presence becoming still at the door. her eyes narrow in on something on her phone. her eyes don't go up from it. "Alright, go in there and say you're consultants for the employees... Laura, and Andrea." she'd say, finally looking up from her phone.

Yuno wiggles her phone a bit, screen turned toward the scooby-doo gang- other hand still in the duster. A few emails in english reside on the japanese flip phone's tiny little screen. "Keitais are like, the only model that can just connect to networks like this."

Yuno continues just a bit longer before the gods that be have a say in it all. "Andrea is the most likely person to respond. Laura is just a tietary." she'd say, now finally going silent so the gods of this world could finally get a word in.

Seemingly happy to linger near Eric, Sam looks to his phone, and grins some. "We're looking for some guy named Gabriel, in the end." He just shrugs lightly. "Yuno, anything in your information on that guy?"

Eric rears his head, and just moves on over to enter the place, presumably with the others in tow. "Andrea, Laura, Gabriel.. Right. Okay." It's as good a place to start as any.

Looks like the gang was going to spearhead the entrance with Toro to the front.

Yuno stays near the door, sticking the phone back in her duster. She'd wait silently.

Toro took a step to the side, swinging past the door. Not looking too keen on talking, Toro just follows along when Eric and Sam stride on forward.

Eric looks a little hesitant, but does then approach that fabulously uninterested-looking secretary at the front desk. "Good evening," he tells her, slowing his speech down a little. "English? We are looking for some people." Maybe he'll be lucky. Maybe there's some understanding there. He casts the woman a hesitant smile, hands resting atop the counter.

Yuno can't help but hold in a bit of a smile as Eric attempts his best 'America-diplomacy.' She still remains near the door, however. Her nose and face tucks into her duster a bit, hopefully, hiding her smile.

Like some kind of emerald-hued bodyguard to a lanky mob-boss, Sam just sort of hovers behind Eric, hands tucked in his pocket, and curled around the hidden knife there. He doesn't speak, but gives the receptionist the best attempt at 'silent mob guard' kinda energy.

What a lovely waiting room, if this was a depressing rendition of what people think Soviet bread-lines were like. Labcoat clad folks walk about alongside suit wearing men and women, all doing their jobs. An unimpressed secretary sits behind one of the counters and next to it sits someone of likely higher importance. Wearing a dark grey suit with a white labcoat` on top and some nice, spiffying shoes` to boot.

This man's face looks like it's almost made of wax, placing him at a middle-aged range, his hair nicely combed while his beard looks well tended to. Blue eyes nearly glowed and a silver cross sat underneath a chain. There's a strange halo around his head visible to those more sensitive to the supernatural, while just about everyone else can hear distant chants and feel at peace when gazed upon by him, as if on a green hill with just a small breeze.

The secretary calls out "Luati loc daca vreti sa fiti primiti, completati formularele alea si vorbim dupa." , pointing towards a large stack of papers.

At the same time, the man instead talks "I talk English, how can I assist you all?"

Fixed for better eyes, what a lovely waiting room, if this was a depressing rendition of what people think Soviet bread-lines were like. Labcoat clad folks walk about alongside suit wearing men and women, all doing their jobs. An unimpressed secretary sits behind one of the counters and next to it sits someone of likely higher importance. Wearing a dark grey suit with a white labcoat` on top and some nice, spiffying shoes to boot.

This man's face looks like it's almost made of wax, placing him at a middle-aged range, his hair nicely combed while his beard looks well tended to. Blue eyes nearly glowed and a silver cross sat underneath a chain. There's a strange halo around his head visible to those more sensitive to the supernatural, while just about everyone else can hear distant chants and feel at peace when gazed upon by him, as if on a green hill with just a small breeze.

The secretary calls out "Luati loc daca vreti sa fiti primiti, completati formularele alea si vorbim dupa." , pointing towards a large stack of papers.

At the same time, the man instead talks "I talk English, how can I assist you all?"

Toro tilts forward, on the balls of his feet, murmur to Eric, "Perhaps Sam should," whatever he's about to say is cut short when he spots the energy Sam is bringing to the nonthreatening, public place. He can't help but stare, shocked by how wrong he was just about to be. "Nevermind. You're doing excellent, Eric," he murmurs, falling back behind the two and just making his presence known to the English-speaking man through a minute wave.

can't help but let out a little chuckle, slightly distanced from the others. Yuno would just watch as the dunderheads would try to figure out their best approach to the situation. As a Private investigator, her entire mantra is watching others. It wouldn't be fun to try to muscle the fine Americ-plomacy at work.

Sam just lets Toro and Eric do the talking, sun-glassed eyes just looking at the man behind the counter with some fascination. He tilts his head aside, and smiles, briefly adjusting his cuff-links. He gives a friendly smile, still giving off the vibe he is here mostly to support efforts.

Waving off the secretary to go back to her all-too-important bubblegum chewing and paperpushing, the man glances across the group and focuses on Sam. His lips parted open once more to speak out in a melodic voice, the kind one would expect from someone in a choir. "Welcome to IFA, the Fizico-Atomic Institute. I am Gabriel Boca, the head lab assistant here. Are you here in regards to the recent accident?" Turns out this was indeed Gabriel, and his nametag was hanging there on top of his labcoat but one would need to squint or draw attention to see it properly, which Eric somehow pointed out by squinting at it.

Toro follows Sam's lead in passivity and is all-too happy with letting Eric shoulder the group burden of talking. Pretty quickly he gets restless from standing and just wanders off to go sit down and look at foreign magazines.

Eric seems to much prefer the man turning for him over a woman he has no hope of understanding. "Thank you, yes, have a good evening." He's polite enough to tell her this before turning for the male figure more properly. "Good evening, sir," he tells the man, happy to find someone so well-spoken. Glad to hear that name, he pockets those hands again. "The accident, er.. Yeah. That." Probably best not to dive into the details right away, even in a locally-foreign language. Silly provincials. "I hope we made it here in time- everything seemed awful serious-like, yeah." He even manages to let out the on God he might've wanted to add.

Foreign magazines in this case would include some old as hell copies of National Geographic, weird gazettes about the geo-political experiences in Uganda and mathematical journals with different axioms and theorems marked with highlighter as if they held some importance outside of oddly-specific scenarios. Toro was in for a ride.

Gabriel canted his head down sagely towards them, waving his hand towards the west, calling out "We may go inspect it if you wish, the staff room was incinerated and poor Adrian lost his life in this accident. The firefighters took care of it recently, but it's still ravaged."

