\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Haemomancy


Levels: 1, 2

Requirements: Dark Magic 1/2 or Dark Magic 3/4 if also knows Necromancy.

Burstvessel - Target is blinded for one round, left with lingering bloodshot eyes.

SlowHeart - Target can move or attack next round, but not both. *Outside of combat this ability would make someone feel faint and lightheaded.

Declot - Target will take 15% more damage from all non blunt attacks next round.

Level Two

Heartattack - If target has zero defense, they die. *Out of combat can be used to induce a rapid heart beat, and in unsettled individuals, possibly a panic attack.

Bleed - Target takes 10% of their missing defense in damage.

All abilities require a magical focus and all abilities consume your attack for one round.