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Home Page

Welcome to Haven, a small, innocuous New England town near the coast and only a short commute from Boston. Nestled amongst the forests and not far from the coast the town is home to average townies and university students, but attracts its share of campers and boaters.

It also happens to be the weakpoint between worlds, where creatures of myth and folklore creep across. Drawing a large number of supernatural beings, it is protected and fought over by secret societies.

In order to play, connect the telnet client (MUSHclient / CMUD / MUDlet) of your choice to havenrpg.net:3000

Please be mature and responsible.

Any player is free to use or share any intellectual property of this game including lore and gameplay systems in any way they wish, in whole or in part without limits or attribution.(This does not include anything created by a player)

In News

In the early hours at The Succubus Club, Avriel, a young musician and club employee, experiences a series of unsettling supernatural events. His morning begins with an innocent glass shattering next to him, a phenomenon he is accused of causing. Despite protests of his innocence and clarifications that he, in fact, works at the club, he's met with skepticism from the bartender. The situation quickly escalates when Avriel feels an unseen force physically interacting with him - a tight grip on his shoulder followed by an attempt to snatch away his guitar. These incidents lead him into a conversation with Lilia, a waitress, who shares the troubling news of a coworker's disappearance after leaving with a mysterious man. Avriel's attempts to engage with the situation are interrupted by further manipulations from the unseen force, driving him to leave the club and seek solitude in a dark alleyway. The entity, a ghost with fragmented memories and driven nearly insane, compels him to scream out in a desolate shipping container area, where the spirit's presence abruptly leaves him, hinting at a connection to a tragic mystery needing resolution.

Meanwhile, Lauren finds herself tasked with confronting Antonio Garcia, a gambling-addicted, poorly behaved demigod known for his obnoxious advances towards women. Her mission is to reprimand him following his inappropriate behavior towards Order management during a rescue operation from a Syndicate mishap. The confrontation occurs in Rude Dogg’s Smoke Shack, a dreary gambling hub, where Lauren's approach to the problem is as direct as it is forceful. Garcia’s denials and justifications are met with vehement disdain not only from Lauren but also from an unexpected quarter - a gambling bystander who publicly upbraids Garcia for his habitual misconduct. Despite Lauren's clear disgust and threats of severe retribution should Garcia continue his harassment, he remains unchanged, focusing instead on her hostile remarks as flirtation. Lauren's interactions with Garcia expose the deep-rooted issues of entitlement and disrespect prevalent in him, leaving her frustrated and questioning the effectiveness of her intervention.
-Avriel's odd encounter(SRLauren)

Vincent, a posh Brit and new resident of Haven, encounters a weeping girl named Emily on his jog. Emily pleads for his help to find her indoor cat, Max, who has ventured into the nearby woods. Despite his initial reservations and unfamiliarity with the area, Vincent is swayed by Emily's tears and agrees to help search for Max. He takes a bag of treats from Emily, intending to lure the cat back. As Vincent heads into the fog towards the tree line, the scene subtly alludes that this might not be a typical day for him in Haven. Meanwhile, another storyline unfolds with Meridith Walker, who's approached by John Smith, a member of The Golden Shadow, a mysterious organization interested in recruiting her for her exceptional skills and potential. John attempts to entice Meridith with promises of power, wealth, and the opportunity to join their ranks, exploiting the imminent chaos for personal gain. Despite his efforts to charm and coax her into joining, Meridith staunchly refuses, remaining committed to her ideals of fighting for a better world and against those who profit from its misery.

The story concludes with Meridith rebuffing John's offer, emphasizing her desire to make the world a better place, despite recognizing the inherent awfulness in people. John's attempts to recruit her under the guise of facing an undefined catastrophic future are met with skepticism and a refusal to abandon her principles for the seductive lure of power and wealth that The Golden Shadow represents. As John departs with a final note of disappointment, Meridith reiterates her commitment to her "hopeless battle," implying a continued fight against the forces that seek to manipulate and exploit the chaos of the world for their own ends. This confrontation encapsulates the broader themes of personal integrity, the seductive nature of power, and the ongoing battle between those who seek to uphold their ideals versus those who succumb to temptation for personal gain.
-Vincent's odd encounter(SRAlexander)

In the small town of Haven, when a buzz of unusual activity on social media alerts Meridith, a character deeply entrenched in the eerie underbelly of the community, she's drawn towards an unsettling development at the local Institute involving pre-med students and a particular Doctor James Miller. The notifications buzzing on her outdated phone point her towards a viral concern gripping the medical student community – something supernatural is afoot, deeply irony-laden for a community that deals in the empirical and explainable. Upon arriving at the Institute, Meridith discovers that the situation is more dire than she anticipated. Doctor Miller, a specialist in dissociative disorders among adolescents, has become the very subject he used to treat and is now perceived as a patient spewing nonsensical ramblings about the supernatural – a revelation he deems revolutionary but is met with institutional attempts to silence him.