Oh! Nat-Geo! What better choice for Toro than fun nature photos when the others were both in languages he couldn't hope to understand?

Yuno rubs her forehead and finally walks up to Sam, and Eric, casting a look to Toro as she did so. "Good evening, Gabriel. I'm Yuna- here with these three consultant workers of mine sent here from the administration of department incidents. We got your correspondence in regards to the 'accident'" she'd say with a tiny hang of her mouth. "And We were sent here to respond to that correspondence, We were told there was some sort of faulty 'device?' The premilinary reports are rather vague, do you mind showing us and giving us more details?"

Those observant would be able to notice that Gabriel lowered his head when mentioning that a person lost their lives. His right hand clasps his index finger, middle finger and thumb to bring to his forehead, abdomen, right shoulder and left shoulder. He mumbles off " In numele Tatalui, al Fiilui, Al Sfantului Duh, Amin, sa se linisteasca in pace." with a solemn voice, only to then turn to look at Yuno and utter "Could be faulty wiring? I'm unsure as to that, but you are welcome to come look at it."

At the mention of a deceased person, Sam looks over to Toro, and nods a little. He seems olay not speaking, for now, seemingly satisfied with the direction Gabriel was offering.

Eric half-turns for Yuno, perhaps impressed by what seems like a very well-rehearsed lie of an alibi. He glances back over at Gabriel in time to note the brief show of piety, and really just nods his head the one time, all mildly. "I think looking at it's a good idea, sir. For sure." No first-name basis for him, perhaps.

With a quick nod, Gabriel motioning the group to the west and stepping towards what looks like a taped off entrance, peeling the tape and stepping through.

Yuno chuffs, attempting to flower the wording more. "Of course, But first, is there a meeting room we could settle our equipment into? We're required to log incidents by the end of the evening we arrive, and we're already here a bit late due to train scheduling. Re-ly, It would be best if we could in-quary more once we have set up." Odd ways to say those words. Was Yuno's injuries catching up to her?""

Gabriel stopped midway, halting his step and turning to look over towards Yuno with a stern, interrogative gaze, motioning once more towards the room "I believe we can discuss there in the staff room, it'll be less public."

Yuno nods, a sense of relief looking over her as her wording got through. She'd throw Eric and Sam a look, and gently pull a hand from her duster to try to flag Toro over. "That's ideal." she'd say, following Gabriel now.

Apparently Gabriel went the wrong way.

Gabriel instead went east this time.

Putting his hands behind his back, Sam starts to inspect the rubble, the jock looking around with somewhat of an expert's eye. Well, some kind of expert, surely?

A little too distracted by the sight of a herd of gazelles enjoying warm sun and a sip of water from their local watering hole, Toro lowers the worn NatGeo magazine to spot Yuno's flagging and Gabriel halfway to the door. Hurriedly, Toro bolts after them, bass case near slipping from his shoulder, but does come back to snatch a second issue to take with him. Who knows? Things could get slow.

Yuno watches Sam work the rubble a bit, her hands still in her pockets, occasionally looking to Gabriel. She says or does nothing. She's hopefully not bulldozed by the Young Toro, looking back at them as they catch up.

The room held the smell of burnt fabric and wood, looking like it was pulled straight out of one's depicting of hell. There was rubble and burnt bits of furniture all over the place, food and water also present. It appears that Sam's inspection did not yield the results wanted, the fire there was not of any magical kind, or at least there was no magical remnant left of it.

Gabriel waves about and answers with "There was a massive inferno, sadly, Adrian and Mihai were here, with Adrian dying in the hospital afterwards."

Yuno looks up at the door frame, taking note of the bolting and if the door was in fact in tact or not.

"Any idea what might have caused it?" Sam grins lightly, and looks over to the man, speaking casually. "We're among friends, so let's not keep secrets."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Eric is quite sincere in telling Gabriel it, not grinning along with Sam even a little. "And I hope we can make sure it'll never happen again." He glances toward Yuno, looks at Sam, and opts not to pile on even more questions just yet.

The level of destruction has Toro whistling, it's enough to peel his attention from the page. Reaching around, a notebook and an actual book are smacked open; magazine, book (spine resting centre-page), and notebook atop, like a literary Matryoshka. He bites down on a pen's cap and pulls it, getting started on some note-taking.

Yuno can't help but Chuff again at Sam's ham-fist diplomacy. She still seems to be looking at the door frame and making notes of the markings on the frame, regardless of the existance of a door or not.

The doorframe was somewhat intact, though it was clearly affected by the ravages of the inferno. Gabriel glances towards the door and then back at the group, especially at Yuno and Sam. "I am unsure as to who may have done this, though I have a feeling that this was not an accident, there have been strange occurrences around here as of late."

Any good investigator would be on the lookout for a firestarter, and may notice that there was an odd smell of benzene to the two couches facing each other. Anyone would know that smell, of course, though what kind of madman would have two couches facing each other.

Yuno a small hand comes from the duster to make a few pointers of the doorframe. "Started from inside, The door was locked or barred from the outside. A sniff. "Not electric, I don't believe, two dead meaning any sprinkler system failed, or the fire being used was not reactive to water." She'd stop. "Grease? Fuel flames?" She'd think out loud."

Gabriel paced around for a few seconds, nodding in return to what was said. The sprinklers must've triggered but they seem to not have been that effective. "Firefighters determined the doorlock jammed, correct."

Like a man on a mission, Sam walks over to the couches, picking one up in each hand as he looks under them. He then places them down, like he just picked up and moved maybe a small potted plant, or a house-cat. He nods to Yuno, tilting his head aside, the jock seemingly not too perceptive at all.

Toro is crouched down by a bit of what he suspects might've been, at one point, a table, when he pipes up. "Sprinklers aren't intended to deal with chemical fires. It likely happened fast. Even if the victims were locked inside, if it started as a mild fire, they would've had a chance to react or for others to."

Toro brings his eyes above to the missing ceiling. "Could it have started above them?" He wonders aloud.

Yuno nods to gabriel, her eyes widening a bit as Sam just crunches through the debris. "I'm inclined to believe premptively that foul play is likely involved. What do you know of the two that died in here, Gabriel? Were either of them struggling, or seemed nervous, Tense?" A look to Aki in agreement. "Housefires, natural, from electrics, flashpoint a size of an average living room in about two and a half minutes. Chemical fires would flashpoint a room- that's the point where water becomes ineffective- in about a minute."

