\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Family/Paul Reeves

Paul Reeves

Birthdate: January 6th, 1978
Birthplace: Haven, MA
Affiliates: The Reeves?, HSD, The Wilsons?
Occupation: Deputy

Paulie Reeves

If Frank is considered a good man, Paul is the exact opposite. While Paul fulfills his special duties to the HSD, like ensuring the supernatural is kept quiet and out of public eye, that's where his obligation ends. No, Paul does whatever the hell he wants to do. Paul does whatever is best for Paul. With a fondness for women, crude language, hard liquor and harder drugs, it's hard to get along with the man.

Roleplay Hooks
Crooked: Patricia didn't come to Paul with an offer he couldn't refuse, he went to her and, for once in his life, used logic to convince her to hire him on as one of hers. So he keeps an eye on outside law enforcement that's decided to investigate her from out-of-town, and he's muscle on the side.

Scumbag: Paulie's motto is a sordid one. (For the uninformed, it's: "Fuck bitches, get money"). He is sexist, racist, bigoted towards anyone not heterosexual, hates children and is disgusted by old people (he'd never say that to Patricia's face, of course). Paulie's scum. He knows it. He doesn't care.

Police Brutality: Paulie's dark take on what's funny and what isn't sometimes is accompanied by cruel physical violence. While he knows he can't cross too many lines, he certainly toes it, and he takes a sadistic glee in abusing others.

"Come here often, sugartits?" – Paulie Reeves

"You know, at first I wanted to get to know you, to find out about the town, how the deputies operated. Imagine my surprise when I learned so much more about you. You're no different than the Boston PD guys on King's payroll, but at least this time, I'm working to do something about it even if I'm not going to tell Frank about your sorry ass." – Wary Deputy?

"You won't need to remind me, so you can stop licking your lips now." – Coral?

"Yeah, I'm back in town. Going to whip out the handcuffs again?" – Bijou?

"From what I hear about you, you and my old man should go bowling. You'd get along in a sterling manner." – Kit?

"Just because I'm -legal- now doesn't mean I'm braindead. Touch me again and you'll be licking your own balls after I kick them up through your neck, you perv." – Emmett Jane?

"You are the worst kind of sleaze, Paulie. Why do I put up with you again? Was it because you make me laugh?" – Adriana?

"Hope you don't mind, I have added you to my address book." – ?

"He really redefines 'pig' as a slang-term." – Your Favorite Newswriter?

"I don't have friends. I have family. And you're part of said family. And about the closest I think I'll ever get to having a friend. Now what do you say we get wasted and shoot a hobo?" – Benny?

"I hate you." – Little Shit

"Thank you." – Naomi?

"A rather insigficant man. He at least tastes good though." – Demetri?

"I think that might possibly be the nicest thing you've ever said to me, and you had to wait until after I was dead and gone." – Rainebow?

"I believe a man with such a wonderful personality as yours, and I, could be very good friends." – McFly?

"You are, much to my surprise, my type. Merci."– "ZsaZsa"?

"My hero. I owe you one." – Mack the Knife?

"Fuck 'em, right? You're a decent dude." – Bronson?