Syntax: Dreamworld Create (name)
-Make a new dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld transfer (name)
-Will transfer ownership of a dreamworld to another character.
Syntax: Dreamworld delete (number)
-Delete a dreamworld you have created.
Syntax: Dreamworld rename (number) (new name)
-Rename your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld description (number)
-Enter an editor to write a description of your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld startingexp (number) (amount)
-Set the amount of exp that will be added to char dreamscape exp for
buying stats.
Syntax: Dreamworld expdebuff (number)
-Divides participants character dream experience by the value provided when calculating available exp.
Syntax: Dreamworld activate/deactive (number)
-Make a dreamworld active or not.
Syntax: Dreamworld doors (number)
-Enters an editor to write a description which can be seen by those in
the nightmare when doors to the world open.
Syntax: Dreamworld statcost (number) (amount)
-Set the cost per stat for your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld statadd (number) (statname)
-Add a new statistic to your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld statremove (number) (statname)
-Delete a stat.
Syntax: Dreamworld statdescribe (number) (statname)
-Enter a description of a stat which shows up when someone uses
Syntax: Dreamworld statoffense (number) (power) (stat name)
-Set a stats offensive power, determining how likely it is to
be successfull in a dreamworld attack.
Syntax: Dreamworld statdefense (number) (power) (stat name)
-Sets a stat defensive power, determining how likely it is to
prevent a successful dreamworld attack.
Syntax: Dreamworld newrole (number) (role name)
-Create a new role in your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld deleterole (number) (role name)
-Delete a role from your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld roledescribe (number) (role name)
-Write a description for a particular role.
Syntax: Dreamworld renamerole (number) (existing role name) (new role name)
-Rename a role.
Syntax: Dreamworld rolecost (number) (cost) (role name)
-Assign a dream exp cost to taking a particular role.
Syntax: Dreamworld roleaddstat (number) (role) (stat)
-Make a stat choosable by the specified role.
Syntax: Dreamworld roleremovestat (number) (role) (stat)
-Make a stat unchoosable by the specified role.
Syntax: Make Room
-Create a new custom room, setting the locationt to dream allows it
to be added to your dreamworld.
Syntax: Myrooms dreamroom (myroom number) (dreamworld number)
-Add or remove a created room to a dreamworld.
Syntax: Myrooms dreamentrance (myroom number) (dreamworld number)
-Set a room as the entrance into your world.
Syntax: Roomlist
-Will show all the rooms you can travel to inside the dreamworld. Rooms
that have exits won't show up except to the owner of the world and will
have to be navigated to through using the exits.
Syntax: Dreamworld addexit (room number to link to) (exit shortcut) (exit name)
-Build a one way exit between two rooms in your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld deleteexit (exit name or shortcut)
-Delete an exit.
Syntax: Dreamworld saferoom
-Make the dream world room you're in safe or unsafe from dream combat.
Dreamworld Creation
Syntax: Dreamworld Create (name)
-Make a new dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld transfer (name)
-Will transfer ownership of a dreamworld to another character.
Syntax: Dreamworld delete (number)
-Delete a dreamworld you have created.
Syntax: Dreamworld rename (number) (new name)
-Rename your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld description (number)
-Enter an editor to write a description of your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld startingexp (number) (amount)
-Set the amount of exp that will be added to char dreamscape exp for
buying stats.
Syntax: Dreamworld expdebuff (number)
-Divides participants character dream experience by the value provided when calculating available exp.
Syntax: Dreamworld activate/deactive (number)
-Make a dreamworld active or not.
Syntax: Dreamworld doors (number)
-Enters an editor to write a description which can be seen by those in
the nightmare when doors to the world open.
Syntax: Dreamworld statcost (number) (amount)
-Set the cost per stat for your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld statadd (number) (statname)
-Add a new statistic to your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld statremove (number) (statname)
-Delete a stat.
Syntax: Dreamworld statdescribe (number) (statname)
-Enter a description of a stat which shows up when someone uses
Syntax: Dreamworld statoffense (number) (power) (stat name)
-Set a stats offensive power, determining how likely it is to
be successfull in a dreamworld attack.
Syntax: Dreamworld statdefense (number) (power) (stat name)
-Sets a stat defensive power, determining how likely it is to
prevent a successful dreamworld attack.
Syntax: Dreamworld newrole (number) (role name)
-Create a new role in your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld deleterole (number) (role name)
-Delete a role from your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld roledescribe (number) (role name)
-Write a description for a particular role.
Syntax: Dreamworld renamerole (number) (existing role name) (new role name)
-Rename a role.
Syntax: Dreamworld rolecost (number) (cost) (role name)
-Assign a dream exp cost to taking a particular role.
Syntax: Dreamworld roleaddstat (number) (role) (stat)
-Make a stat choosable by the specified role.
Syntax: Dreamworld roleremovestat (number) (role) (stat)
-Make a stat unchoosable by the specified role.
Syntax: Make Room
-Create a new custom room, setting the locationt to dream allows it
to be added to your dreamworld.
Syntax: Myrooms dreamroom (myroom number) (dreamworld number)
-Add or remove a created room to a dreamworld.
Syntax: Myrooms dreamentrance (myroom number) (dreamworld number)
-Set a room as the entrance into your world.
Syntax: Roomlist
-Will show all the rooms you can travel to inside the dreamworld. Rooms
that have exits won't show up except to the owner of the world and will
have to be navigated to through using the exits.
Syntax: Dreamworld addexit (room number to link to) (exit shortcut) (exit name)
-Build a one way exit between two rooms in your dreamworld.
Syntax: Dreamworld deleteexit (exit name or shortcut)
-Delete an exit.
Syntax: Dreamworld saferoom
-Make the dream world room you're in safe or unsafe from dream combat.
See Also