Looking under the couches reveals the mindboggling discovery no one was expecting: a nice arrangement of coins, burnt lint and a burnt down magazine all apparently having attempted to hide from the fire. Toro's remark seems to yield an interesting result, as the fire seems to have affected the ceiling a lot more than the floor.

Gabriel answers Yuno with "Not that I am aware of, and only one died, Adrian died. Mihai, the other victim, is a chemist who survived, albeit injured. He is currently in the chemical laboratory right now, if you wish to discuss with him as well. Though you were mentioning that you need to re-ly on an inquiry?"

"This other guy," Eric murmurs, seeming to pick up on something, though he doesn't even begin to approximate the name: ".. Mike. You never mentioned him dying, sir. What became of him?" His head turns for Gabriel in inquiring this, hands staying pocketed while making that inquiry. "Ah.. Yeah- yeah, nah, we gotta talk to him, for real." At last. The zoomer slang seeps in.

Subtly, Sam grabs one of the coins, and pockets it. Fuck yeah souvenir.

Toro stands, his forever tired joints popping. He wags his chewed-on pen at the burn marks along the beams. "If the initial fire began above the ceiling then it's unlikely the victims would've known what was happening before it collapsed atop them and than violently spread."

Although repeating himself would be funny, the lab assistant considers Eric's question answered, only to then nod towards Toro with "Indeed, both Adrian and Mihai were likely taken by surprise, though Adrian was right under the beam that collapsed, while Mihai got lucky."

Yuno looks at Eric. A hard stare. She doesn't even notice Sam's antics. "Right" She'd say again to Gabriel. "Yes, We need to talk to the survivor at the best possible time, can he speak english?" She'd inquire. "And, If it would be possible, I would like to inquire about one of your computers- Sometimes we can make some sense of what happened on access to the network here in the facility." a short delay, and an addition. "A workstation will do fine- I assume the facility uses at least some interconnected server? We might need to look at that, too."

Yuno seems impressed at Toro's deduction skills, offering them a nice nod and smile.

Gabriel nodded at the first question and then shook his head, answering "Mihai does speak English, we may see to him in the chemical laboratory, though there are no such computers. The IFA uses individual mainframes for calculations, but we use the old ways. Most computers here are dedicated to algorithms and so forth. Now then, shall we see to discussing with Mihai? Let me know if you need a moment to use the restroom as well."

Who knows what might find in the bathroom, might be worth a check, or the gang could head for Mihai right away and continue their gumshoe ways.

Toro steps around the devastation and, taking out a flashlight, shines it up above. "Sam. Could you give me a boost?" As he looks up from the ground-level, he is quick to ask Gabriel, "Before we go, is there anyway someone could've gotten between the ceiling and the floor above?"

Upon Toro asking, Sam easily lifts the man up by placing his hands under him, and just bench pressing the entire man as high as he needs.

Eric glances to Yuno he seems to defer to her expertise as an investigator entirely. "I'm good," is all he really says, hands staying pocketed while turning his head to let the woman speak her piece.

The ceiling was comprised of rigidboards of plasterboard that were hanging on a metal lattice to hide the ugly concrete parts, wiring and more. Interestingly enough, one part of the concrete ceiling appeared to be blackened, as if some reaction happened next to it.

Yuno watches Toro, but shakes her head. "Heat rises, getting up there during the fire - being a firestarter- would almost certaintly mean they'd be cooking themselves. It's more likely they rigged the sprinklers to spray a fire-reactive chemical." she'd consider. "I recall there's a few chemicals that are flash-reactive to air, too. And...sprinkler systems especially those built in the distnant past, have an internal tank that they draw from, not a fresh-supply. Someone could easily contaminate that tank." She'd turn to Gabriel. "Alright, than if we can access the data storage for the deceased, and maybe check the storeroom that these sprinklers draw their water from, that would be best."

Not having great balance on the best of days, Toro wiggles a bit as he's lifted up by Sam, careful not fall or be dropped. "Ceilings will sometimes have empty space between them and the next floors. Floors often are constructed from hardier material." He flashes a light on the horribly burnt block above the lattice. "It may have been a fire bomb that'd been placed in a crawl space. We can check the sprinklers system to make sure," he tells Yuno and gestures a request at Sam to be let down.

Yuno nods. "If I could get some credentials and move over to the radiology department to look at his workstation, that would be best. These three can go and talk to the survivor." a look at the three. She seemed more confident, watching Toro work. "If that works for these three, and you, Gabriel?" she'd finish.

Casually lets Toro down, and speaks up. "I could use a piss." He remarks simply. "Mind if we take a piss real quick?" Sam looks to Yuno.

"Fam, she's not your mom, just do it." Eric moves not an inch from where he stands

Gabriel shakes his head and answers with a quick "I can take you to the bathrooms, but you will need to head together wherever you do. This is a nuclear facility, I will chaperone you around."

Yuno gives a nod. "Then, survivor first. Workstation next. But...bathroom first, I think."

Sam says "All good."
Toro stretches out his bunched up hoodie the second Sam puts him back on the floor, the cartoonish frog looking like it's winking. "I'm happy with proceeding, as well."

Waving forth, Gabriel leads the party to the shitters across the hallway.

The man introduced them to the bathrooms but decided to wait outside, giving the group the much needed time to explore, shit, piss and who knows what. While most mirrors look like they're straight, there's one that appears to be ajar.

Yuno waits outside of the bathroom. "I'll um... wait out here while you guys do your business."

Sam's lizardbrain's curiosity is triggered, so he goes over to the mirror, looking at the the mirror with a tilt of the head.

Turns out that Sam's not perceptive enough to notice too much wrong with the mirror, but others might be able to if they decide to look at it.

As the only female in the group, Yuno wasn't about to be part of the piss party.

Toro peeking out a crack in the door, "Yes. Good idea. You should check the women's restroom," he tells Yuno, before closing the door behind him. Toro is more interested in vents or potential entries into the crawlspace but can't help his curiosity when he spots Sam staring at himself in the mirror. "Sam?"

Eric is, thankfully, in the same room as Sam, if just to watch his hands. Thankfully, he has the fantastically great fortune to do so in front of the slightly-tilted mirror. "You good, fam?" He glances from Sam to the mirror, squinting right at it

There was a note apparently lodged behind the mirror.

Eric peels his eyes, and reaaaaaaches for the note after drying his hands. Hopefully, he can read it. Maybe, it is not in fact written in neo-Dacian.

