\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Characters/Jett Carson

Jett Carson

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*Portrait + Lyric section*

Intro desc and name

Jett Carson

a pale young man with greasy black curls

Left side of Portrait + Lyric section

“There is always more misery among the lower classes than there is humanity in the higher.”
(Victor Hugo)

Character Info

Gender Male
Birth Date April 13th, 2005
Birth Place Haven, MA
Archetype Unknown
Society The Hand/White Oak
Affiliations Alpha Gamma Omega
Sins Sloth



Can I call you Boo?
Cause you're King of the Ghosts
You're always apt to disappear
When I need you the most.
Like who the fuck are you looking happier than me?
I know it′s all fake anyway but
No one can stop me self-destructing
It′s never too late for some hate, right?
To be the one that sets the world on fire
To make them shake before they speak
To have everything your heart desires
To watch the world beneath my feet.


“Jon Snow bruises so pretty. Good thing too, because he's battered and bruised most of the time - what's going on in this guy's life?” – V

“The absence of a glass slipper does not make me less threatening – but he gets a pass, because he is a wonderful pillow, and suffers deliciously.” – Oatmeal Chai

“You look quite handsome, you know that? You also look like someone beat you senseless.” – Cinnabon

“Don't come crying to me when Little JJ is calling someone else Daddy.” – Baby Mama Drama

“You're quick on your feet for such a sleepy little bastard. Wash your hair.” – Shades

“But have you considered not being evil?” – Bubbles

“Thank you. Seriously.” – Nayida

“You had one job. One.” – Waterlogged V

“Comment.” – Character Name?