\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Custom Attacks

Custom Attacks

Syntax: make attack or myattacks create

Used to create a new custom attack for your character with the following

Name: The name given to the custom attack will be the command used. For
example. If the name is stab, the syntax in combat will be: stab (target).
Discipline: The discipline specifies which discipline the custom attack uses.
Special: Special refers to any special effects added. See Also: Special List.
Myself: The message displayed to you when the attack is used.
Target: The message displayed to the target when the attack is used.
Bystanders: The message displayed to everyone else when the attack is used.

Delayed messages are those seen when a delayed attack hits.

Syntax: myattacks list
Will list the name, disc and special effects for saved custom attacks.
Syntax: myattacks info (custom name)
Will show information about the created custom attack.
Syntax: myattacks delete (custom name)
Will delete an already made custom attack.

In addition, you can change parts of an already created attack individually
with the following syntaxes:

myattacks rename (name) (newname)
myattacks discipline (name) (discipline)
myattacks special (name) (special)
myattacks myself (name) (message)
myattacks target (name) (message)
myattacks bystanders (name) (message)
myattacks myselfdelayed (name) (message)
myattacks targetdelayed (name) (message)
myattacks bystandersdelayed (name) (message)

When you want to refer to other people in the strings, you can use the
following keys.

- target's name $n - your name.
- target's him/her $m - your him/her.
- target's his/hers $s - your his/her.
- target's he/she $e - your he/she

In fast combat, your attacks will always have their effect added to the
end, such as 'mildly wounds him' or 'deflects off her armor'. So it is good
to leave the end open-ended when writing the way it looks for the sections
of myself, target, bystanders, etc, by using words like this, that, which,
'the attack', etc.

See Also