Toro follows Eric's hand, walking after it and the note. He pushes up on his toes, trying to steal a peek of the human skyscraper's find. "Eric. What did you find?"

The note had a front and a back. The front apparently was actually an official warning written on an IFA stationary, reading "Laura, if I catch you in the chemical storage room again, I will douse you in iodine and toss you into the centrifuge. I don't care what you need Florine for, go through official channels!" while the back was hastily written with a black marker "I know what you did with your husband, Andrea. Leave fifty thousand RON here or else."

Yuno waits patiently outside the bathroom- she'd continue to tap on her phone, either messing around on the internet network or trying to get a bit of emails.

An important factor was that apparently the stationary was signed by Mihai.

There's a "Shiiiit, fam," as Eric looks the note on over, brow perking up high. "Let's- yeah, fam. They're gonna wanna see this." Eric beckons, and goes to leave the bathroom with a gaggle of boys as if they are high school-aged girls, rather than a selection of adult men. "Fam." He waves the official-looking note while looking over at Yuno, and Gabriel after a second. "You're going to want to read this. It's big." He passes it along her way, if just because it seems important for her to know.

FLUSH goes one of the toilets in the stalls, an obese man bursting out and latching up his belt on the way to a sink. FSSSSHHH went the water from the tired tap while he gave a quick nod to the group "Salut." was said in a polite way as he departed the bathroom, a good reminder that the shitters were not perfectly private.

Sam does, in fact, take that piss. He follows shortly after, lumbering back to un-split the group. "Looks like we oughta tallk to Mihi, huh?" He nods to the man. "Salt to you too."

Yuno looks up from her phone. "Oh? let me see." her eyes begin to look over the note, a frown on her features. "The two I mentioned earlier, than. Gabriel, can we can a agreement form printed out from one of the workstations? I would like to get Mihai's signature on the form so I can compare it to this notary. We've no idea if this is a fraud or not." She'd make note of the information gathered on the email, not revealing the information yet, however. "It's pretty important that we get to the chemistry story, as well." This was all outside of the bathroom, but Yuno doesn't have supersonic hearing, only hearing the 'salut' from the bathroom before going silent.

Gabriel looks over at the note and then at Yuno, answering with "This looks like Mihai's signature and writing. You can ask him directly, if you wish, we'll head to the chemical laboratory after everyone's ready to head out."

Yuno yuno nods, settling to take a picture of the note with her phone, flipping it back and forth. Digital age, bitches.

Sam says "Yeh, let's chat with Myhai. "
"Yeah, let's- not linger in here. Mihai seems like a good next step, for real." Another zoomerism, even if Eric seems happy to just get away from the bathroom by now

Toro isn't in the slightest shaken by the fridge-bodied man's exit. He just gives him a subtle, polite nod, and continues his gawking of Eric's note as if it's completely normal behaviour. It's safe to say that he's just as quick on his feet to follow them out of the restroom.

Ah, yes, the Chemistry Laboratory. There's a persistent smell of solvent around here and there's one hell of a grumpy, grey-haired man working there doing some pro-level titration. Upon spotting the group, he waves off a few things and then turns towards Gabriel, asking "Ce faci, ba, acum ai ajuns sa aduci studenti aici?". He is answered with "No, Mihai, ei sunt inspectori de la inspectoratul de munca, au venit sa discute despre acidentul care s-a intamplant inainte. Vorbesc engleza, se pare."

With that out of the way, the man wearing a 'Mihai' nametag turns to the group to say "What can I do for you?" Also, it would be important to note that there was no portal or dome in this room, those were the figments of a broken mind and only a fool would be able to see them as the mistake of some deity that created this place being unable to remove odd artifacts of previous events.

silently forgives the foolish god. Yuno would step forward and offer a little polite bow. "Hello Mihai, I'm Yunah with the ADI, we're here on an investigation of the recent accident in the staffroom and were hoping to get some information from you. It should only take a moment, so we aren't inconveniencing you that much, I hope?"

Eric rears his head to nod over Yuno's way, preferring to stick by Sam's side. Perhaps the bulk of his coat and his height even makes up for benching perhaps a tenth the weight the other man might do.

Mihai bounces a gaze between the group, quirking an eyebrow "Alright, ask away, I was burnt up as well in that bit, mind you, but I couldn't get more than two days of medical leave, so here I am." He sounds pretty pissed off about this.

Sam returns to his quiet loom, looking at Yuno do her pro detective thing. He casually looks over the man's arm, trying to look at his wounds, perhaps.

Phosgene. Hydrochloric acid. Ethylene oxide. Toro's head spins from the vast rows of unfamiliar names printed onto the bottles. The Romanian labels certainly weren't helping either. With his focus threatening to leave him as it's found surrounded by a bunch of nerdy, molecular nonsense, Toro travels back down the row of shelves, very nearly bumping into Mihai, who blocks his escape. It's back to the silly, wild life photos for him.

While Sam isn't perceptive at all, both of Mihai's arms were wrapped in bandages up to the palm, the kind of wrapping one would expect from severe burns. Toro was now mired in a world of interesting names for chemical compounds, most of which seem to be organic ones used in medicine.

Yuno speaks "I see. It has to be rather hard to move about than, I imagine. We'll try to make it brief- Can you tell me what you recall from the day it happened? Where the fire originated, what caused it. Anything you can give us to help us determine the cause of the fire. Initial evidence suggests Electric, a ground fan?" she'd lead in with a lie, her poker face only accenutated by almond eyes. Her hands in her duster.

Chewing on the side of his inner cheek for a moment, Mihai glances over towards Gabriel and then back at Yuno, saying "Same thing I told the police and the firefighters. Adrian and I were life-long friends. We were discussing the Steaua-Dinamo match from the night before when I started smelling some a bleach-like smell, though that's not strange given what we work with. Then the ceiling collapsed and fire just burst around us. I managed to raise my arms up and shield my face, Adrian did not do so as he was busy eating coleslaw."

Eric opens his mouth, and then bites his tongue. Yuno is probably better at asking sensible questions anyway.

Yuno gulps, nodding along. "I see. So the fire came from the ceiling. You were sitting across the way from Adrian, I imagine, but he was enjoying his lunch? Did the rafter fall on both of you? Do you recall any specific sounds before the fire burst into the room? A hissing, bubbling, water-noise- Adrian's mouthy eating?" She'd offer up, It seems she'd be trying to figure out something pretty significant through a few smaller steps, though, that intention was hidden.