Meridith's confrontation with Dr. Miller unveils a noble but naïve man caught in the throes of a discovery far beyond his comprehension or control. His insistence on the existence of the supernatural, driven by his observations and a distressing conversation with a scared student, pushes Meridith into a precarious position. Instead of enforcing silence through fear or manipulation, she chooses to guide him towards a path where his discoveries could be nurtured but contained within the secretive Order, suggesting a possibility for him to do good without endangering the precarious balance between the known and the unknown worlds. Her decision to protect him rather than suppress his findings comes from a place of empathy, understanding the potential Dr. Miller holds in revolutionizing the understanding of the supernatural. In the end, Meridith's actions, influenced by her connection to the mysterious Order and her own moral compass, suggest a future where Dr. Miller might pursue his groundbreaking work under the protective and watchful eye of those who navigate the fine line between the visible and invisible realms.
-Meridith's odd encounter(SRRachel)

In the cool, moonlit night near Tokyo, the town became a battleground for Autumn, our relentless hero, and the formidable Sapphire Martyr soldiers. The air was filled with the tension of urban warfare, broken only by the sharp twangs of Autumn's bow and the hissing bullets from the soldiers' guns. The mission was clear: intercept a vital asset and secure it back to the extraction point. Autumn, undeterred by the enemy fire, wove through sedans and trailers, her body moving with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior. Her arrows found their marks time and again, damaging trucks and igniting small fires upon the soldiers' gear, embodying the chaos of battle in each spark and flame.

As the night deepened, the combat grew fiercer, with Autumn deflecting shots with her shield, sustaining hits against her worn kevlar vest, yet persistently fighting back with the might of her arrows and the sharp edge of her steel khopesh. The battlefield was a nightmare brought to life, with each enemy soldier fading away into the dark as they were overcome by Autumn's indomitable spirit and unyielding resolve. In a final, breath-taking moment, amidst the embers of conflict and the shadowy veil of victory, Autumn seized the objective. With the asset firmly in her grasp, she bolted towards the extraction spot, leaving behind the echoes of battle and a trail of vanquished foes. The mission's success heralded a significant triumph for the Virtuous Extremists Alliance, marking a pivotal moment of victory amidst the chaos of the night.
-The Sapphire Martyrs's operation in Tokyo, Japan

In the shadowy depths of the caves near Navorost, under the waning gibbous moon's watchful eye, a tale of bravery and cunning unfolds. The night, cold and unforgiving at 50F , sets the stage for a clandestine mission: to intercept a critical artifact and ensure its safe return to the extraction point. The atmosphere is thick with anticipation and the weight of the challenge ahead. Amidst the echoes of the caves, a group known as The Destined Host emerges, a collective of individuals whose destinies have intertwined on this fateful mission. Each step they take is a silent vow to succeed or perish in the attempt.

As the night wears on, the mission spirals into a series of unforeseen trials and confrontations. Yet, against all odds, The Destined Host showcases remarkable resilience and teamwork, demonstrating an uncanny ability to adapt to the challenges thrown their way. Their journey is fraught with peril, from navigating treacherous terrain to outmaneuvering adversaries who lurk in the shadows, coveting the same prize. In the end, it is their unwavering spirit and unity that carve the path to victory. With the artifact securely in their possession, The Destined Host makes its triumphant return to the extraction point as the first light of dawn creeps across the horizon. The mission, deemed impossible by many, has been accomplished, cementing the legacy of The Destined Host as legends in their own time. This victory not only secures the artifact but also sends a resounding message across Navorost: the dawn of The Destined Host has arrived, and with it, a new era of hope.
-The Destined Host's operation in Navorost

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Alexandra Harris

Jack Francis


Caelum Cross

Jodie Moore

Leo Renner

Ryan Harris

Recently Modified

Jack Francis

The Order

Gabriella Savoy


Alexandra Harris

Ryan Harris

Avi Arkwright