SR Taal
The Wilds and You: A Learning Module
A Mystery Plot
This is a mystery plot that's meant for uncovering the current political climate and overall state of the Wilds, even apart from the society-influenced aspects.
There are many ways by which one can gather information in the Wilds. One is by building rapport with the tribal camp near the Gate. Another is by fishing for gossip in the Freeman, the Wildling tavern close to the Gate. You may also seek out information via sending SRTaal a note to inform me of your alternate methods, and I will adjudicate your action either via a reply note or through on-grid ambient SRing if preferred.
Rumour Mill
Rumours are weeds that grow no matter which side of the gates one is on. Not everybody on Earth is aware of how the rumour mill turns in the Wilds, but those who know where to eavesdrop will surely pick up some choice pieces of gossip and news.
The tavern drunks and mercenaries in the Freeman are saying...
"Word is, the Illarin Empire's on th' move. Could've sworn we'd seen their colours on those scouts. Tried to run after 'em, we did. Followed those bastards 'round the ravine but we lost 'em, ran into a dead end. Sneaky fucks..."
"*hiccup* Y-you can't blame yourself for tha', it's not like you f-failed the contract, my good man! Ha-have anoth- another pint on me. *hic*"
The gossipmongers of the Dvaral'ipala encampment are saying...
"There have been more bandit attacks these days, haven't you noticed? Do you think it is because of that sword?"
"Of course it is because of that sword. But the sword also protects us, yes?"
"... what good sort of protection can it do from inside of a stone?"
Characters joining this plot might be:
+ Wildlings
+ Templars
+ Visitors to the Wilds who are interested in the politics
+ Researchers who wish to glean more lore on the Wilds
Difficulty Level: - Depending on the lore sought out, either extremely easy or immensely challenging.
Awareness: - One does not know about the Wilds if one is not supernaturally aware, unless one is a resident Wildling themself.
Risk Factor: - IC actions lead to IC consequences. Blatant Supernaturals will be treated as they should be. Reckless decisions will lead to appropriate outcomes. I'm extremely strict with this.
Disclaimer: - If you cannot handle IC consequences to your own actions and feel that being antagonized is not something you enjoy, kindly refrain from joining.
Adventure Plots to supplement this Mystery plot and what others are doing to push it forward will come depending on the outcome of the upcoming operations.
Please be informed that if a certain result is not obtained, this storyline will not push through.
by SR Taal

SR Profile: Taal
I'm neither new to Haven nor am I a seasoned expert. I avoid mingling OOC because I'm here to RP and write stories, and I believe that banter is an unnecessary distraction.
Genres: | Horror/Mystery/Comedy/Survival |
Content Rating: | Mature |
Availability | Weekends |
Contact Preferences | OOC Notes |
Logs | Cami's Encounter: No Obamacare |
Storyrunning Style
I greatly enjoy utilizing a character's stats/powers to unlock various secrets in my stories. This is why I prefer having a maximum of four participants in a single plot, so that I can give each one my finetuned attention. My plots usually encourage player characters to work with each other rather than against, because I think that every other aspect of the game already has enough antagonism on the regular.
Because I am twelve, I like giving the occasional NPC a sense of humor. On the other side of the coin, I tend to be quite strict with how the environment would sensibly react to various actions. In other words, thoughtlessness, recklessness, and sloppiness may all beget natural consequences.
Lore Preferences
I'm confident that I do natural environments immensely better than anything science fiction. The wilderness, the open ocean, the more farflung regions that have been overlooked — I am most drawn to these. I'm more of a 'low magic' kind of writer depending on the setting, but I can cha-cha with most anything I'm given.
I also prefer stepping back into the wallpaper and playing with various elements rather than staying stuck within a single NPC. I believe that a scene should feel bigger than just a couple of talking heads, but this also depends on what I'd like to emphasize at the time. I also dislike when players use their SR privileges to glorify their own PC, so you might notice that I will tend to stick to more supporting roles if my own are even in the area at all.
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"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt vel lorem pharetra varius. Mauris eu urna tincidunt."
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"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt vel lorem pharetra varius. Mauris eu urna tincidunt."
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