Eyes flitting over towards the group, Mihai then turns back to look at Yuno and answers with "I don't remember any noises, really, was focused on our conversation, and yeah, Adrian was eating, loudly. Doamne sa-l ierte, he ate like a pig in heat, what a man. Anything else you'd like to ask?"

Yuno offers a moment of silence, nodding along. Her eyes would look at Sam, hopefully, getting his attention if he was at all in any way looking at the conversation between the two. Another moment passes. "Just two. you said Adrian was your friend. Did you know of any troubles he might have been having- monetarily, or perhaps a relationship with a lady friend of his?"

Mihai's large nose was rubbed with his left hand, making a loud sniffle-snuffle noise before blowing it a bit. "Not that I'm aware of, he was a widower, like me."

Sam speaks up briefly, taking his cue. "Glad yer helping us, Mihai. It's good to get the true account, right?" He smiles somewhat, from behind his shades, tone casual as he speaks.

It appears Mihai's mind was a strange garble of chemical equations, all spinning around in strange ideas and compounds. He didn't seem to register what Sam was trying to say, answering with "What? You think I'm gonna lie about my dead best friend?"

Eric is used-enough to Sam getting up to shenanigans that his expression barely shifts. He has very little to say or add.

"Not at all, my man, that's what I just said." Sam just replies, tone calm and friendly.

Yuno if Detectives took everything said as pure truth, the world would be an obscure -shattered mirror. her eyes flicker to Sam pitifully. "Right, tha- Oh. Just one more thing." she'd say, after a noir like, drammatic pause. her hand goes up to her face, hovering a bit as she looks off to the side, speaking with some pauses. "I understand that something like a, fire could potentially have ended with two tragedies instead of one, God bless that you weren't harmed severely enough to not be here today- But I can't help but think about the amount of financial duressment the whole ideal might have caused you. Lung damage - I know Romania has a decent health system, but beyond a certain point, even just the axuilarily cost would have to be quite pressuring for a man like you." she'd stop, the conversation taking place in the breath of hers before. "I can't imagine there'd ever be a possibility a man of such high prestige in this workplace would not be able to understand the chemical reactive components to generate heat over an entropic reaction- It does strike me a bit odd..." She'd stop, and withdraw a notary. "...Or...else." She'd finally say, looking down a the note now. "Mm. Things like this rarely lead to pass, but I'd like to ask you what 'or else' means- Or else a chemical explosion?" She'd stop, looking up at Mihail now. Her duster is just barely open, the underarm strap of her revolver only MOST BARELY showing to the man directly in front of her- it's retention release secure.

As she speaks, Sam leans over to Yuno, murmurring a few words.

Eric looks and looks and looks on ahead. That bold accusation Yuno builds up to just has his brow perk a bunch, and he says nothing at all to pick sides one way or another; the man remains tense, and perhaps a touch displeased with the turn of conversation

Gabriel looks over towards Mihai as Mihai seems absolutely unfazed, crossing his arms while bearing the kind of scowl one expects from a grumpy old man. "Bai putisoaro." he clammors out, glancing at the firearm and then back at her "I've been the head of the chemical department here from when Ceausescu was still in power, you think you can intimidate me? Crezi ca-ti merge cu mine? I had nothing to do with this. If you're trying to imply this was a chemically started fire, I keep records of all the chemicals taken in and out, it's mandatory, and you can check that to see that I didn't take anything flammable out, or dangerous. I think the only one in this facility that doesn't follow that is that cretina Laura."

Toro stretches his arm and raises his hand high up, like a student requesting their professor. He doesn't wait to be acknowledged. "What did Laura typically take? Has anything uncharacteristic of her typical takes gone unaccounted for, as of recent?" He asks either out of pure curiosity or an attempt at partial deviation from the more confrontational line of questioning.

"All right, sounds like we gotta talk to Laura." Sam looks between Yuno and Mihai, then nods to Toro asking smart questions.

Yuno hums, letting the words go throuh Yuno-analysis-pink-blob-machine before responding. "Sure, It's rather convenient that someone with a history of stealing floride from the company could possibly do something like- take some reactive chemicals, or start a reaction- But it still doesn't explain how a spontanious combustion happens -" she'd stop however, the moment Toro would raise his hand and start talking.

Eric rubs a hand at his face, content to loom near Sam still. The other man might see discomfort and a grimace on his face still, a hand rubbing at his features while he just watches things unfold

With arms crossed, Mihai answers Toro with "I caught her grabbing the usuals for the radiology, radium, iodine, that stuff, but she's been sneaking off with other crap too, halogens, hexane, that sort of stuff. She's some American somewhat recent hire, that's her excuse for not following protocol." His eyes then turn to look over at Yuno, answering with "Fires happen, accidents happen, this is a research institute, we handle dangerous stuff and have protocols but things still go wrong."

Sam just puts one hand on Eric's shoulder, reassuringly so. He keeps his eyes fixed on the back and forth between Toro, Yuno and mihai.

"American, huh. She mention wherefrom?" Eric asks that question in what seems like some very real curiosity

Gabriel answers in Mihai's stead, breaking the grouchy, gravel-tar-cigar-smoking voice Mihai head with his angelic, soothing one "She was from some place in the Northern area of the Eastern Coast, Massachusetts or somewhere around the Boston area."

Using his thumb, Toro re-open the notebook folded within the stolen magazine. His pen scribbles a few things down. "Halogens? Hexane?" He glances up, ignorant to the meaning behind these names. "She didn't used to take these, then? This was recent behaviour?"

Sam's eyes perk some. "New England, perhaps?" he speaks casually, looking to gabriel.

Yuno puts a hand to her chin, considering. "Hexane is a chemical used in separation distilation." Forensics knowledge, kicking in! "though, it still certaintly doesn't explain where these materials are being stored. It doesn't explain your want of Fifty thousand RON." But her voice stops as the mention to the location the woman was from. "I see." her tone would suddenly shift- looking to the other three. "We'll go speak to Laura now. We'll be back to speak tou later, I think, Mihail." She'd not even bother thanking the old man.

One answer was "I wouldn't know, the point of something being taken without being written down is that I can't keep track of it. And fifty thousand RON? What?" while the other from Gabriel is "I believe it may indeed be New England."

"Yeah, fam." Eric has pieced that together very well himself. "Yeah, I think we very much should, on God. Er- thanks, of course. Thanks very much." He even shows some gratitude for the ancient grump and his own brand of helpfulness.

