\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Sly/Blair Bletchley

Blair Bletchley

Name:Blair Bletchley
Affiliation:The Brown Owls
Hometown:Abilene, KS
Major(s):Math & Philosophy

Sometimes it's hard to say whether misanthropy is born from being subjected to abuse, or if it's the misanthropy itself that provokes relentless antagonism. In either case, Blair Bletchley has spent more time than he'll ever admit crammed in lockers; in his home town he was the butt of every joke. He could barely walk down the hallway without being tripped or harassed. Being brilliant, and being surrounded by likeminded people, has been an alien experience for him and he hasn't cared to adjust especially well socially. Blair prefers numbers and logic over people: they're predictable and manipulable in a way that people never have been for him. Since joining the Brown Owls, he's approached the arcane with a forceful insistence on treating it like science, and which has garnered him some small success.

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?