Toro is eager to leave the storeroom. He dips his head to Mihai in passing, appreciative for the man's time.

Yuno flicks up a notary between her fingers like a yugioh addict. "I know what you did with your husband." she'd state, before turning to the door and placing the note back in her pocket.

Mihai's face conveys the kind of genuine confusion one can expect from someone who just heard foreign words spoken "Husband? I was married to Mara for fourty three years before she passed, do I look like a bulangiu to you?" All while Gabriel asked "Now, do you wish to see Laura?"

Yuno shakes her head as she walks out of the room, not giving the man another response.

"Yes, we absolutely do." Mostly, Eric wants not to annoy Walter White's even angrier, less whitebread self. But still: "Glad to see her, very much, yeah."

Sam turns when Eric speaks, and just moves along, giving Mihai White a glance with a semi apologetic look.

Yuno walks along with the wonderful group, thinking. "His reaction seemed genuine. I do believe the note is a forgery. but I can't be sure."

Gabriel marches into the room with the group, spotting a woman and asking "Andrea, where's Laura?". The woman, buxom blonde with piercing amber eyes, answers "I saw her heading into the store room previously, though she may have left, I was working with half-life radium so I was paying attention." With that said, Gabriel takes the charge and leads the group into the radiology store room.

Yuno says "I was checking both. It's not as if things like this could be not easily forged or messed up.""
Yuno stops talking as they rush towards the room!

This room felt oddly claustrophobic room, with all sorts of boxes and devices around. There was a counter on the wall idly ticking, telling of the fact that the background radiation in this room was well past normal levels, making anyone who might be a bit more vulnerable to such changes feel it quite a bit. There was a distinct lack people however, with only the group in there. Most boxes seemed old, but there were a few that looked very new, even sleek, strangely enough.

"Some Havenite chick comes," Eric grumbles, already assuming just that. "Steals things. And- leaves more." He gestures at some of the boxes that do not, themselves, look like they could rival Mihai in age. "Color me deeply, deeply suspicious, yo."

Looking distinctly uncomfortable, Sam looks around. "Aight, no Laura here." He speaks, looking like a frenchman in a cheddar factory: Uncomfortable as fuck.

Eric casts Sam a glance, grimaces a little, and rolls up his sleeves before moving for the boxes himself. Maybe this one time, he's the better man for the job

Yuno just softly adds. "Please do not move the boxes around too much. We have no idea what chemicals are being stored here." she'd walk a few steps in, searching for BLUES CLUES.

Toro looking up and over his shoulder at Gabriel. "Doctor, who is Andrea's husband?"

Yuno says "That's the next and final lead, I think, you're right, Aki. It fits along. Either it was Mihail with some collarboration from Laura, or it's..."
Yuno voice would trail as she looked around.

Those boxes all had an oddly familiar golden dagger plunged through a shadowy globe symbol on them, rattling a bit as they're moving as if there were things inside of them. Gabriel answered "Valentin Scaunescu, he works as a carpenter, he has not been to this facility at all." with a strange amount of confidence.

Sam perks up, seeing that symbol. "Golden Shadow." he speaks, simply. "Trail's hot, I reckon."

Toro chews on a thought. "How are you certain he's not been here?" He asks.

"That's worse. Like." Eric squints at Toro. "You get how that'd be even worse, right?"

Yuno goes to open one of the boxes, the curiosity of the rattling getting to her best self-preservation inhibitations.

Dipping his head in a nod towards Toro, Gabriel puts Toro's mind at ease with a non-answer "I know he has not been to this facility, I am acutely aware of who comes and goes."

Toro doesn't press the issue, just keeping his brow raised as he diverts a nod toward Eric. "I can think of more than a few reasons."

The box is popped open to reveal what looks like a spare pieces of Golden Shadow armored vests and uniforms, what looks like a communicator, some knives and even a firearm as well as several notebooks.

Yuno simply puts one of the communicator's into her ear, looking at the notebook with interest. She isn't even talking to the rest of the group, though her actions are pretty visibily noticable. She's just in her Super-detective arc, right now.

"Son of a..." Sam looks to Gabriel now. "Where did you say Laura was?" A hand goes to the hidden blade at his side, though he doesn't draw it just yet." "

"Look, sir- Gabriel- Laura is from Haven, most likely, and very clearly a Golden Shadow agent. Are you familiar? Have those people operated out here yet?" Eric sincerely isn't sure, but does his best to elaborate what he says someone' way as best he can. "They are bad, bad, bad fucking people; they're trying to loot what they can and be assholes about it."

"Look, sir- Gabriel- Laura is from Haven, most likely, and very clearly a Golden Shadow agent. Are you familiar? Have those people operated out here yet?" Eric sincerely isn't sure, but does his best to elaborate what he says Gabriel's way as best he can. "They are bad, bad, bad fucking people; they're trying to loot what they can and be assholes about it."

Gabriel seems thoroughly unphased and instead paces over to look at the box himself, his nearly glowing blue eyes gazing down at it. "An increasingly alarming situation, just as alarming as a group of diverse inspectors speaking without a Romanian accent. It's clear that she is not here, but she has not left this building, I can assure you of that. I suspected such intrusion, and I know where she might be. But before we head there, I believe you ought to tell me who you are and why you're here yourself."

Eric is here with Sam, and opts to do no talking there, for once.

Licking his thumb, Toro slides a page back through his notebook. "It is weirdly convenient and unsurreptitious to, as an infiltrator, to mark boxes of your valuable equipment with your symbol." Briefly, he pouts his lips to glance at the ceiling, considering something or other. "Doctor, Adrian worked in radiology. How badly burnt was his body?"

Yuno talks, looking through the notebooks as she speaks. "I'll be honest with you because you've been incredibly patient with us. I'm Yuna, a Private investigator that was given a correspondance about someone here possibly causing trouble. Beyond that, I'm about as in the dark as the rest of these men, here." she'd say, flip-flipping through the pages.

Those boxes were clearly recently moved, given they stood out like a sore thumb. Gabriel answered with "Adrian suffered third degree burns across his entire body, he was alive but died on the way to the hospital, sadly. You however should tell me who you are."

Approaching Gabriel, Sam flashes the cuff-links on his sleeves, revealing the symbol of a clenched fist on it. "Peacekeeper Phisher, The Hand, Haven Branch." He smiles a little. "The Organization is always happy to provide help, and there was word of a golden shadow inflictration. It has the Organization's interest to help out with that." He smiles.

Sam also, naturally, offers a hand for Gabriel to shake.

Yuno mutters something in Japanese, the only english word being 'hand'.

Yuno says "Tch. Can't believe the Hand is taking all the credit. Typical supremacist.""
Gabriel gave Sam's hand a good, firm shake, answering with "Your organization has sway within my borders as well, though my own goals do not align with yours on the topic of preservation and human interaction. And understood.' The last 'understood' was aimed at the group, with the man then following up with "With this out of the way, shall we head to where I believe Laura might be? If I am right, we may not have too much time.""

Fixing for a mistake, there seems to be a repeat as Gabriel gave Sam's hand a good, firm shake, answering with "Your organization has sway within my borders as well, though my own goals do not align with yours on the topic of preservation and human interaction. And understood." The last 'understood' was aimed at the group, with the man then following up with "With this out of the way, shall we head to where I believe Laura might be? If I am right, we may not have too much time."

Yuno stands up, taking a notebook from the box. "Let's."

Toro hooks a thumb at himself. "Aki," he simply introduces himself to Gabriel as, as if that's more than enough to clear things up. "There were, until recently, at least three people working in the radiology department. No one noticed mysteriously marked boxes?" Throwing the man a suspicious look, he follows along with a little sigh. From behind his back, he glances at the rest of the group and shakes his head.

"Yeah- yeah, absolutely." Eric frowns, and nods his head on over at someone very sincerely. "I think we should, sir. I really think we ought to. Best not take forever to catch someone who's- sincerely- up to no good at all."

"Yeah- yeah, absolutely." Eric frowns, and nods his head on over at Gabriel very sincerely. "I think we should, sir. I really think we ought to. Best not take forever to catch someone who's- sincerely- up to no good at all."

Gabriel canted his head and uttered "To you and I, that symbol may signify an opponent. To the average individual, it looks like it might just be a supplier." A rational, almost benign answer.

Yuno motions to the firearm in the box. "Should we take the armor and firearm from here in case we need it?"

Yuno pretends she doesn't have a revolver hidden under her duster. Whoa!

"Uh." Eric casts Sam a glance. "I'm gonna let Sam decide on that one, I'm just- in his shadow, as-per."

Shrugging, Sam taps at the ceramic vest under his jacket. He then reaches into a backpack, and pulls out a glock. "I'm good."

Gabriel raised his shoulders before waving it off "I will make sure it's disposed of properly afterwards. Do not worry, let's head tho the chemistry store room first. Ready to move?"

"Yep." Sam loads the gun, and puts it in a holster inside his jacket, straightening it somewhat.

Yuno nods, leaving the armor behind and moving along, her firearm still hidden. "We shouldn't assume anything until we get there, even if it is obvious now. that's investigative mistake number one."

Toro sniffles. "Best get going."

And off they go.

Mihai gives the group a grouchy look as they walk into his store room.

The chemistry store room is exactly how one would expect: organized, mostly sealed and smelling horribly. Gabriel approaches one of the shelves and appears to start putting some brown bottles in a strange order.

Yuno watches carefully. Unfortunately outside of some passive nerdy YT content videos, she doens't know much of the chemicals here by color, only knowing of one specific brown chemical and looking uneasy at Gabriel. She doens't talk though, in case of anyone else present, and stays near the door.

Bottles got arranged into what looks like some form of hexagon on a shelf, apparently creating some chemical formula as he then taps the center of it. Just like that, a shimmering blue portal swirls around the center and then opens up, revealing a secret passageway that he beckons the group to follow through.

The group then walks through a dusty tunnel before reaching the observation room of what looks like a reaction chamber, hidden away. At the controls appears to be a tall woman dressed from head to toe in a black bodysuit, a submachinegun slung across her hip and long, black hair falling down from her head.

Yuno walks through the portal, immediately getting wobbly and crumbling to the floor, going down to a knee as she shudders. The poor woman as a mundane as it got, and was NOT used to moving through instant-transmission magic. Her breath would be shuddering.

Toro doesn't look all too satisfied with having to traverse a mystery portal, especially not a coloured one produced by an annoyingly nerdy structural arragement of chemical bottles. His nerves are no less alleviated when the other side is revealed to be the observation deck of a radioactive experimentation cell.

Eric fares better, as living with Sam does have some (dubious) perks. The sight of just-about anyone armed with a gun does yet give him pause, and he much prefers to stand aside so others can advance, first.

It wouldn't take a specialist to tell that this woman was with the Golden Shadow given the symbols on her shoulder denoting this. Upon hearing steps behind her, she turned around and leveled her submachinegun, what looked like an MP5 to onlookers, at the group. "Stay back! I am taking the relic and you can't stop me!" She barked out, waving the firearm around at them.

Toro inches his way over behind Sam, presuming he's the one most used to taking a bullet (or a few).

Yuno continues to shudder, mostly crippled under the effects of her own sickness from the portal. She'd meekly look to Sam. It seems the jocks time to shine has arrived. "You're outnumbered Five to One, think rationally!" She'd yell out, that same meek, pitiful tone in her voice, at the agent.

The woman's left eye seems to burst out into a bloodshot manner, yet whatever drugs she's on or training she underwent allows her to keep the firearm leveled forward. "You bitch! I'll-" She called out, ready to squeeze the trigger only to then be met by Gabriel's gaze and his voice saying "Laura, did you have a hand in killing Adrian?"

The question somehow sees the woman turn the firearm on herself, staring down at it while trembling in fear, oddly enough. "You came from Haven, but you're going back to Hell." The calm head lab assistant said and just like that, RATTATATTAT went the submachinegun, drilling several holes through her mouth and into her brain, the dead Laura now dropping to the floor in a dead pile.

"That works." Sam steps back, looking at the dead agent. "I didn't wanna get schmuck on my suit anyway. Thanks." He nods to someone, smirking from ear to ear.

"That works." Sam steps back, looking at the dead agent. "I didn't wanna get schmuck on my suit anyway. Thanks." He nods to gabriel, smirking from ear to ear.

Eric stares at what transpires, at a beat passing before the woman but shoots herself. As she very definitely dies there, bleeds out, all he has to say is a quietly-murmured "Uh, based."

Just like that, Gabriel steps to the console and over the dead corpse, an audible *squish* heard followed by a *slorp* *slorp* as he stepped in brain matter and a bit of blood, apparently fairly concerned with the buttons on it. "Good, they did not have time to tamper with the seal."

Sam says "What's sealed here, Gabriel? "
Yuno eyes widen, like a anime character in a horror show, her lip quivering with an immense amount of fear. She'd sit there, one knee on the ground, duster surrounding her, in utter shock. She might be a detective, but she hasn't seen someone commit 'delteedo' on themselves "W-wh-what..." She'd mutter out, staring in disbelief at Gabriel.

Toro steps out from behind the jock, glancing down at the de-brained agent. He throws a glare at Eric, bumping his side with his elbow. "Eric. Some respect, please," he murmurs back toward the zoomer.

Eric eyes Gabriel again. He eyes the Romanian's halo. He hears Toro's request and amends, out of respect, "Holy Based. And- rest in peace. Yes."

Gabriel turns around for the console and faces the group, answering "A relic from before your time that I am sworn to protect. The corpse of Pavel, which needs to be sealed in a chamber of enriched uranium to prevent their fate altering presence to affect the world around them any further, even after their death." His foot seems to prod the corpse gently with the tip of his boot. "Such a confused soul consumed by greed, but a sinner altogether. Thank you all for uncovering the evidence to convince me that she should meet such an end."

Yuno laughs a bit in disbelief, it's not laughter in joy, mostly in fear and intimidation. Her eyes, wobbling, flick down to the corpse ahead of her some way as she attempts to get to her feet. "Y-you just ma-made her turn her gun on herself." She'd say, walking closer, but clearly, full of dread. "W-we don't even know if she killed... If she killed." she'd stammer.

"Mnh. Fair enough." The words 'enriched uranium' seem sufficient for Sam to find this none of his business to fuck around with. He ticks a nod to someone, and smiles. "I'll send word to the Romania branch, they'll likely come knocking for a quid pro quo some time, yes?" He breathes in and out, smiling at Yuno, almost like he is savoring... something in the air.

"Mnh. Fair enough." The words 'enriched uranium' seem sufficient for Sam to find this none of his business to fuck around with. He ticks a nod to gabriel, and smiles. "I'll send word to the Romania branch, they'll likely come knocking for a quid pro quo some time, yes?" He breathes in and out, smiling at Yuno, almost like he is savoring... something in the air.

Toro winces, feeling physical pain from the word's that'd left Eric's mouth. A groan that's tired even by his standards leaves him, coming from somewhere deep like a death rattle.

Not entirely happy with how things turned out, Toro does poke and prod and rifle through the dead agent's stuff, seeing if there's anything on her that might make the picture a little clearer.

Eric glances aside to watch Yuno for a moment or two, if just because Sam should likely be the one talking about official matters. "Ain't no nice people that powerful. Or.. With the Golden Shadows." He sounds confident, mostly, if still trying a bit to stay above the fact that someone just up and shot themselves. ".. Still. Much better nobody fucks with.. Corpses that get sealed in radioactive shit, fam. That's the stuff of cursed legend, right there."

The mention of the Hand didn't seem to move Gabriel at all, eliciting just a nod from him, yet Yuno's words did, with him saying "I had some doubts, but they were cleared. That chamber remaining sealed is more important than any single life. Were you to try and open it, you would face the same issue."

Toro's search revealed a small PDA-like device with a journal on it, detailing an investigation in finding this secret tunnel and apparently wanting to get rid of Mihai with a fire in the staff room, given how he restricts access to the chemical storage room, which apparently held the portal.

Yuno chokes up as her hand goes to her gun and puts it to her temple, some tears come from her features. The gun falls from her hand and lands on the ground afterward. She goes back down to a knee. She's silent, head down as she breathes and chokes.

Eric does a double take, much more affected by what he sees Yuno do there: "Yuno- HEY! What the fuck- stop that!" The man halfway drops, halfway slides to his knees, if just to slam a hand onto the gun's barrel and keep it from being pointed- anywhere, really.

Toro passes the PDA down the chain, over toward Sam. "This does look to confirm it. I'm starting to doubt the capabilities of the Golden Shadow. To both find their communications intercepted and now this." Toro does his best to rejoin the group without stepping in or touching the bloody mess.

Looking between Yuno and gabriel, then to Eric, Sam nods to Toro as he accept the PDA. "Thank you. I'll toss this up the ladder." He looks around, and tilts his head aside. "All right, I think we've taken enough of Gabriel's time." It's more of a statement, really, as he looks down at Yuno.

Maintaining the rather comfortable and calm demeanor, glancing between the members of the group and narrowing down upon Eric. "I would like to thank you deeply, all of you, for your assistance here. Though I would welcome you to forget about this reaction chamber and its contents. The Hand is aware, though there is an understanding that Pavel's corpse could only cause harm to any kind of goal outside of mass destruction were it to be released. Things do not work as they should around him. Incantations seem to go astray, magic fails to do its effects, shapeshifters go wild, technology fails. Best such a thing remain forever sealed so that his negative impact on the world around is constrained behind that reaction chamber."

Repeating himself, this time in a rather angelic voice and maintaining the rather comfortable and calm demeanor, glancing between the members of the group and narrowing down upon Eric. "I would like to thank you deeply, all of you, for your assistance here. Though I would welcome you to forget about this reaction chamber and its contents. The Hand is aware, though there is an understanding that Pavel's corpse could only cause harm to any kind of goal outside of mass destruction were it to be released. Things do not work as they should around him. Incantations seem to go astray, magic fails to do its effects, shapeshifters go wild, technology fails. Best such a thing remain forever sealed so that his negative impact on the world around is constrained behind that reaction chamber."

Yuno picks up her revolver, silently, still duressed, and places it back into her holster. She keeps her eyes off Gabriel, and Sam for that matter, too. her hair falls miserably in her face as she starts to regain her self control and poise again. her breathing is still rather deep. "We...should leave." she simply says, through hard breathes.

"On it." Sam nods his head, glancing to gabriel. "Mind if I open a Path here? I got places to be." He closes his eyes, putting his hands together as he concentrates.

Toro furrowing his brow, maybe the magnitude of the whole ordeal being lost on him. "I never liked physics," he murmurs. He hooks a thumb toward where the portal is or was, asking, "May we go now? Being this close to a nuclear reactor is making me nervous." He throws a nod toward Yuno, despite the impact the situation's had on her bouncing off of him.

After a quick nod, the man says "You are free to leave, yes." Yet it seems they should stick around for a little bit longer for something outside of what was going on now.